Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/170

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S. I. FEB. 26, '98.

If, on the other hand, the connexion of William Basse with two leading Oxfordshire families makes it probable that he was a native either of that county or of Bucks, then he may be identical with William Basse, younger son of William Basse, yeoman, of Seer Green, formerly a chapelry of the parish of Farnham Royal, Bucks. His grandfather, Thomas Basse, of the same place and occu- pation, in his will dated 27 February, 1608, and proved 1 October, 1610 (P. C. C. 85 Wing- field), not only bequeathed him a legacy of " thirtie shillinges lower pence," but added a more substantial proof of his affection :

" Also Item I giue and bequeathe vnto the saved William Basse the sonne of the sayed William One yerelie Annuitye of twentie six shillinges Eighte pence to be payed hym yerelie out of my Leasse of that one Messuage or Tenement wherein one John Kibble nowe dwelleth scituatand beyngin Chalfont S ct Giles in the saied Countie of Buckingham and one of the closes and groundes therunto belonging made sealed and deliuered by me vnto one Raffe woolman for and during the last seaventeene yeres of one and twentie yeres thereby graunted. Item I giue and bequeathe to the saied william Basse the sonne of the sayed William Basse All that mes- suage or tenement with theire and euery of theire appurtennances wherein the saved Raffe woollman dothe nowe inhabite and dwell scituat and beyng in Chalfont Sainct Giles aforesayed in the sayed Countie of Buckingham To haue and to hould the same vnto the sayed William Basse the sonne of the saied William Basse and to his heires and assignes to the only vse and behoofe of the sayed William Basse the sonne his heires and assignes for euer."

The elder brother, Thomas Basse, is similarly provided for ; but William was evidently the favourite grandson. From an entry in the Thame register there seems to have been a Thomas Basse living in the town or neighbourhood. It is also worth noting that the two elder sisters of William Basse, of Seer Green, were named Elizabeth and Jane, the names, it will be seen, of the poet's two daughters. GORDON GOODWIN.


NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. (See 6 th S. xi. xii. ; 7 th and 8 th S. passim.)

Vol. LII.

P. 1 b, line 19. For "bears" read bear.

P. 12 b. Edward Boteler, late Fellow o

Magdalene College, Cambridge, Rector o

Wintringham, printed the sermon which hi

preached at Burton-Stather, 21 Sept., 1658

at the funeral of the Earl of Mulgraye, 8vo

40 leaves, London, 1659 ; reprinted in Wil

ford's 'Memorials,' 1741.

P. 13 b. Sheffield and Tangier. See Roches

er's 'Poems,' 1707, pp. 118, 121; Garth's Poetical Works,' 1775, p. viii.

P. 19 b. Penenden. On p. 5 b "Pennen- en."

P. 21 a. Did "Defensatrix FideiDei Gratia" ver appear on any coin ?

P. 23 b (and often). For "catholic" read Roman Catholic, as on pp. 72 a, 101 a, 122 b, 38 b, 154 b, 169 b, 188 b, 193 b, 220 a, 371 a, 04-5. Surely one can endure persecution or adhering to " the catholic faith " without >eing a Roman Catholic.

Pp. 24-6. Abp. Sheldon was a patron of Samuel Shaw, 'Immanuel,' 1763, p. x; Bp. Patrick's ' Autob.,' 1839, pp. 77, 175 ; Words- worth, 'Eccl. Biog.,' 1818, v. 364; vi. 29. [Werson dedicated to him his ' Command- ments,' 1676. 'Diary of John Shaw,' Surt. >oc., vol. Ixv. p. 154.

P. 25 a. For " Sneltson " read Snelston.

P. 28. George Shelley. De Morgan, ' Arith. Books,' 1847, p. 73.

P. 38 a. There was an issue of Shelley's Works' by Chas. Daly, in a small vol., 1836.

P. 44 a, line 16 from foot. For "Besley" read Beoley, as on p. 23.

P. 49. Shenstone. See ' Mem. of Amos Green,' 1823, pp. 73, 278.

P. 51. Tho. Shephard. Baxter's 'Reform'd Pastor,' 1656, p. 157.

P. 51 a. For " Darly " (bis) read Darley ; for ' Touteville " read Stoutville. See Dugdale's Visit, of Yks.,' Surt. Soc., p. 87.

P. 54. John Shepherd. See Roberts, ' H. More,' iii. 47.

P. 57. Wm. Shepherd. See Masson's ' De Quincey,' 1889, ii. 128, &c.

P. 59. Sir F. Sheppard. Rochester's 'Poems,' 1707, p. 25.

P. 62. John Sheppard. See Roberts, 'H. More,' iv. 171.

P. 72. Sir Ed. Sherburne. Wrangham's 'Zouch,'ii. 143-4.

P. 74. Henry Sherfield. In 1612 Hen. Sherfield and Nich. Duck had a grant of the manor of Carnanton, Cornwall. ' State Pap., Dom.'; Morris Fuller's ' Life of Bp. Davenant,' 1897 ; ' Laud Commem. Vol.,' 1895. P. 78 a. "the Miss Berrys"? Pp. 92-3. Rd. Sherlock. Smith, 'Bibl. Anti-Quak.,' 1872, pp. 394-5.

Pp. 93-5. Bp. Tho. Sherlock. W. Law's 'Works,' 1892, i. 87; viii. 137. Blackwall, ' Sacr. Class.,' 1737, ii., calls him "admirable" and " learned."

P. 93 b, lines 8, 6, 5 from foot. For " as canon of" read in a canonry at. For "but which ... of " read but of which.

P. 94 a, line 27 from foot. Correct press. There was a fourteenth ed. of the ' Trial of