Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/263

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. I. MAR. 26, '98.]



( hildren were born to them after that date, " iz., Robert, born 30 Sept., and baptized 10 Oct., 1706, at Portsmouth; Priscilla, baptized there 28 May, 1708, being doubtless buried at ] 'ortsea, 26 Oct. following, as " an infant child Spiser's"; Luke, baptized 4 March,

1681; and who became Licentiate of the College of Physicians, London, 30 Sept., 1692.

G. E. C.

NAPOLEON'S ATTEMPTED INVASION OF ENG- f8 th S. xii. 481; 9 th S. i. 16, 71).

purposes, I came across Mr. John

, .

18 Jan., 1711/12 ; Aigai an iip, te ate Wilson Croker's review, and have transcribed a nd place of whose Baptisms are unknown gome t fc f th b ' enefit f th d

The mother of these children, Elizabeth

aied 4 Oct., 1721, in the parish of St. Andrew's, Holborn. His will (in which he describes himself as " Luke Spicer, of Kingston, in the island of Portsea, Esquire "), dated 25 July, 1721, was proved 19 Oct. following in the C.P.C. by his daughter Susanna Spicer, spin- ster. In it he mentions his three younger children, Kichard, Abigail, and Philip, as altogether unprovided for. Of these three nothing further is known. The third daughter, Mary, married 28 June, 1724, at Chelsea, James Adams, of New Jenkins, co. Essex (Clerk of the Royal Stables to George II.), who ( died 9 Oct., 1765, in his seventy-eighth year, I and was buried under a handsome monument at Stanford le Hope. In his will (in which he describes himself as "of Mucking, co. Essex, Esquire"), dated 30 Nov., 1761, he mentions Ralph de Lalo Spicer as his wife's

of * N. & Q.' who are removed from public libraries. Croker quotes first from Warden's preface :

" Every fact related in them is true, and the pur- port of every conversation correct. It will not, I trust, be thought necessary for me to say more, and the justice I owe to myself will not allow me to say less."

The reviewer commences :

"Now we are constrained to say that, notwith- standing this pompous asseveration, we shall be able to prove this work is founded in falsehood, and that Mr. Warden's profession of scrupulous accuracy is only the first of many fictions he spread over his pages."

The reviewer goes on to prove that these letters are a tissue of fabrications, and concludes :

We have done with the letters from St. Helena. We have felt it on this occasion necessary to enter into minute and often, we fear, tedious details, because Mr. Warden's pretences and falsehoods, if

1 . i rr , 1 . i 1 1 Jl i 1 rtl -'^^W*-iO^ -LTJ..L. Tf CVl^l^LlO plC-U^llV^C* OilJAJ. O(JL3C;ilV7UU.C5, 11

brother. This is the last that is known of not detected on the spot, and at the moment when

the said Ralph, who would then be fifty-six, the means of detection happen to be at hand, might

and who had in 1730 (being then of Wickham, hereafter tend to deceive other writers, and poison the

I Hants) sold to the said James Adams the sources of history."

i said estate of New Jenkins, in the parishes of ,, , v w - A - HENDERSON.

1 Mucking, Stanford le Hope, and Horndon-on- Dublm '

the " 1 3i 11 'i ca Es T se ^' b e lon g in S formerly to his TOM MATTHEWS, THE CLOWN (9 th S. i. 28,

randrather, John opicer (see pedigree

~~*j ^v^^.,, ., ^w.,, .v ^j^v,^, ^^ , -L^J, _,_ can S ena mm a copy, containing nis lire, 1780, aged about eighty, leaving issue. Her car eer, death, and burial (very rare), if he ister Susanna (unmarried in Oct., 1721) is communicates with me, the author.

^resumed to be the Susanna Spicer, spinster, who married 22 Sept., 1724, at Chelsea afore- said (being then said to be aged twenty -six), Lie. Faculty'), Peter Lefebur, widower. It s possible that the burial, 14 Dec., 1731, also

HENRY C. PORTER. 14, Livingstone Road, West Brighton.

DONNE'S * POEMS/ 1650 (9 th S. i. 29, 255). In reply to my query at this reference I have

it Chelsea, of " Sarah Spicer " may be that of received the following letter which the

he sixth daughter. The burial of Abigail, writer has kindly permitted me to publish

he first wife of the Rev. John Hicks, took from Mr. E. K. Chambers, the editor of

dace at Portsmouth, 15 May, 1675, and that 'The Poems of John Donne' in the "Muses

f one of their children, viz., Abigail, daughter Library." I think it sati

" John and Abigail Hickes," 13 Nov., 1677. doubts which I felt in re

"here is also a baptism there of " Elizabeth, ' fl ' ftT1 ^ fVl ""^ n ^^ -

Ian. of Mr. Ralph Hickes and Elizabeth," the MJ WJJ , w , JWUWi01u . w , U u^^ vwai

1 Kalpn being presumably identical with Sheet Aa=pp. 353 to 368, ends ' Divine Poems,' with

ialph Hicks (brother of the Rev. John Hicks) catchword 'To.' Sheet aa=pp. 369 to 384, and an

ho matriculated at Oxford (Line. Coll.) incomplete sh eet, bb=pp. 385 to 392, follow. "

T he V?f^

. (Jesus Coll., Cambridge), and also end with the catchword < To.' Then com*

it satisfactorily solves the reference to the colla- tion of the 1650 edition : " My copy of the 1650 Donne is made up as follows :