Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/296

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[9 th S. I. APRIL 9, '98.

authority on matters medical ; but its con- ductors would scarcely, I should think, claim to be experts on the subject of early typo- graphy. It would, therefore, be interesting to know what foundation there may be for such a statement. Now Timperley says that " Linacre's Latin version of 'Galenus de Tempera- mantis,' printed by John Siberch in 1521, is given as the earliest dated volume [printed at Cambridge University]. A few Greek words and abbreviations are here and there interspersed in Linacre's book, which is the earliest appearance of Greek metal

types in England Siberch styled himself the

first Greek printer in England ; yet, though there are some Greek letters in his books, there is not one that is wholly in that character, and the types he used in his first work very much resembled Caxton's largest."

Can any of your readers settle this question once for all? K. CLARK.


HAUNTED HOUSES. The following curious advertisement was given in the Sketch a few days ago as having appeared in 1777 :

" Haunted Houses. Whereas there are mansions and castles in England and Wales which for many years have been uninhabited, and are now falling into decay, by their being haunted and visited by evil spirits, or the spirits of those who for unknown reasons are rendered miserable, even in the grave, a gentleman who has made the tour of Europe, of a particular turn of mind, and deeply skilled in the abstruse and sacred science of exorcism, hereby offers his assistance to any owner or proprietor of such premises, and undertakes to render the same free from the visitation of such spirits, be their cause what it may, and render them tenantable and useful to the proprietors. Letters addressed to the Rev. John Jones, No. 30, St. Martin's Lane, duly answered, and interview given if required. N B Rooms rendered habitable in six days. ' Can any one give particulars of this wonder- ful divine ? D. M. K,

"PATRIACH." In some accounts, dated June, 1714, is the following entry: "Paid your subscription to the Patriach, one guinea." What was the Patriach 1 H. S. V.-W.

ARMORIAL. I notice that the Forsters of Etherston and Bamborough, Northumber- land, have two crests : (1) An arm in armour proper, holding a broken tilting spear ; motto "Sta sal do." (2) A roebuck sable, gutte d or, attired gold. What is the translation of ' Sta sal do " ? What is the motto used with the second crest ? CLARENDON.

ORIEL = HALL EOYAL. Is there any founda- tion, other than the imagination of Miss Tytler, the author, for this fanciful ety- mology, which is suggested in her pleasantly written little story 'A Young Oxford Maid '? I have not seen this conjecture among the

various guesses made at the meaning of Oriel. EDWARD H. MARSHALL, M.A.


MRS. JOHN DREW, AMERICAN ACTRESS. This lady is stated to have been an English- woman, and born in 1818. Can any of your correspondents say who she was, and give any details of her career ? SIGMA TAU.

TAPESTRY. Can any reader give me in- formation as to the periods of the makers of tapestry whose names or initials appear on work as "B. B. Van der Hecht" "J. D. Vos B. B.," " J. B. Leeplash," "D. G. v. d. Stucken"? The subjects are principally Biblical and his- torical. I also want to know where the makers worked, and any details of them. References to authorities will be very useful.


ROBERT SMITH. Can any of the Yorkshire readers of ' N. & Q.' give me the birthplace of one Robert Smith, a Yorkshire squire, born in that county in 1727; also of his daughter Mary, born in the same county 26 May, 1 753 ?

M. M. S.

_ " MAGNETISM." The late Russell Lowell, in his essay on Dryden in ' My Study Windows, says :

"I do not think he added a single word to the language, unless, as I suspect, he first used mag- netism in its present sense of moral attraction."

Is the second supposition correct 1 W. B.

WEST WINDOW, NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD. In this famous window, designed by Sir Joshua Reynolds, the figure on the right hand, representing Prudence, holds in her left hand an arrow intertwined with a remora, and in her right hand apparently a mirror. What is the symbolism of the mirror in its relation to Prudence ? G. H. J.

LEVERIAN MUSEUM. I shall be obliged if some reader of ' N. & Q.' having access to a copy of the sale catalogue of the Leverian Museum (1806) will furnish me with the date on which the sale began and ended, and also with the number of " lots."


St. Leonards.

WILLIAM BEADLE. Can any one among the numerous readers of * N. & Q.' give me any information on the following ? Gabriel Throckmorton, of Ellington, Huntingdon- shire, born circa 1584, married, circa 1605, Alice, the daughter and heir of William Beadle, of Bedfordshire. Wanted, informa- tion about the Beadle family. Were they related to the Bedels of Huntingdonshire or