Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/409

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9*8. I. MAY 21, '98.]




CONTENTS. -No. 21.

TBS: Howard MSS. ' Pickwickian Manners,' 401 1 Wearing the breeches," 403" Rime" Beckford Sir W. Jcott, 404 Early Versions of Fables Reed painted to look ike Iron Will Found Burns and Coleridge, 405 Black Sanctus Bell with a Story Army Lists Joan of Arc, 406.

QUERIES : Blistra : Fistral St. Thomas ii Becket Angels Portrait of Queen Charlotte Williamson " Slippet" Pigott, 407 Stradling : Lewis "In order "^Ordered Lancashire Names : Salford Snow Width of Organ Keys Mottoes La Misericordia English Naval Captains- Sir T. Dale Holy Unction St. Alban's Abbey " A chalk on the door," 408 ' Szepe dum Christ! ' Faithorne's Map of London Song Wanted, 409.

REPLIES : Boswell's 'Johnson,' 409 Valentines Rev. J. Hicks, 410 "Scouring" of Land " By Jingo" High- land Dress Hwfa of Wales, 411 Registers of Apprentices Horse and Water-lore Noblemen's Inns, 412 Pattens Poco Mas Fir-cone in Heraldry Branding Prisoners, 413 Heraldic Castles "A myas of ale" Remembrance of Past Joy, 414 Rev. C. B. Gibson Collection of Works on Tobacco Pope and Thomson Oxford Undergraduate Gowns Armorial, 415" Nobody's enemy but his own" Stonyhurst Cricket Source of Quotation, 416" Another 8tory " Todmorden The Glacial Epoch, 417 Goudhurst Acquisition of Surnames Pett Ascetic Houses without Staircases Reference Sought, 418 Napoleon's Attempted Invasion of England Breadalbane ' The Chaldee MS.,' 419.

NOTES ON BOOKS : Burke's 'History of the Landed Gentry ' Flagg's 'Yoga; or. Transformation 'Fisher's ' Cathedral Church of Hereford' Reid's ' Auchterarder ' Walmsley's 'Unclaimed Money' 'A Barrister's Collec- tion of Stories.'

Notices to Correspondents.


THE following notes refer to Appendix, Part VI. of the Fifteenth Report of the His- torical MSS. Commission :

P. xxxiv. For " Deffands " read Deffand.

P. 28. Aselby = Aislabie. See Index, s.v. 'Aislaby.'

P. 204, note |. For " Augusta " read Amelia. Princess Amelia became Ranger of Richmond Park on the death of Lord Orford in 1751. See Horace Walpole, ' Memoirs of George II.'; also 'Annual Register,' 1758.

P. 211. Count Gisour=Comte de Gisors, eldest son of Marechal de Belleisle, killed at the battle of Crevelt in 1758.

P. 217. For " you " read your.

P. 229. For " Varcy " read Varey. (See pp. 268 and 431.)

P. 236. Menil = Meynell (probably).

P. 242. For "Stoneheir" read Stonehewer (Secretary to the Duke of Grafton).

P. 270. For " Delapri " read Delapre.

P. 271, note t. The name is certainly Mie Mie. See Horace Walpole's ' Letters ' (Cun- ningham's ed.), where it is variously spelt as follows: "Mie Mie," vol. vi. p. 259; "La Mimie," vol. vii. p. 262; "Mirny," vol. vii. p. 395.

P. 284. For " Harry " read Horry.

P. 293. For "Misley" read Mistley (R. Rigby's country seat).

P. 293. For " Mr. du Deffand " read Me. du Deffand.

P. 296. For "Coutz" read Conty. (See pp. 277 and 300.)

P. 388. For " Nastasket" read Nantucket.

P. 423. Barone servante = Barone servente, not " Baron's servante," as suggested in note.

P. 483. "March reasonable length." This

paragraph cannot form part of a letter writ- ten in 1781, as the Earl of March succeeded to the Queensberry title in 1778.

P. 493. For "dawdle" read dandle.

P. 509. For "Medee" read Medee.

Pp. 523 and 527. For "Rayley " read Ragley.

P. 564. Caxin is a particular sort of wig ; otherwise spelt caxon. See * Historical Eng- lish Dictionary.'

P. 568. It appears impossible that this letter should belong to January, 1782, as Lady Hertford did not die till November in that year (10 Nov., see ' Complete Peerage '). The exact date, therefore, of the letter would be 11 Nov., as it was written on the day fol- lowing Lady Hertford's death. Lady Hert- ford is again alluded to as living on pp. 589 and 598.

P. 604. For " The Duchess can be admitted at Court " read The Duchess cannot, &c. Pro- bably Selwyn's omission.

P. 649, note t. Not Lady Anne Vernon- Harcourt, but Lady Anne Howard, sister of the Earl of Carlisle. She was Lady in Wait- ing to the Princess Amelia, who left her 5,OOOZ. by her will. (See p. 650.)


Dorney Wood, Burnham, Bucks.

' PICKWICKIAN MANNERS AND CUSTOMS.' UNDER this title Mr. Percy Fitzgerald has sent forth a supplement to his 'History of Pickwick,' thus proving that his interest in this "special" subject has abated nothing. The following may show that here, as in the \ History' (see 8 th S. xi. 341), there is much inaccuracy.

P. 10. "Hocussing of voters" may pass, though it was not the voters who were hocussed. Cricket dinners still furnish sur- prising results, in spite of Mr. Fitzgerald's optimism.

P. 12. "Gone, too, is half-price at the theatres." Surely not. In many theatres and music-halls the custom is still common. The Queer Client did not live in Clifford's Inn; he was an inmate of the Marshalsea. It is difficult to think how a mistake of this kind could arise, Clifford's Inn is not men-