Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/416

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[9 th S. I. MAY 21, '98.

STRADLING: LEWIS. Can any of your correspondents kindly elicit the following? A Lambrook Stradling, of Roath, Glamorgan- shire, had a daughter married to a William Price Lewis or William Lewis, and they had three sons Enoch, Ambrose, and Larnbrook Lewis born about 1700, I should say within a few miles of Cardiff. Any information would be acceptable. GLANIS.


^ORDERED. One sometimes the ex-

hears in London restaurants, &c., the ex- pression " It 's in order, sir," in reply to com- plaint about delay in serving what has been ordered. It implies that the order is being attended to. To what date does the phrase go back 1 Is it grammatically in order ?


LANCASHIRE NAMES : SALFORD. Salford is the name of a street in the town of Burnley, close to the river Brun, and in Clitheroe and Blackburn of roads or streets, near Mearley Brook and the river Blackwater respectively ; and the town of Salford, on the Irwell, gives its name to the hundred. What is the deriva- tion of the word ? It does not occur in * Words and Places.' HENRY TAYLOR.

Birklands, Southport.

P.S. There is a Salford Terrace close to the river Medway in the town of Tonbridge.

SNOW OF HENDON. Can any one give me the names of the father, mother, and wife of Robert Snow, of Hendon, Middlesex ? S.

52, Holbein House, Sloane Square, S.W.

WIDTH OF ORGAN AND PIANOFORTE KEYS. I find there are twenty-six keys to twenty-four inches, or about 0*923 in. breadth of one key. How long has this been established? Is it conformed to any standard inch or foot ? I know of none that is easily conformable. The old Niirnberg inch ( = 0*9261 English inch) is near. T. WILSON.


MOTTOES. I have lately come across the motto with the armorial bearings of Wise- man as "Sapit qui Deo sapit." lam acquainted with the motto to that name as " Sapit qui Deum sapit." Will any of your readers kindly give me their opinions as to the reason of the dative or ablative case in the former instance ?

F. L.

LA MISERICORDIA : RULE OF LIFE OF THE THIRD ORDER OF FRANCISCANS. Can any of the readers of ' N. & Q.' kindly tell me if there is any book in which I can find an account of the Misericordia, a guild in one of the Italian towns, which went about in disguise

and buried the dead, besides performing other acts of mercy ; also where I could find an account of the rule of life kept by the Third Order of Franciscans ? E. B. L.

Chemulpo, Corea.

ENGLISH NAVAL CAPTAINS. Is there an easily accessible list of the English naval captains engaged in the war of the Spanish succession of Queen Anne's reign 1

(Rev.) T. C. DALE.

182, Lewes Road, Brighton.

SIR THOMAS DALE. Can any one give me information as to the parentage or descend- ants of Sir Thomas Dale (died 1619), whose life is given in vol. xiii. of the ' Dictionary of National Biography ' ? Was he related to Dr. Valentine Dale (died 1589), Queen Elizabeth's ambassador? (Rev.) T. C. DALE.

182, Lewes Road, Brighton.

HOLY UNCTION. Are there any references in the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the use of the curative practice enjoined in James v. 14, 15 ? Was the passage understood to apply to bodily infirmities ; and is there any evidence outside the New Testament that united prayer, plus anointing, was found to be remedial ?


ST. ALBAN'S ABBEY. I should be much obliged if the following two difficulties could be explained in your paper :

1. In the twelfth century the abbey of St. Albans was in the diocese of Lincoln. See 'Annales Monastici,' ii. 215, where St. Alban's Abbey is dedicated by the Bishop of Lincoln. See, too, ' Flores Historiarum,' ii. 76, where the quarrel between Lincoln and St. Albans is settled, and 'Gesta Ab- batum Mon. S. Albani,' iii. 473, where St. Albans is said in A.D. 1399, by the Bishop of Lincoln, to be "in nostra_ diocesi," though exempt from his jurisdiction. And yet in the ' Valor Ecclesiasticus ' of Henry VIII. St. Albans, with the district round it, is placed in the diocese of Lincoln. When was the change made ?

2. St. Albans is said by William of Malmes- bury to be in Bedfordshire, "Pagus Bede- fordensis continet abbatiam Sancti Albani" (' Gest. Reg.,' i. 316) ; but in ' Flores His- toriarum,' i. 400, St. Alban's Abbey is said to collect all the Romescot in Hertfordshire, "in qua sita est ecclesia ssepedicta." When were the boundaries of Bedfordshire and Hertford- shire changed ? GEOFFRY HILL.

"A CHALK ON THE DOOR." In Sheffield I have often heard people say, "I've put a chalk on his door," meaning "I'll have