Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/515

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9 th S. I. JUNE 25, '98.]



Pouleson, alderman, the said John Baxter, Thomas Brampton, and other men the 5th day of August in ye yr of our Lord 1532 in the 24th yr of K. H. 8. John Powis, Mayor, and My Lord of Norwich, Rich d Pykk [NykkJ, then bishop, did visit the same time ...... The said John bishop [of Ledence] was

then suffragan to my Lord West bishop of Ely."

In a note Richards says :

"This is the only mention we have met with of Saint Julian's Horn, the history of which no doubt would be very amusing if it could be recovered."

Is it possible that later researches have thrown any light on this curious reference 1 JAMES HOOPER. Norwich.

WE must request correspondents desiring infor- mation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be addressed to them direct.


We shall be glad of quotations for this phrase, and especially for such as show its original use, when a certain question was said to be " not within the horizon of practical politics."

J. A. H. MURRAY. Oxford.

" DRANGUT." This is said to be a word in use in East Devon for a narrow passage, commonly called "a drang-way " in the south- west of England. I should be glad to hear whether any of your readers can testify that the word " drangut " is in living use.



BENJAMIN THORPE (1782 ?-1870), ANGLO- SAXON SCHOLAR. Beyond a brief mention of Thorpe's death in the Athenaeum^ and what may be gleaned from the prefaces to his works and editions, I am unable to discover materials for a biographical memoir. He appears to have studied under Rask at Copen- hagen, to have returned to England in 1830, and latterly, at least, to have resided at Chiswick. I should be grateful for any reference or clue as to his parentage, birth- place, or any biographical details.


15, Waterloo Place, S.W.

' THE ADVENTURER.' In how many volumes was the 1788 reprint of ' The Adventurer ' ? P. J. F. GANTILLON.

[We trace no edition of 1788. None such is in the British Museum or in any catalogue or biblio- graphy to which we have access. An edition of 1778 is in four volumes. All editions of which we know are in three or four volumes.]

PASSAGE IN DICKENS. Can any of your readers tell me where Charles Dickens made use of the following words ?

" I have seen a country upon earth where darkness sets upon the living waters, and where misery and toil and death are the hard portion of her sons and daughters, and where those who should have opened the book of life to all men's finding squabbled for words upon the altar floor and rent the book in struggles for the binding."

These lines were stated by the late Mr. Mundella to be Charles Dickens's.



That sayd, her round about she from her turnd, She turned her contrary to the sunne ;

Thrice she her turnd contrary and returnd All contrary ; for she the right did shunne.

Quoted as from ' The Faerie Queene ' in Longmuir's edition of Jamieson's 'Scottish Diet.,' 1867, 8.v. 'Withershins.'

A. SMYTHE PALMER. South Woodford.

HERESY AND BEER. "I know not how it happened (as he merrily saith) that herisie & beere came hopping into England both in a yeere" (Buttes, ' Dyets drie Dinner,' sig. G iv.). Who was the merry wit to whom Buttes refers? Surely he should not be allowed to remain anonymous. Q. V.

GRAZZINI'S 'SECONDA CENA.' I should be much obliged for information as to the date of a copy in my possession of a well-known work, ' La Seconda Cena ' of Anton Francesco Grazzini, detto II Lasca. Its title-page states that it was printed " In Stambul, Dall' Egira 122. Appresso Ibrahim Achmet, Stampatore del Divano, con [approvazione e] privilegio della Formidabile Porta Ottomana." Ibrahim Achmet was the publisher as well as the printer of the book, which is a rather square 8vo. of 220 pages, well printed in italics, and dedicated "All' Illustriss: Sig: Gio- vanni Bouverye, Cavaliere Inglesi." In his dedication to this gentleman Ibrahim Achmet mentions that he obtained the manuscript of the 'Seconda Cena' during his travels in Tuscany, where they had become acquainted, and he begs his patron "a condonarmi tutti quelli errori, che in tale edizione ella ritro- vera."

I think it probable that " 122 Dall' Egira " on the title-page may be a conventional way, known to more experienced book collectors than myself, of expressing a date some nine hundred years later than 122 Hij.; but the fact that the publisher refers to Grazzini in his dedication as " uno di piu alacri e vividi ingegni che in Firenze norissero nel XV.