Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/536

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1898.

Charme, its meaning, 287

Charming Nancy, regulations on board, 54, 89

Chateaubriand (F. JR., Vicomte de), his "lair" in

Westminster Abbey, 227 Chatham (William Pitt, first Earl of), his death, 305,

376 Chaucer (Geoffrey), possible Gloucestershire origin,

189, 331

Chavasse on Pye family, 388 Chelsea, its etymology, 264 Cheltenham, its etymology, 245, 396, 509 Chemistry, its knowledge acquired by teaching, 228 Chesham, its etymology, 245, 396, 509 Chester apprenticeships, 216 Chi-ike, its etymology, 425 Child (J.) on Sir Josiah Child, 277 Child (Sir Josiah), his brothers and daughter, 207, 277 Children, illustrated works for, 109, 137 Chimney money, 68 Chiswick, its etymology, 245, 396, 509 Choriasmus, error for chiasmus, 305, 390 Christ (Jesus), Sulpicius Severus on his birth, 5, 174;

his portraits, 107, 234

Christ's half dole, customary offering, 129, 349 Christening new vessels with wine, 269, 317, 373 Christian names : Hamish, 386, 437; Erica, 446 ; brothers bearing same, 446; in old charters and grants, 461

Chronology, Jewish and Christian, 172 Chronology, monkish, era in, 10, 92, 231 Church of Scotland and burning bush. 174 Church goods, inventories of, 368, 437 Church tradition, 428

Churches, dedicated to St. Aidan, 48 ; authorities on their dedication, 48, 257 ; hatchments in, 55 ; low side windows in, 186, 392, 493 ; dedicated to St. Paul before A.D. 600, 488 Churches, ancient, their dedication, 208, 337 Churches, country, daily service in, 136 Clagett (Nicholas), Bishop of St. David's and Exeter,


Clarendon on heraldic query, 288 Claret and vin-de-grave, 52

Clark (C. E.) on great events from little causes, 355 "In order " = ordered, 458 Washington family, 467 Clark (R.) on early Greek type, 287 Clarke (C.) on co-opt and co-option, 388 Harney (G. J.), 157 Joan of Arc, 406 Novels with same names, 332

Clarke (W.), his projected work on natural history, 63 Claypool (E. A.) on Breadalbane family, 147 Clayton (E. G.) on lynch laws, 298

Painting from the nude, 233

Cleiton '(Jasper), " civitati Londini prsefectus," 428 Clements (H. J. B.) on Bonaparte's threatened in- vasion of England, 72 Irish assize courts, ] 57 Mendoza family, 432 Clio on Henry Hunt, M.P., 308 Clockmaker, Parisian, 368 Clogs and pattens, 44, 336, 413, 471 Clough family, 28, 132 Coffin (John), his will found by a fisherman, 405

Coins, two small copper, 288, 394 ; Halifax shilling,

514 ; Blandford farthing, ib. Col y Flor on " Textile," 8

Cold Harbour, its derivation, 17, 50, 73, 373, 457 Coleman (E. H.) on Augmentation Office, 457

Berkshire towns, their arms, 353

Bunker's Hill, 450

Charitable Corporation, 334

Child (Sir Josiah), 278

Church goods, inventories of, 437

Clough family, 132

" Counterfeits and trinkets," 16

Dawkum, its meaning, 435

Dewsiers, its meaning, 493

Douce (Francis), 158

Eaton (Theophilus), 394

Events, great, from little causes, 356

Faithorne (W.), his map of London, 491

Foot's Cray, its derivation, 338

French prisoners of war, 212

Gloves at fairs, 375

Guildhall Chapel registers, 274

Hammersley's Bank, 257

" Hoity toity," 135

Holford (Dame Elizabeth), 372

Implement, domestic, 489

Johnson (Elizabeth), 237

Kentish Men, 170

Kids children, 57

Lair and lairage, 133

Leverian Museum, 358

Mantegna (Andrea), 333

Mazarin family, 14

Moon, its gender, 54

Musical instruments, 457

New Year's Day superstitions, 250

Newton (Sir Isaac), 53

Oath of allegiance, 216

Opposition, " Her Majesty's," 312

" Play old gooseberry," 293

Porter's lodge, 112

Probationers, Scotch, 177

Psalter, French, 492

' Buckingham, ' 272

Kogers (Woodes), 158

Bye House Plot, 212

St. Viars, imaginary saint, 514

Sculptors, queries about, 272

' Secret History of the Court,' 331

Shakspeare First Folio, 71

Stationer, his early trade, 293

Steam navigation, early, 187

Stevens (R. J. S.), 16

Stewkley Church, Bucks, 58

Stripper, its meaning, 471

Supporters, 36

Tapestry, its maker*, 372

Valentines, early, 410

' Veni, Creator,' 497

Wade (General), 209

Weaver (John), dancing master, 515

Yeth-houuds, 295

Yorkshire murder, 14

Coleridge (Hartley), " You must know her," &c. 3 385