Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/539

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1898.



Era in monkish chronology, 10, 92, 231

Erica, Christian name, 446

"Esprit d'escalier," source of the phrase, 267

Essington on London registers of apprentices, 412

Etchings of Rembrandt's 'Christ healim* the Sick,'

117 Etheredge (Sir George), his diplomatic posts and plays,


Eucharist eaten by mice, 274 Evans (G. E.) on Rev. John B. Smith, 248 Evans (Mary Ann). See George Eliot. Events, great, from little causes, 209, 355, 476 Everitt (A. T.) on Rev. John Hicks, 35 Eyre family and St. John's Wood, 29 Eyre surname, 26

Eyre (Sir Giles), of Brickwood, his portrait, 47, 293 Eyre (Thomas), of Helmdon, Nortbants, 8, 237

F F. OH collection of works on tobacco, 302

Todmorden, its etymology, 21 F. (E. L.) on Payn family, 108 F. (J. T.) on institutions to benefices, 175

Bibliography, 212

Lair and lairage, 133

Measures, mediaeval, 9

Sheepskins, 517

Through-stone, its etymology, 10 F. (S. J. A.) on Grub Street, 312

Houses without staircases, 210

Morris (Capt.), 327

" Yet I 'd rather have a guinea," 195 F. (W.) on Galfridus Wibern, 167 Fables, early versions of popular, 84, 316, 405 Fairs, gloves at, 188, 375, 492 Faithorne (William), his map of London, 409, 491,


Farquhar (George), his 'Recruiting Officer,' 241 Farrer (W.) on " ScaKnga " in chartularies, 107 Fauna, Australian, 383 Fawcett (J. F. M.) on French Peerage, 16 Fawcett (J. W.) on Rev. Richard Johnson, 207 Featherstone family, 1 8 Fell (E.) on the Alabama, 28 Fengate on Seers family, 309 Fenton on derivation of elephant, 335 Feret (C. J.) on biographical queries, 9 Ferguson (D.) on anaconda, 184

Cross v. kris, 85, 458

Elephant, Latin epitaph on, 228

Gayer (Sir John), 226

Hamilton (Capt. Alexander), 286

Hamish, the name. 386

Kerruish, Manx name, 87

Nicks (John), 244

Portuguese boat voyage, 453

Punch, the beverage, 431

" Random of a shot," 142 Fergusson (Robert), his death, 186 Ferribosco (Col. Henry) in Jamaica, 95, 212, 293, 377 Fesswick family, 367

Ff. (M. W. B.) on painting of Bonaparte's head, 88 Field (Maria Letitia), her death, 107 Fielding (Henry), 'Tom Jones' in France, 147, 175 ; his house at Canterbury, 168

Fife on Adelaide Procter, 48

Finlegh (Prince), nephew of Macbeth, 111

Fir-cone in heraldry, 207, 330, 413

Fire, wind from, 56

Firearms, rifled and wreathed, 146, 377

Fireplace inscription, 69, 273

Fish, books on determination of species, 329

Fishing terms, 89, 172

Fish wick (H.) on Rev. John Lewis, 208

Todmorden, its etymology, 114 Fistral, old Cornish name, 407 FitzGerald (Edward), his 'Euphranor,' 302 Fitzgerald (J.) on 'The Colleen Bawn,' 368 Fitzgerald (Percy), his ' Pickwickian Manners and

Customs,' 401

FitzRoger on a fireplace inscription, 69 FitzStephen (Robert), his descendants, 268 Fives = mixed ales, 132 Flatman (Thomas), his biography, 246 Fleet Bridge and the Fleet, 49 Fleming (J. B.) on besom, 117

Bookbinding question, 73, 235

" Dressed up to the nines," 57

Indexing queries, 474

IScotch, origin of the word, 476

Tirling pins, 237

Whiffing, fishing term, 89

Fleming (W. H.) on Shakspeare First Folio, 70 Fletcher (W. G. D.) on John Weaver, 448 Flodden, King's stone at, 488 Flora, Australian, 383 Florio (John) and Bacon, 328

Floyd (W. C. L.) on Wren and Ridout families, 153 Fly-leaf inscriptions, minatory, 86, 166, 366, 512

Folk-lore :

Building customs, 72, 170

Butter charm, 36

Candles, thieves', 52

Drowned bodies recovered, 465

Geese as emblems of constancy, 365

Horse and water-lore, 188, 412

New Year's Day, 87, 249, 351

Palm Sunday wind, 17

Suicide, French, 488

Trees and the external soul, 37, 177

Vampires, Italian precautions against, 205

Yeth-hounds, 89, 295 Fond, its old and modern meanings, 365 Font, its singular discovery, 383 "Fool's plough," its meaning, 348 Foot measure, its length, 388, 496 Foot's Cray, its derivation, 169, 338, 474 Ford (C. L.) on an anecdote, 512

Coleridge (Hartley), 385

English grammar, 433

' In Memoriam,' liv., 110

Macaulay (Lord), his ' Ivry,' 306

Misericordia : Franciscans, 456

Penn (William), 50

Philip II. of Spain, 74

Porter's lodge, 112

Shakspeariana, 422 Foreign languages, their study, 261. Foster (Lady Elizabeth), her biography, 25, 88, 156. 194,