Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/543

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1808.



Hoyle (W. D.) on Duckworth family, 228 Hugh de Wareham. See Hugh fitz Grip. Hugh fitz Grip and the Martels, 221, 475 Hughes (P. C.) on Chester apprenticeships, 216

Visitation lists, 297

Hugo (Victor) quoted in Zola's ' Paris,' 248 Huguenot cruelties, 108, 197 Hull, municipal " lights " at, 65 Hulton (S. F.) on Chancellor of England, 488 Hunt (C. H.) on Bootle in Cumberland, 206 Hunt (Henry), M.P., engraving of his ' Eecantation

308, 453

Huntley (T.) on " on " or " upon " in place-names, 29 Hurry-carry. See Harry-carry. Hussey (A.) on Apulderfield family, 147

Lynch (Sir Thomas), 7

Nelson (Rev. Nathaniel), 467

Vallavine (Rev. Peter), 447 Hutten and Htitter families and arms, 313, 415 Hutton (S. F.) on style of archbishops, 389 Hwfa family of Wales, 289, 411 Hyde family, 429, 515

Hymnology: Duncan Hume's hymn-book, 308 "Nearer, my God, to Thee," 363; ' Stepe duin Christi,' 409 ; ' Veni, Creator,' 449, 497

Ibbetson (D.), his portrait of Bonaparte, 88, 214

Implement, old domestic, 367, 489

Incarnation, era in monkish chronology, 10, 92, 231

Incus on Alton Towers sale, 468

Indexing queries, 45, 237, 474

India on Indian magic, 88

Indian magic, 88, 153

Industries, declining English, 105

Ingelow (Jean), novel by, 14, 498

Inglis (Charles) and Thomas Paine, 465

Inman (C.) on Sepoy Mutiny, 313

Inns, noblemen's, in towns, 327, 412

Inquirer on dictionary of English proverbs, 487

Eyre (Sir Giles). 47

Hongkong and Kiao-Chou, 348

Pekin and Nankin, 448

Inquisition, records at Trinity College, Dublin, 509 Inscription, fireplace, 69, 273

Iredale (A.) on Ibbetson's portrait of Bonaparte, 214 Ireland (Samuel), of Prince's Street, Middlesex, 387,


Irish assize courts, green table in, 156 Irish troops at first Crusade, 145 -Ish, verbs ending in, 86, 136, 315, 355, 516 Ita Tester on William Baffin, 346

Banister (Sir William), 304

Brome (Alexander), 324

Cateley (Ann), 214

Flatman (Thomas), 246 Italian translator of Tennyson, 503

J. (F. A.) on John Johnston of Stapleton, 343 J. (G. H.) on saying of Jesuit divine, 308

Oxford, west window at New College, 288 J. (W. C.) on Augustine Skottowe, 91 James I. and the preachers, 321, 433 James (Major Charles 1 ), his biography, 106

Japan, tattooing in, 368

Jarnac on ' Rockingham,' 187

Jarratt (F.) on Cambridge Senior Wranglers, 505

Pattens worn by women, 336 Jeakes (T. J.) on " Hernsue," 477 Implement, domestic, 489 Shak spear iana, 83 " Who stole the donkey ?" 496 Jeanne de France, her portrait, 349 Jenkins (R.) on sand-paper, 18 Jerram (C. S.) on 'Bailiff's Daughter of Islington,'


Jervis (Sir Humphrey), Lord Mayor of Dublin, 31 Jesuit divine, saying attributed to, 308 Jews covering at grace, 226 Jingo : "By Jingo," 227, 276, 350, 411 "Jiv, jiv, koorllka," Russian game, 126, 316 Joan of Arc, and an exploded tradition, 406 ; monu- ment erected at Orleans, 1458, 441, 462 John Canoe, its meaning, 426 Johnson (Elizabeth), her parents, 68, 237 Johnson (Rev. Richard), B.A., first clergyman in

Australia, 207, 272, 278

Johnson (Dr. Samuel), his portrait by Zoffany, 186 ; monumental inscription in Boswell's 'Life,' 385, 409, 452 ; his residence in Bolt Court, 506 Johnston (F. A.) on Chambers's ' Index of Next of

Kin,' 268

Johnstone (Robert), of Wamphray, 76 Johnston (John), of Stapleton, his biography, 343 Johnstone (Robert), of Wamphray, his biography and

family, 11, 75 Jonas (A. C.) on Robert Johnstone of Wamphray,


Mead : Welsh ale, 265 Stow (John), his 'Survey,' 50 Sulpicius Severus and birth of Christ, 174 Jonas (M.) on Giraldo Cinthio, 147 Printers' marks, 504 Shakspearian books, early, 225 Jones (Ernest), Chartist, his wife and biography, 31 Jonkanoo, its meaning, 426 Jonson (Ben), and Shakspeave, 341 ; his portrait with

motto, 348 Josselyn (J. H.) on Wasshebrooke or Great Belstead,


Joy, past, its remembrance, 123, 251, 414, 493 Judge family of Somersetshire, 348 Judges, their longevity, 22 Judith, stepmother of King Alfred, 301


C on ' Buondelmonti's Bride,' 489

Gray (Sibyl), 508

King's stone at Hodden, 488

Raikes (Robert), 249 vantius on Admiral Blake's sisters, 285 eats (John), his classical training, 45; "To see

those eyes," &c., 169, 271, 332 een (G. B.) on William Penn, 298 ieg-meg, its meaning, 248, 357 Celso (Capt.) on a passage in Dickens, 507 temeys-Tynte (St. D.) on an engraving, 468

Goudhurst, in Kent, 473 Cemp family of Essex, 1 70