Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/545

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Notes and Queries, July 23, 1808.



Lynn ( W. T.) on Brewster's ' Life of Newton,' 43, 153 Buckingham (Benry Stafford, Duke of), 364 Charles III. of Spain, 346 Chatham (Earl of), his death, 305 " Down to the ground," 291 Earth, inclination of its axis, 224, 335, 457 Ooudhurst, Kent, 154 Inglis (Charles) and Thomas Paine, 465 Samson and Sampson, 467 Saturn, its satellites, 186 Shakspeariana, 284

Sulpicius Severus and birth of Christ, 5 Suns, Milton's reference to, 84 Zephyr, its meanings, 326

Lyttelton (Lord), his and Mr. Gladstone's 'Trans- lations,' 481

M M. on Raoul Hesdin, 348

Me'ricourt (The"roigne de) and Marat, 206 M.A.Oxon. on Thomas a Becket, 407 Childs (Joseph), 207 Ireland (Samuel), 387 Registering births and deaths, 131 Slaughter i'amily, 434 M.P. and Parliament man, 26 M. (A. T.) on " Buried, a stranger," 207

Minister of the Word of God, 228 M. (<J.) on Rev. Richard Johnson, 272 M. (C. C.) on wind from fire, 56 M. (G. H.) on Martel family, 475 M. (G. W.) on Boulter surname, 392 M. (H. E.) on great events from little causes, 356 Gipsy funeral, 304 Hand of glory, 52

Hogarth (W.), his ' March to Finchley,' 244 ' Jiv, jiv, koorilka," 126 Lady Day and Russian cage-birdc, 423 Lin wood (Miss), her picture galleries, 314 Nursery lore, 267 " Parrot-like," 443 Signboard, curious, 166 Tea grown in Russia, 486 " Who stole the donkey ? " 395 M. (H. J.) on 'Flora Domestica,' 425

'Sylvan Sketches, '425 M. (J. B.) on Rev. Lockhart Gordon, 348 M. (N.) on oath of allegiance, 168 M. (R. H.) on painting from the nude, 233 M. (T. H.) on Key family motto, 46 M. (W. P.) on lynch laws in modern use, 116

Sheepskins, their names, 349 MacAlister (J. Y. W.) on Shakspeariana, 283 Macaulay (T. B., Lord), " Coligni's hoarv hair : ' in

' Ivry,' 306

Mackinlay (J. M.) on trees and the external soul, 177 MacLehose surname, 187

McLennan's ' Kinship in Ancient Greece,' 167, 217 McLintock (Robert), his biography, 449 McM. (M.) on Lady Elizabeth Foster, 25 MacMichael (J. H.) on " Broaching the admiral," 271 Bull-doze, 376 Key, golden, 98, 314 "Man loaded with Mischief," 353 Tortoiseshell ware, 14 Macray (W. D.) on duels in Waverley Novels, 330

MacRitchie (D.) on short a v. Italian a, 430

Me: fear (J. S.)on Birkie and Beggar-my-neighbour, 468

Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd and the discovery of

America, 447 Magic, Indian, 88, 153 Maginn (Dr. William) and ' Blackwood's Magazine,'

122, 212

Magnetism=: moral attraction, 288 Maiden (A. R.) on St. Kevin and the goose, 518 Malet (H.) on bell with a story, 406

Letters, Old English, 212 Mallett family, 31

" Man loaded with Mischief," 269, 353 Manchester Tudor Exhibition, 242 I Mangan (James Clarence), names and pseudonym, 246 I Manning (Anne), her biography, 335 , Mantegna (Andrea), engravings of his 'Triumph of

Caesar,' 228, 333 Marat (Jean Paul) and Thdroigne de Me'ricourt,

206, 493

Marchant (F. P.) on Bulgarian language, 342 Marches : Riding the marches, 426 Marifer, its meaning, 267, 333, 395, 434 Mark both coin and weight, 123 Marken on Marquis de Miremont, 248 Marriage, its legal evidence, 48 ! Marriage banns in Latin, 144 ! Marriot (Rev. Mr.), his identity, 249 ' Marshall (E.) on Boni Homines, 338

Browning (R.), his ' Ring and the Book,' 32 Churches, their dedication, 257 Cromwell pedigree, 256 Douce (Francis), 158 Enigma, 29

Epitaph, " Quod expendi habeo," 164 Goudhurst, Kent, 154 Joy, remembrance of past, 414 " Nez a la Roxelane," 494 " Noblesse oblige," 473

Prayer for " All sorts and conditions of men," 517 Punch, the beverage, 346 Smyth (Lady), 252 Solomon (King) and Hiram, 353 Watchmen, their verses, 326 Windows, low side, 186, 493 Marshall (E. H.) on " Another story," 417 Augmentation Office, 457 'Dictionary of National Biography,' 66, 324 " Down to the ground," 292 Field (Maria Letitia), 107 French prisoners of war, 212 Hempsheres, place-name, 432 Host eaten by mice, 274 Howard medal, 52 Indexing queries, 474 Joy, remembrance of past, 251, 494 Key, golden, 314 Kinrade (Katherine), 318 Logan (Rev. John), 437 Minister of the Word of God, 297 Oriel = hall royal, 288 Oxford, west window of New College, 454 Oxford undergraduate gowns, 415 Poland, Protestant episcopal churches in, 95 Prayer for " All sorts and conditions of men," 517