Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 1.djvu/556

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Notes and Queries, July 23. 1898.

Todmorden Free Library, its collection of works on

tobacco, 362, 415 Tonn, its etymology, 16 Tortoiseshell ware, 14 Touchstone on Greek-German lexicon, 69 Tovey (D. C.) on Pope and Thomson, 129, 289, 415 Town's husband, its meaning, 109 Towton, battle of, numbers slain at, 203, 297 Toynbee (H.) on "Difficulted," 156

Howard MSS., 401

Walpole (Horace) and his editors, 91 Translation wanted, 47, 132 Travesty, unwarrantable, 325 Trees and the external soul, 37, 177 Trees burnt at funerals, 266 Tresidder (A.) on sampler patterns, 449 Treuthfeild family, 228

Tribe (E. A.) on houses without staircases, 210 Trinity = spider- wort, 514 Trod = footpath, 54, 274 Tropenell surname, 467

Trotter (J. M.) on Grazzini's Seconda Cena,' 507 Trunched, its meaning, 28, 252 Tudor Exhibition at Manchester, 242 Tupper (John Lucas), " Outis," 246 Turner (Thomas), of Ileden. Kent, 389 Turthel cow, its meaning, 387 Twibil, old weapon, 243 " Twm Shon Catti," Welsh genealogist, 52 Type, early Greek, 287 Typographical blunder, 85 Tyrawley=Wewitzer, 168, 252, 373


U. (A. V.) on Sir Humphrey Jervis, 31 Udal (J. S.) on Blandford farthing, 514

Bugalug, Dorset word, 192

United States, their aims, 469 Ulster towns, sayings about, 185 Unction, Holy, and use of curative practice. 408 Underbill (W.) on Middlemore family, 189 United States of America, their arms, 469 University colleges of residence, 448 Upon or on, prepositions in place-names, 205, 296, 474 Urban on Tyrawley=Wewitzer, 168

Webb (Mrs.), actress, 128

Wigan=Pincott, 268 Urlin (R. D.) on book- borrowers, 512

V. on New Year's Day superstitions, 87 V. (Q.) on " Difficulted," 336

Heresy and beer, 507

Hide, its area, 28

London Bridge, 31 3

Kolls in Augmentation Office, 497

Tiger = boy groom, 493

Veni, Creator Spiritus,' 449

' Vocabolario della Crusca,' 6

Whig, early instance of the word, 30(>

Wife v. family, 275 V. (W. I. R.) on Lord Chancellor Harcourt, 3G6

Joan of Arc, 441, 462

Mortimer's Hill, Nottingham, 144

" Nice fellows," 489

V. (W. I. R.) on Olney, place-name, 250

Prussia, first horse-races in, 504

Samplers, early, 184

Welsh ales, 392

Vagabonds, early instances of the word, 506 Valentines, early pictorial, 248, 410, 473 Valettus, its meaning, 472 Vallavine (Rev. Peter), his biography, 447 Vampires, Italian precautions against, 205 Vandersee (Mr.), index to his monastic records, 249 Vaughan (W.) on "Twm Shon Catti," 52 Vavasour (Fanny), her portrait and biography, 87 Venuti (Marchesa Teresa), translator of Tennyson, 50& Verbs ending in -ish, 86, 136, 315, 355, 516 Vervain called demon's aversion, 387 Vespucci (Amerigo), his birth, 244 Vessels christened with wine, 269, 317, 373 Viator on Wordsworth and Burns, 208 Vincent (C. W.) on Shakspeare First Folio, 71 Vinci (Leonardo da), his ' Flora ' at Hampton Court,.


Virgil and Lord Burghclere, 325 Visitation of county families, 297 ' Vocabolario della Crusca,' 6 Voyage in small boat, Portuguese, 345, 453 V.-W. (H. S.) on Napoleon's attempted invasion of England, 16


W. (A.) on "Daimen," 318 W. (E. M.) on coronation plate, 447 W. (F. A.) on Major Williams's voyage to Canada, 89- W. (G.) on angels and their traditional representation, 407

Firearms, rifled, 146

Horse and water-lore, 412

"So pleased, "188 W. (H.) on episcopal families, 76

Todd (Nathan), 428 W. (H. A.) on " Grimthorped," new word, 51

' Pars Oculi,' 165

W. (J. D.) on Portuguese boat voyage, 345 W. (J. W.) on " Pot Lord," 19 W. (M.) on General Benedict Arnold, 429 W. (T.) on lords of Allerdale, 151

St. Syth=St. Osyth, 94 Wada and the " Guingelot," 468 Wade (General), his biography, 129, 209, 253, 334,

376 Wade (N.) on Thomas Eyre of Helmdon, 237

Eyres (Sir G.), 293

Penn (William), 192

Rogers (Woodes), 68

Wada and the " Guingelot," 468 Wade (S. C.) on General Wade, 376 Wainwright (Richard), of Monton and Swinton, 188 Waldrons, Croydon, its meaning, 52 Wales, Elizabethan dialogues on its government, 146 ; its sceptre and presidency, 247 ; its "lily," 504 ~ r pearl fisheries in, 505 Walker (B.) on bookbinding question, 152

Potteries, Roman, 196

Processions, 497

Spectacles fifty years ago, 514 Wall (Col. Joseph), his trial and execution, 508