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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. x. AUG. 2, 1902.

enough ; compare the history of the word hazard. The sense is clear in the line, " Or wager laid at six and seven," Butler's 'Hudibras' (Johnson, no reference). The older phrase was six and five ; this is Chaucer's sis cink, and Lydgate's sys and cinq (' Chau- cerian Pieces,' p. 393). Hence it is that Bacon has : "In 1588 there sat in the see of Rome a fierce thundering friar, that would set all at six and seven, or at six and five, if you allude to his name " (Sixtus) ; quoted in Johnson (no reference). It is curious that the dictionaries give so poor an account of the matter. WALTER W. SKEAT.

AMERICAN EDITION OF DICKENS (9 th S. ix. 387). The edition on parchment will be pub- lished by G. D. Sproul, of New York, and is limited to fifteen sets, each set contain- ing about 150 volumes. The printing of this "St. Dunstan" edition will be on one side only of the skins, and every page illuminated by hand ; the title-pages, chapter-headings, and tailpieces, specially designed, will also be elaborately decpratea. Many other unique features are promised, such as critical intro- ductions by Swinburne, Gosse, Dobson, Henley, &c., and a series of new illustrations. This is essentially an edition which appeals to the millionaire " collector," for the price will be a thousand dollars a volume, or 30,000^. for the set ! F. G. KITTON.

THE LOCOMOTIVE AND GAS (9 th S. vi. 227, 358 : ix. 118, 317, 372 ; x. 35). There is a slight error which should, I think, be rectified in my last communication. Gaslights were not first used in Pall Mall in 1809. It was in 1807 that one side only of Pall Mall was lighted with gas (Beckmann). In Haydn's 'Dictionary of Dates' it is merely stated generally that " gaslights were used in light- ing Pall Mall in 1809*


AN UNKNOWN FLEETWOOD PEDIGREE (9 th S. ix. 261, 429, 513). MR. PINK'S appreciative criticism, and the general interest my notes on the Regicide's descendants appear to have evoked, have induced me to compile the fol- lowing memoranda, which are necessarily incomplete.

George Fleetwood. MR. PINK may be right as to the third of this name being a figment of Lipscomb's imagination. In Allegations for Marriage Licences issued by the Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, July, 1679-June, 1687, on 10 December, 1679, there is an entry of a "George Fleetwood of the Inner Temple, Bachelor, about 27, and Mrs. Sarah Stebbings

of Wissett,* co. Suffolk, Spinster, at

Halsworth, co. Suffolk." According to Blaydes's ' Genealogia Bedfordiensis ' they were married at Barton-le-Cley, co. Beds, on 20 July, 1680. Can this be the third George 1 There should not be much difficulty in tracing his parentage. In addition to the counties mentioned by MR. PINK (and, of course, Lancashire and Stafford), I have traced the name in Berks, Cambridge, Cheshire, Devon, Essex, Hants, Herts, Norfolk, Somerset, Surrey, Warwick, Wilts, Worcester, and Yorks, while it is also to be found in the United States, Ireland, and Australia.

The note about the East Indian Fleetwoods (9 th S. ix. 430) is interesting. Was the Mary Caryl mentioned in Mrs. Penny's work, whom Edward Fleetwood married in March, 1694, one of the Sussex Carylls ? Dallaway's ' Sussex ' unfortunately throws no light on the point. There was correspondence (Caryll Papers, British Museum) between John Caryll, jun., of Ladyholt near Midhurst, and later of West Grinstead, Sussex, and Bene- dicta Fleetwood, abbess of a convent of English Benedictines at Dunkirk about 1713- 1720, chiefly regarding the sale of a farm belonging to Benedicta Fleetwood, which gives colour to the surmise. If the abbess can be identified, it may lead to the discovery of the branch to which the Madras Fleet- woods belonged. The arms and crest given in Mrs. Penny's book are those of the Fleet- wood family, but the three martlets on the dexter side of the shield are facing the sinister, so that the martlets of each pair face each other. Are they correctly copied from the monument in the old cemetery of St. Mary ?

Probably Charles Fleetwood, of Edgware Road, Paddington, who died in April, 1784 will dated 24 September, 1783, proved 9 January, 1786, administration granted samedate to Charles Chapman was a member of the branch alluded to. He left two children, minors viz., Charles, in 1786 at Burdway in Bengal, and Frances, at school at Chigwell in 1783 In Chancery proceed- ings in 1787 their ages are given as thirteen and seventeen respectively.

Can any reader give particulars of a Charles Fleetwood who bought the Drury Lane patent in March, 1734? There is an allusion to him in Doran's ' Their Majesties' Servants, 'and to him and his son in Chaloner Smith's 'British Mezzotinto Portraits.'

  • The Confiscation Acts of 1651 and 1652 preserve

the rights of General Charles Fleetwood and his first wife Anne, daughter of Thomas Smith, in the manor of Wisset, co. Suffolk, among other places.