Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/184

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. x. AUG. so, 1902.

whose hair is white as wool unrelieved with any other colour."

'The Concise Dictionary of the Bible,' edited by the late Dr. Wm. Smith, says of Amygdalus communis that "the flowers are pink."


MONASTIC SHEEP-FARMING (9 th S. x. 47). Has your correspondent misread " Inhokes " for Intakes, strips of land taken in (probably illegally) originally from the waste ? I know of such in Cheshire, where a small sum per annum is paid to the lord of the manor as an acknowledgment. W. R. M. T.

SALE OF THE OLD PRINCE OF WALES'S THEATRE (9 th S.x. 64). In 1803 this was known as the " Dilettanti Theatre," and became the "Ancient Music Concert-room," where in the winter of 1802 "a number of amateurs of the haut-ton formed a subscription society for the performance, by themselves only, and not by any persons paid, of small pieces, French and English." These concluded with a picnic supper, with catches, glees, songs, &c., whence the Picnic Society, for which "Pickwick Society," as in MR HIBGAME'S note, is evidently a misprint. Although the noble and honourable performers were said to have been occasionally deficient in the mechanical business of the stage, their performances were extremely respectable (see ' The Picture of London ' for 1803). Cunningham, in his 'London,' says that this concert room was sub- sequently converted into a theatre, under the names of the " Tottenham Street," " Regency," "Royal West London," and "Queen's Theatre." It was the first house in London in which French plays were acted. Samuel Palmer, in his ' History of St. Pancras,' says that no other house of entertainment has ever passed under so many aliases, but that at all times and under all its aliases it deserved what it has ever maintained, a reputable character. Besides being known as " Pasquali's," the "King's Concert Room," "Hyde's Concert Room," the "Theatre of Variety," the "Fitz- roy or Queen's Theatre," and the " Regency," as indicated by MR. HIBGAME, it was in 1808 named the "Amphitheatre," when the celebrated Master Saunders instituted an equestrian performance. Afterwards it was taken by different managers, and known as the " Tottenham Street Theatre," and in 1823, when French plays were performed, it was the "West London Theatre." After this it assumed the name of the " New Royal West London Theatre." In 1835 it became the " Queen's Theatre " under the management of Mrs, Nesbitt. It has also been known as the " Royalty," and was in 1870 called the " Prince

of Wales's Royal Theatre," his present Majesty baving been at times, when Prince of Wales, present at its performances. See, further, S. Palmer's 'History of St. Pancras,' 1870,

pp. 238-40. J. HOLDEN MACMlCHAEL.

It is interesting to note that this property, announced as the "Old" Prince of Wales's Theatre, is again to let, but presumably not as a place of entertainment. The portico and walls are covered to a height of six feet and more with bills and posters, in defiance of the usual threat of prosecution ; the windows are broken, and the whole place is in a state of utter decay ; in fact, the only "improvement" the transfer of ownership seems to have effected is the placing of a new padlock on the stage door. Supple- menting MR. HIBGAME'S note, I would point out that its name when Miss Marie Wilton first arranged to come into possession was "The Queen's Theatre." The last occasion it was opened to the public was as a Salva- tion Army " Citadel." Its only conceivable use in the future is as a warehouse or factory. ALECK ABRAHAMS.

CRIES OF ANIMALS (9 th S. x. 86). A much longer list of the cries of animals and birds is to be found in Burmann's ' Antholog. Veter. Latinor. Epigramm. et Poe'mat.,' lib. v. cxliii., in the poem commonly called the 'Philomela,' and the learned editor has added some others, apparently of post-classical times. These were found in a Leyden MS. It would be interesting to know which of these Latin words have survived in romance. The old French words would be found in some of the Bestiaires in the Bibliotheque Nationale, but more might be found surviving in dialects. H. A. STRONG.

University College, Liverpool.

DICTIONARY OF GREEK MYTHOLOGY (9 th S. x. 48). There has long been a need for an exhaustive work on the above, and for some time past I have been actively engaged in its preparation. In addition to the works by Lempriere and Smith, may I draw the attention of L. K. to a book by the Rev. Fowle entitled 'Gods and Heroes of Anti- quity'? CHAS. F. FORSHAW, LL.D.


[We do not envy our correspondent his task, for no dictionary can be competent which does not take count of German researches, in themselves immense. The German dictionary was taken in by our grandfathers, and is still unfinished.]

THE WATERLOO BALLROOM (9 th S. x. 88). Many of the residents of Brussels are of the opinion that the famous ball was held in the