Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/189

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9 th 8. X. SEPT. 6, 1902.]




CONTENTS. No. 245.

NOTES: The Second Folio Shakespeare, 181 Sortes Evangelicae, 183 "Sem>p " : "Sense," 184 'N. & Q.' Anagram Hampstead Periodicals Bungay Channel Island Names Lord Chesterfield on Laughter West- minster Custom, 185 Harrison Ainswortb. at, Kensal Green Walnut Log Prince Rupert after the Restora- tion, 186.

QUERIES : Capt. B. Widdrington, 187 Paintings at Bethlehem " Kit-Cat " Portraits G. Kirke Daniotto Canterbury Sledges Place-names 9*onexT. Waite Lettres de Cachet, 188-Knightley Cbarleton Misodolus The Coronation Canopy The Three Towns Novelists' Accuracy Carlyle, Coleridge, and Swinburne Toxton, 189 -Lord's Prayer in Verse BH Family Beads in the Bast" Jack-in-the-box," 190.

RBPLIBS : Knights of the Garter, 190--Branstill Castle- 1 The Soul's Brrand ' Heuskarian Ruritr, 191 Legend of Lady AHce La "Different than" Dragon Tree The Mitfe Hunter Street. Brunswick Square, 192 Black Malibran Bobbins Family Knighthood Sir Alan de Heyton " Mallet " or " Mullet," 193 Mar.jorie Fleming's Portrait Index-making Arms of Married Women, 194 Beasley ' Sergeant Bell and his Raree-Show' Cimex lectularius Boundary Stones " Babies in the eyes," 195 Birmingham Pepys and Sanderson " Hoping against hope" Doset Hall Knurr and Spell Fox, 198 Epitaph on an Attorney Thackeray and Homoeopathy Huston Road" Merrye " Governing Bodies of Public Schools, 197 Tailed Africans Coronation Sermons " Mother- land," 198.

NOTES ON BOOKS :' Jewish Encyclopedia' 'Quarterly Review ' Reviews and Magazines.

Obituary : Mr. Joseph Phillips.

Notices to Correspondents.


AT the Lenox branch of the New York Public Library there are on exhibition, under glass, no fewer than seven copies of the Second Folio Shakespeare, all belonging to the library. These seven copies have six varying title-pages, a collation of which is appended herewith, as well as other variations which may serve, in a measure, to identify various widely scattered copies. The colla- tion is not offered as exhaustive, such varia- tions only being noted as were observed in a somewhat hasty examination. The different title-pages follow :

(a) M r . William | Shakespeares | Comedies, Histories, and | Tragedies. | Published according to the true Originall Copies. | The Seconc Impression. | Portrait | London, | Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be sold al the signe | of the Blacke Beare in Pauls Church yard. 1632.

(b) This title-page is identical with (a). It is in the Astor copy, from the Stowe sale, and contains above Jonson's verses facing the title-page, the book-plate of "John Newsham of Chadshunt in Com Warwick Esq r ."

(c) M r . William | Shakespeares | Comedies, Histories, and | Tragedies. I Published according to the true Originall Copies. | The Seconc

mpression. | Portrait | London, | Printed by Tho. Cotes, for John Smethwick, and are to be old at his shop | in Saint Dunstans Church-yard. 632.

(d) M r . William | Shakespeares | Comedies, | listories, and I Tragedies. ] Published according o the true Originall Copies. | The Second impression. I Portrait | London, | Printed by Tho. 3otes for William Aspley, and are to be sold at the igne | of the Parrat in Pauls Churoh-yard. 1632.

(e) M r . William | Shakespeares | Comedies, | listories, and | Tragedies. | Published according

the true Originall Copies. | The Second mpression. | Portrait | London, | Printed by Tho. Jotes, for Richard Hawkins, and are to be sold at iis shop | in Chancery Lane, neere Serjeants Inne. 1632.

(/) M r . William | Shakespeares | Comedies, | histories, and | Tragedies. | Published according

o the true Original Coppies. | The Second ,

[mpression. | Portrait | London, | Printed by Tho. ' Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe | of the blacke Beare in Pauls Dhurch-yard. 1632.

The lower portions of the letters S, I, p, and s of " The Second Impression " impinge on the portrait, anfj^ the word " London " almost wholly so. Pasted on one of the blank preliminary leaves is the following note :

" This copy of the second edition of Shakespeare's Plays was purchased at the Sale of Duplicates from the British Museum in Feb., 1819, made in con- sequence of the purchase of the library of Rev. Dr. Burney. Dr. Burney obtained this book in the following manner : At George Steevens's sale there was a copy of this edition which had the autograph of Charles I. Mr. Nicol bid for it for the King and Dr. Burney was his opponent, but the Dr. yielded when he understood for whom Mr. Nicol wished to purchase it. The King, being informed of the circumstance, was so pleased with Dr. B.'s conduct that he desired this copy from his own library might be sent to Dr. B. with his thanks for his giving up King Charles's copy."

J. Lilly, the bookseller, in an autograph note, says the above was by the late Mr. Henry Foss, who was related to Dr. Burney, and at whose sale Lilly purchased it. Air. Lenox added the following :

" Two other copies are known with the error Coppies in the title-page, both of which were in Mr. Lilly's possession. Of these, one belonging to a Mr. Toilet, a commentator of Shakespeare, had been altered to suit a title of the first edition, 1623; the words 'The Second Impression' having been cut away, and the top of the portrait moved up to the line ' Published, &c.,' and the imprint at the bottom removed and supplied by that of the first edition in facsimile. The other copy was genuine."

(g) M r . William | Shakespeares | Comedies, | Histories, and I Tragedies. | Published accodring to the true Originall Copies. | The Second Impression. I Portrait | London, | Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe | of the blacke Beare in Pauls Church-yard, 1632.