Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/227

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9* s.x. SEPT. is, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


been made that King George I. superseded Wren in his office of Grand Master of the Freemasons also in favour of Benson, and that to the just resentment thus engendered the secession from the Masonic body of many of its best members and its decadence for several years were to be attributed.

W. B. H.


The Bewleys of Cumberland and their Irish and other Descendants. By Sir Edmund Thomas Bewley, M.A., LL.D. (Dublin, William McGee.) RKADERS of 'N. & Q.' have not forgotten the valuable article on ' Beau lieu as a Place-Name ' contributed by SIR EDMUND THOMAS BEWLEY to 9 th S. viii. 3J7. The fruitful and important researches to which that article is due were under- taken in connexion with the genealogical work now issued. To Londoners and Southern Englishmen generally Beaulieu pronounced Bewley with its renowned Abbey and its Palace House, the stately and hospitable seat of Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, seems to enjoy a virtual monopoly of the name. As Sir Edmund has shown, however, Beaulieu (immor- talized in ' The Armada ' by Macaulay, who, how- ever, neglects the popular pronunciation), or Bewley, answering to the Latin beUus /OCM.S, is of frequent occurrence in Britain, and is constantly applied to monastic or ecclesiastical sites. Analogies are found in Beaumont (Bellus Mons), Clairlieu (Clarus Locus), Clairvaux (Clara Vallis), Vaucluse (Vallis Clausa), &c. Beaulieu or Bewley, which is a family name derived from a place so called, exists in widely separated localities. In many cases most cases even it would seem there is no connexion between the De Beaulieus or Bewleys of one county and those of another. Sir Edmund, who supplies this history of the De Beaulieus or Bewleys of Cumberland, afterwards of Ireland, dis- claims, for instance, all connexion with those of Lincolnshire. No fewer than forty different ways of spelling the name of the Cumberland family are quoted from patent court, and subsidy rolls, letters patent, Parliamentary writs, deeds, &c., without, possibly, exhausting the list. The earliest mention is in Subsidy Rolls of 6 Edward III. (1332), wherein it appears variously as De Beaulieu and De Beulew. Bewleugh occurs in a patent roll of 14 Henry VIII. ; Bewnley in State papers of the same reign ; and Bowlie in Muster Rolls of 23 Elizabeth. First heard of in the reign of Edward III , the De Beaulieus of Cumberland are believed to have come from the chateau (subsequently a village) of Beaulieu, near Havre, in the province of Hainault. What can be traced of the history of this family is given, including a mention by Froissart, who was born at Valenciennes, in Hainault, not far from the chateau of Beaulieu. Froissart mentions the capture by the English of "Messire Guillaume des Bordes, en bon conuenant, d'.un Escuyer de Haynaut, appele Guillaume de Beau- lieu, appert Ho'mes d'armes, & qui grand temp auoit geu Anglois, es forteresses de Calais." Sir Edmund calls the leader and companion in misfortune of Guillaume de Beaulieu, Guillaume de Bourdes. The name is, however, Des Bourdes,

not only in the edition of Denis Savvage, from which he quotes, but in the earlier edition of Froissart of 1505. Sir Edmund establishes the presence of a De Beaulieu of Hainault in the retinue of Queen Philippa of Hainault, the spouse of Edward III., shows that he was likely to be rewarded for his services, and proves that at this time the De Beaulieus established themselves in Cumberland. The argument is more than tenable, but we must leave our readers to trace it in Sir Edmund's book. Thomas de Beaulieu, of Thistle- thwaite parish, of Castle Sowerby Cumberland, appears in the Subsidy Rolls of 1332-40. The sub- sequent career of the Bewleys we cannot follow. So many important offices were held by them and such benefits were received from the Crown from the reign of Edward III. to that of Henry VIII., that the course of descent of the main line can be traced with what virtually amounts to certainty. The Bewleys of Woodhalland Ratcliffe, Hull, became adherents of George Fox, and underwent distraint and imprisonment for refusal to pay tithes. In. addition to the Bewleys now settled in Ireland there are many domiciled in the United States. The interesting volume is enriched with portraits, arms, and other illustrations, and with admirably executed pedigrees.

La Caricature en Angleterre. Par Augustin Filon.

(Paris, Hachette.) '*

M. FILON, who possesses knowledge of our stage remarkable in a foreigner and not common in a native, is even better equipped with regard to our caricaturists. Of these he has made a close study, and he. has written concerning them a work which is at once erudite and interesting. After some preliminary chapters devoted to the grotesque or fantastic illustrations of mediaeval times, he begins with Hogarth a series of descrip- tions, criticisms, and analyses which end with John Leech. What is said concerning Hogarth as chroniqueur and dramaturge is well worthy of atten- tion, and a high appreciation is shown of Rowland- son, Gillray, and Cruikshank. Had M. Filon's know- ledge of English life and thought been equal to that he possesses of the works with which he specially deals, his book, which is thorough in treatment, might have been useful to English students. Such knowledge few foreigners possess ; and the mistakes in his volume will narrow its use to French readers, to whom the spirit in which much of it is written is but too likely to commend it. The number of errors of no particular significance is great. " Per- dita" Robinson M'as not, we believe, named Mary Ann; "George Sellwyn" is not the name of " le mondain imperturbable, qui, a soixante ans, se decouvre un cceur " ; George IV. did not take lessons " du vieux Matthews"; the "Southsea Bubble" is not the same as the South Sea Bubble ; the tale of the death of Mrs. Jordtin, though often told, is inaccurate ; the Duke of Norfolk is not " le porteur du plus vieux titre anglais." "Miss Gunnings" is not a singular name. The Miss Gunning who is accused of falsifying a letter for the purpose of obtaining a husband was a niece of Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of Hamilton, and Maria, Countess of Coventry, commonly known as the beautiful Miss Gunnings. The Pantheon was originally in Oxford Road [ Walpole], where the present building stands, and not at the corner of Regent Street. Brighton was not called "Brigh therm stone." In "BateDarley " it is difficult