Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/235

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9*s.x.SEPT.2o,i902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


VAN DE PUMP. Can any one refer me to a pedigree of this family? Please reply direct. JOHN T. PAGE.

West Haddon, Northamptonshire.

VINCENT OF LONG DITTON, SURREY. In 1520 the great-grandfather of John Evelyn, F.R.S., the diarist, married a daughter of David Vincent, Esq , lord of the manor of Long Ditton, near Kingston, Surrey. In the eighteenth century a family of Vincents emigrated from Surrey to South Carolina, U.S., their descendants being persons of sub- stance in the South. I am desirous of learn- ing from which branch of this Vincent family of Surrey the emigrants descended, and where any records of the family may be con- sulted. A. GRIMSHAW HAYWOOD (Col.).

Rearsby, Blundellsands, Liverpool.

PRE-CELTIC BRITAIN. Have the Iberians,

or other inhabitants of this country before

the Celtic invasion, left any traces of their

language in the present river or place-names ?


ARMS OF JAMES STANIHURST. Can any one give me the arms of James Stanihurst, three times Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, a Master of Chancery, and Recorder of Dublin? He was born 1522, and died 1573. Burke's 'Armory' does not mention Stanihurst.


Castle Ward, Downpatrick.

GOETHE. Have English translations been published of the two poems by Goethe com- mencing

(1) Heil' uns, wir verbund'ne Briider ;

(2) Fiinfzig Jahre sind voriiber ? If so, where can they be found ?


MONUMENT TO GENERAL CURETON. Can any reader kindly inform me the name of the sculptor of the monument to General Cureton in the base of St. Mary's Church, Shrewsbury, and tell me whether any photograph has been taken of the face ? DE ST.

LYRICAL POETRY. I wish to get hold of a volume of short miscellaneous poems suitable for setting to music. A large volume pre- ferred, containing words by various author in various styles, chiefly in three to four stanzas. BASS CLEF.

[The best musicians are constantly in search- oi lyrics such as you require. We have had numerous personal inquiries.]

RELIQUARY FOUND AT ANSTEY, HERTS. Some thirty years ago, in underpinning the south chancel wall at Anstey Church, a smal

Dhial of greenish-blue iridescent glass, dis- tinctly Roman in shape and appearance, and about half-full of mammalian (1 human) blood, was found in a cavity in the foundations. Sas any similar discovery been made else- where ? Can any one suggest a theory as to ts meaning ? Was it sacrificial ? I may say

hat two opinions obtained currency (1) that

t was the blood of a Crusader who died in the Holy Land and desired his blood to be ntombed in the church wall ; (2) that it was the blood of a (local) saint hidden at the time of the destruction of relics. Neither of these, tiowever, I think is tenable.

W. B. GERISH. Bishop's Stortford. -

GRISSARD. What bird is referred to in the, following extract? I do not find the word in the'NYE.D.':

" 1691. The llth and 12th we saw abundance of Birds as big as Partridges, and very near of the same Colour, which our Ship's Crew call'd by the Name of Grissards or grey Birds." Francis Leguat, ' A New Voyage to the Eas^ Indies,' London, 1708.

The London Library copy which I use has on the title-page, in his beautiful small writing, "Robert Southey, Oct. 12, 1813."

EMERITUS. [The word is not in the ' E D.D.']

GENERAL DESBOROUGH'S HOUSE AT HACK- NEY. General Desborough, brother-in-law of the Protector, is stated to have died at his house in Hackney. I should like to know where this house stood and when it was taken down. " Ploughman Desborough," as Crom- well is said to have called him, died in 1680. CHAS. HALL CROUCH.

5, Grove Villas, Wanstead.

GEORGE CHALMERS, PORTRAIT PAINTER. Can any of your readers state where informa- tion can be found about George Chalmers, who was living in 1761 ? Two portraits by him bearing that date, with his signature, I have recently seen. Is any likeness of him extant ? INQUIRER.

[Sir George Chalmers, portrait painter, died in 1791. The little that is known concerning him will be found in * D.N.B.,' Bryan's ' Dictionary of Painters,' and Graves's ' Dictionary of Artists.']

"TOMATO." What is the earliest instance of the occurrence of this word in any European language ? The first I have in my note-book is the reference to "Americanorum tumatle" made by Guillandinus in his 'De Papyro.' a commentary on parts of Pliny, 1572, p. 90. Later (p. 91) he says : " Denique tumatle ex Themistitan, recentiores fere poinuin aureum, et pomum amoris nuncu-