Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/257

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He was born at Whitton, in Middlesex, but married a French lady, Anna Mathurina, daughter of M. de Beriol, and resided several years at Caen. In the Herald and Genealo- gist, vol. vi. p. 394, we are told that he " had a son, Charles Gregory Pigott," who succeeded to Grilling Castle in Yorkshire on the death of his cousin, Ann Fairfax, on which he took the additional name of Fairfax. No mention is here made of his brother Edward, the astronomer. In the ' Dictionary of National Biography ' it is said that he was " probably the eldest son of Nathaniel Pigott," but surely if so he would have come into the estate instead of his brother. However that may be, he assisted his father in his observa- tions at Caen and also in geodetical opera- tions in the Netherlands. Afterwards he seems to have resided for some years at York, where he made discoveries in variable stars and also of the comet of 1783. Still later we find him making observations at Bath ; and there he discovered (though he had been anticipated in this by Pons at Marseilles) the comet of 1807, which he communicated by letter to Sir W. Herschel. This is the last circumstance known about him, so that he probably died not long afterwards. Perhaps some of your readers may have access to the registers at Bath and be able to give the date of his death. Nathaniel Pigott was a Fellow of the Royal Society : Edward was not. W. T. LYNN.


SAINTS IN LINDSAY'S 'MoN ARCHIE. 'At 2 nd S. viii. 299 are quoted some lines from Sir David Lindsay's ' Monarchic ' (second book) on patron saints. Amongst others mentioned is " Dutho borded out of a block." Lindsay says St. Dutho is patron of the church of Tain, Ross, Scotland. I have been unable to verify this fact. Can any one supply particulars concerning this saint and the date of his festival? 1 should be glad of similar information concerning St. Trowdell, also mentioned by Lindsay ("To St. Trow- dell to mend their een "), and St. Savior, who is said to be the patron of saddlers (see 2 nd S. ix. 85). F. C. W.

'THE PAGEANT.' In 1843 the Rev. Francis E. Paget, rector of Elford, published 'The Pageant ; or, Pleasure and its Price, a Tale for the Upper Ranks of Society,' in which he exposed the evils resulting from the over- working of milliners and dressmakers. I have been told that he was too precise in his indications of a certain well-known estab- lishment, and that the proprietor sued Mr. Paget for libel and obtained damages. Can

any of your readers give chapter and verse for this story ? It is not mentioned in the ' Dictionary of National Biography.'

R. B. P.


(9 th S. x. 188.)

IT would be vain to offer guesses at the meaning of the first two names mentioned by G. T. D., unless he can find early written forms throwing some light on their etymology. Craigenvey, however, may be interpreted pretty confidently by analogy with other place-names containing the aspirated genitive singular of beith (bay), a birch. It is probably either creag-na bheithe (vay), birch tree crag, or creagean bheithe, birch tree crags ; or again, the second syllable may represent neither the article nor the sign of the nominative plural, but creagdn, a diminutive or alterna- tive form of creag. The unaspirated genitive plural beith, bircH&s, has given rise to such names as Craigniebay, in Wigtownshire, and Craigenbay, in the Stewartry of Kirkcud- bright. Fitheagh (feeach), a raven, usually appears as a dissyllable in composition, as in Craigenveoch and Bennaveoch, in Wigtown- shire ; Dunveoch, in the Stewartry of Kirk- cudbright ; and Mulnaveagh, near Lifford, in Ireland. G. T. D. may also compare the name written in Gaelic orthography on the Ordnance map of Argyllshire Beinn-nam- fitheach, the headland or hill of the ravens, which is pronounced exactly like Benna- veoch, in Wigtownshire. But the incorrigible babit of Gael in aspirating consonants into silence has. completely disguised the origin of Benanetia, the name of a rock overhang- ing the Barrow, which Dr. Joyce has shown bo be written in Irish Beann-an-fheiche, the raven's headland. Also, the word fiach, a deer, is practically indistinguishable in sound trom fitheach, a raven. Both may be written phonetically feeagh. As there is no v in the Jeltic alphabet, Irish scribes indicate the change from the / sound to v by prefixing bh. Thus beinn na' bhfhitheach is the ortho- graphy of Bennaveoch.


Garphar may be from Welsh caer-ffair, 'air city ; Craigdasher from craig-asure, azure rock or crag.


30, Millman Street, W.C.

B. R. HAYDON (9 th S. x. 207). I am able x> inform your correspondent W. B. that the