Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/291

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9* s. x. OCT. 11, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Olue, T. (sense 3, obs.). Spon, ut tupra, p. 131, " The wood glues well." Also p. 136, &c.

Guillaume (not in). Spon, ut supra, p. 378, "The

ends are worked to the gauge marks with an

iron guillaume"; ibid., "The checks are worked out with fillester and guillaume planes."

Guimauve (not in). 1884, Hooker, 'Student's

Flora,' third ed., p. 75, " Aflthaea] officinalis, L

Marsh-mallow, Guimauve.

Gummosis (not in ; a plant disease). 1891, 'Cham- bers's Ency.,' viii. 223, Gummosis, which is similar to canker, is caused by Gfleosporq gummiftra, which occurs in several forms."

J. DORMER. Redmorion, Woodside Green, S.E.

( To be continued. )

I beg to add the two following words to the lists of omissions from the 'H.E.D.' :

Aphthartal. This word occurs at least twice in the 'Dictionary,' though not in its alphabetical place. An example of its use is given under ' Amarantal ' and ' Amiantal.'

Colder. The following quotation illustrating the use of this word is taken from the " Conditions of Sale " of a farm named " Cracknells " in the parishes of Great and Little Bardfield, which was sold by auction at Braintree in 1898 : " The purchaser shall

Pay for all hay, straw, chaff, calder, fodder,

and roots." I shall be glad to have the meaning of the word explained.


Chockliny-house, which appears to be what is now called a restaurant: "So I went to one chockling- house, and t'other chockling-house, till I was quite weary ; and I could see nothing but a many people supping hot suppings, and reading your gazing papers" (Henry Carey, ' The Contrivances,' Act L sc. iii. ).

Frisonne. Evidently the French frisson :

She gives me the frisonne. David Garrick, ' Bon Ton,' Act II. sc. i. H. DALTON.

[We insert the results of the industry of various correspondents without expressing any opinion as to the expediency of occupying the 'Dictionary' with otiose or ill-formed phrases. The status of' a writer has to be taken into question, and an ex- travagant word in an author of reputation may justify insertion where it might well be passed over when it occurs in second-rate and ignorant jour- nalism. The omission of aphthartal was noted in the Athcncuum of 21 May, 1887.]

LAMB AND FLAG. Publicans who see in the flag of this ancient Christian symbol only the St. George's cross of England are changing it for the Union Jack, without blasphemous intent, and, in fact, from igno- rance, f).

SHAKISPEARIANA : ' THE MERCHANT OF VENICE,' V. i. 56, 57 (9 th S. x. 224). The name of the magazine referred to in -my note is Der Kunttwart, not " Kunstwort." as printed. " Saufte," in the quotation, should, of course, be Sanfte. May I recommend the serial in

question to such readers of ' N. & Q.' as are not already acquainted with it ? A specimen number can, I believe, be had on application to the publisher, Georg D. W. Callwey, Munich. C. C. B.

In the German rnisrendering quoted by C. C. B. there is a misprint (not " made in Germany") of "saufte" for sanfte. Then follows the misinterpretation of "become," taken to mean " come to be " (werderi) instead of " befit" or " accord with." But this is not all. "Touches," equivalent to "sounds "or "strains," should nave been rendered by Tone, but the word actually used, Tasten, like the French touches, means "keys" of a musical instrument ! The metamorphosis of stillness and night into organ-keys would be a marvellous novelty to witness on the stage, but it was never dreamed of by Shakespeare.


BEN JONSON IMITATED. It will be remem- bered that the central lines of Ben Jonson's ' Epitaph on Elizafoth, L. H.,' are as follows :

Underneath this stone doth lie

As much beauty as could die,

Which in life did harbour give

To more virtue than doth five.

They are thus imitated on a stone, com- memorating members of the Aitken family, in Stepney Churchyard :

Underneath this Stone doth lie The Remains of her we hope 'a on high, Which when alive did Vigour give To as much virtue as could live.

JOHN T. PAGE. West Haddon, Northamptonshire.

"ASPHYXIA " : "ASPHYXIATE." Everybody knows that English words have a strange trick of cha'nging, enlarging, or contracting their meanings from time to time why, how, or wherefore, no man can tell. Sometimes they take on an improved sense, more often a deteriorated one; sometimes they mean more than they originally did, and sometimes they mean less. In his delightful ' English, Past and Present,' Archbishop Trench has presented curious and telling examples of the unaccountable tendency of words to assume a bad sense, in no wise warranted by their etymology and their original significa- tion. 1 need hardly remind the reader of some of these e.g., boor, brat, craft, demon, gossip, heathen, imp, knave, libel, libertine, pagan, proser, villain, all of which have taken on sinister meanings entirely foreign to those which they originally possessed, or which are legitimately indicated by their etymology. But I would now invite attention to a curious case of contraction in the meaning of a word.