Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/297

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9* s.x. OCT. ii, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


by Hodgson & Co., 10, Newgate Street, ex- cept that of "Mr." John Jackson, which has no signature of draughtsman or engraver, and was published by W. Cole, 10, Newgate Street. All are in fighting attitude, but only Jackson wears boxing-gloves. The years of publication were 1822-4. Their names are James Ward, Ben Burn, Hickman (' The Gas- light Man '), Daniel Mendoza, John Randall, Bill Neate, John Langan, ' Mr." John Jack- son, Thomas Cribb, John Martin, Richard Curtis, Isaac Bitton, and Garrell('The Suffolk Champion ').

I seek information as to both series. How far do they lack completeness? In what circumstances was the first series published 1 What of Richard Dighton, whose name is not given in the books of reference, though Robert Digh ton's is 1 Are there many of these pic- tures in existence 1 ? Do they possess any special interest to collectors ? Are they of value 1

The whole series is in remarkably good preservation, though many have in the mar- gin been reduced from the original size by cutting down by a stupid binder. The volume also contains, with numerous others, an engraving of 'The North-West View of Westminster Hall,' &c., from a drawing by Thomas Sandby, Esq., R.A. This was taken before the removal of the decayed battle- ments and of the coffee-houses which con- cealed the sculptured decorations, added at the time of the repairs in the reign of King Richard II. " Published April 26, 1808, by John Thomas Smith, No. 31, Castle Street East, Oxford Street. Engraved by Thos. Hall." JNO. W. CREED.

Sydney, N.S.W.

CROMWELL'S DAUGHTERS. Are any por- traits extant of Cromwell's daughters ? Are any descendants living? If I remember rightly, Richard Cromwell never married, but the Protector had other sons besides several daughters. E. E. COPE.

[Richard Cromwell married on 1 May, 1649, Dorothy Mayor, or Major, and had at least a son Oliver (died 1705) and three daughters. A descend- ant of Cromwell's great-granddaughter Mary Russell inquired at 8 th S. viii. 287 concerning his ancestress. See also Waylen's ' House of Cromwell,' 1880.]

WELSH FAMILY QUERIES. Can any of your readers supply information as to the wife and parents or Hugh Jones (died 1776), agent to Viscount Bulkeley, Beaumam, . Anglesey, whose son John Jones inherited the Bodednyfed estate, Amlwch ?

Can any one supply the pedigree of the Joneses 01 Penyrallt, Beaumaris ?

Are there any descendants of Benjamin Jones, Mayor of Beaumaris in 1675 ?

Is there any official record of the grants by Henry VIII. or James I. to the family of Capt. Henry Jones, Llangoed, Anglesey, A.D.C. to the Earl of Ormonde? Henry Jones died in 1690.

Did any of the descendants of Col. J. Jones, Governor of the Isle of Anglesey during the Commonwealth, settle in Angle- sey ? E. M. R.

GOLDWYER. Can any one kindly give me information respecting the parentage of the following ladies ?

1. Isabelle and Christian, wives of William Goldwyer, of Coggeshall, Essex ; will dated 26 January,. proved 10 March, 1514/15.

2. Mrs. Jane Gold wyere, widow, of Wheatley, Oxon ; imprisoned in the Clink, London, for recusancy, 5 December, 1580.

3. Bridget, first wife, buried 9 January, 1602/3, and Charity Moyle, second wife, married 13 August!^ 604, of William, Goldwyer, first, of Somerford, Hants ; buried 23 Decem- ber, 1630.

4. Sarah, died 20 October, 1663, wife of William Goldwyer, second, of Somerford, Hants, died 16 February, 1677/8.

5. Elizabeth, buried 11 April, 1694, widow of Henry Goldwyer, vicar of Christchurch, Hants, 16731688/9.

6. Mary Smith, married 18 December, 1690, died 3 May, 1738, wife of William Goldwyer, surgeon, of Salisbury, died 29 June, 1748.

7. Sarah Green, of Marlborough, Wilts, wife of William Goldwyer, surgeon, of Bristol, died 1792.

8. Harriet Grimstead, of Yatton, Somerset, died 15 May, 1835, widow of William Henry Goldwyer, surgeon, of Bristol, died 7 March, 1820. ' HENRY G. B. GOLDWYER.

Kim.berley, South Africa.

GILNEW. This was a frequent Christian name in the family of McCaw of Garrochty, Isle of Bute, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It was sometimes spelt Gilnef. I should like to know its meaning and any other instance of its use.



HOME ALLEY, LONDON. Can some one kindly enlighten me as to the exact where- abouts of Home Alley, London, temp. Eliza- beth ? It was probably situated either in or adjoining the parish of St. Botolph without Aldersgate, which after the Great Fire of 1666 was united to that of St. George, Botolph Lane. JAMES TALBOT.

Sydenham Road, Norwood, South Australia.