Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/318

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. x. OCT. is, 1902.

the German motto "Ich dien" is said to have been first adopted by Edward the Black Prince from Jonann, King of Bohemia, who died in 1346, and since to have become the motto of the Prince of Wales. Is this tradi- tion undisputed ? H. KREBS.


COLERIDGE BIBLIOGRAPHY. (9 th S. x. 167, 231.)

I AM compelled, with deference to an old and valued correspondent of ' N. & Q.,' to traverse the statement of MR. EVERARD HOME COLE- MAN that the late Richard Herne Shepherd's 'Bibliography of Coleridge,' which was printed in 8 th S. vii., contained a " complete list of his [Coleridge's] works with marginal corrections." Mr. Shepherd's list was very far from being complete, and in my revised edition of the 'Bibliography,' which appeared in 1900 (9 th S. viii. 56), I was able to make several additions to it, including the notes on Samuel Daniel indicated by MR. COLEMAN. But though I took some pains with the work, I was conscious that it was still a long distance off finality, and amongst other matter which I overlooked were some valuable notes by Dr. R. Garnett on Cole- ridge's marginalia in the British Museum copy of Stillingfleet's 'Origines Sacrse,' which appeared in the Athenaeum for 27 March, 1875. As a contribution to Coleridge biblio- graphy I may add that these notes were reprinted in a limited issue of thirty copies, under the title of "Notes on Stillingfleet. By Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Printed for private circulation, 1875 (Glasgow, Robert Anderson, printer, 22 Ann Street)."

A friend, whose knowledge of Coleridge is second to that of no one, has pointed out to me a few mistakes in the ' Bibliography,' of which some, chiefly misprints, are due to carelessness in revising proofs, while others which are errors of fact came from a too implicit trust in Mr. Shepherd's accuracy. I should like to be permitted to correct one or two of the latter. At p. 11 is a notice of Southey's 'Joan of Arc,' first edition, Bristol, 1796, to which Coleridge contributed 'The Vision of the Maid of Orleans,' republished in , ,? ne Leaves >' !817, p. 281, under the title of The Destiny of Nations.' The notes to this poem are said to contain an original Greek prize ode by Coleridge, on the subject of the slave trade, whereas only the first four stanzas of the ode are printed in the notes. It is also said that an English verse translation of this ode appeared among the

early minor poems of Southey. Southey did not translate this ode, but another on astronomy, which was written by Coleridge for the Greek ode prize at Cambridge in 1793, and which did not succeed in winning the prize. The translation will be found in Southey's 'Minor Poems,' 1815, i. 206. It may also be worth while to mention that the very scarce pamphlet of ' Poems ' (p. 18), con- taining 'Fears in Solitude,' 'France: an Ode,' and 'Frost at Midnight,' of which a copy is in the library of the late Mr. Frederick Locker - Lampson at Rowfant, is really a tirage-a-part from " The Poetical Register and Repository of Fugitive Poetry for 1808-9. London: printed for F. C. & J. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-yard, by Law and Gilbert, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell, 1812." W. F. PRIDE AUX.

DESCENDANTS OP ELIZABETHAN WORTHIES (9 th S. x. 208). When engaged in collecting materials for a paper on the ancestry of Sir Walter Raleigh two years since, I made numerous inquiries throughout Devonshire and Somersetshire, without being able to discover a single direct descendant of the great family of that name. This is the more remarkable as Sir W. Pole, in the early part of the seventeenth century, made his col- lections for a history of Devon (published in 1791), in which is printed a table called "An Alphabet of the Gentlemen of Devon- shire, as well of those in beinge, as of those which have bine," containing the arms of seven different branches of the family. The name seems to have disappeared from both counties, and it is believed the present repre- sentative of it is a Gilbert.


Salterton, Devon.


Sir Francis Drake was twice married : first in 1569 to Mary Newman, who died 1582-3, and secondly to Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Sir George Sydenham, of Combe Sydenham, Somerset. He had no children by either wife, and the issue of all his brothers appears also to be extinct in the male line (see Col. Vivian's 'Visitations of Devon,' pp. 299-303). In Burke's 'Com- moners,' ii. 215, mention is made of a " John Hawkins descended from the sea captain in the time of Elizabeth " ; but Drake in his ' History of Blackheath ' gives only two daughters, Judith and Margaret, to Sir Richard, only son of Sir Jonn Hawkins. Sir Walter Raleigh had two sons : Carew, who married Philippa Weston, and Walter, died unmarried. Carew Raleigh had two