Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/369

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9s.x.Nov.8,i902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS. No. 254. NOTES -.-Dr. Edmond Halley. 361 Bacon - Shakespeare Question, 362 Scottish Writers in the First Series ol 'N. & Q.' fiber, 364 Bronte Justice Maule Misquoted Glowworm and Fireflies, 365 Long Gallery at Holyrood Centrifugal Railway, 366.

QUERIES : Water Barometer, 366 "Bmbarras des richesses "Tobacco : Old Book Spanish Badge " All tears are vain " Shakespeare and Jon. on Huguenots in Ireland Wealemefna, 367 "Licence to depart "Bishop Hall Oxford Street Sir B. Leighton Haterius Comte de Paris St. Nicolas, 368.

REPLIES : Etchings and Engravings I. O.U., 369 Peri- winkle G 'Idwyer Byron Translations Mitre "Popple," 370 Second Folio Shakespeare Saints in Lindsay's 'Monarchic,' 371 "Policy of pin-pricks" " Ich dien," 372 Castle Carewe Danes in Pembrokeshire Gilnew- Sexton's Tomb Childbed Pew" Petar " or "Petard," 373 Family Crests Honorificabilitudinitas Grass Widow" Mallet" or "Mullet" Flowering Sunday Poets on Adversity Cope, 374 Shakespeare v. Bacon Pin Pictures" Honest" Epitaphs, 375 Irish and Scotch Premiers White - headed Boy Ludgersall Pricket Candlesticks, 376 Lyrical Poetry "Thirty days hath September," 377 Scott and Wilkie, 378.

NOTES ON BOOKS : Robertson's ' Old English Songs and Dances 'Kemp's ' General History of the Kemp and Kempe Families 'Lynn's ' Penny Chronology 'Reviews and Magazines.

Notices to Correspondents.


" We do not often think of him as a sailor ; and yet, previous to Cook, Capt. E. Halley was our first scientific navigator." Capt. S. P. Oliver in the Observatory, iii. 349.

IT is to be hoped that the predicted return of Halley's comet in 1910+ may be the means of inducing some admirer of that famous J astronomer to give the world a biography, for which it has waited more than a century and a half. Dr. Halley's career, at home and abroad, was filled with those incidents which attract the general reader. The revival of interest in the subject of terrestrial magnetism should further augment the clientele awaiting such a volume. There are in existence at least thirty -four interesting

  • The correct spelling is Edmond, not " Edmund."

Cp. (a) dedication of twenty-ninth volume of Philos. Trans., London, 1717 ; (b) ' Correspondence of Scien- tific Men,' &c., edited by S. P. and S. J. Rigaud, i. 236-7, Oxford, 1841 ; (c) Dr. Edmond Halley's will, "written with my own hand," hereinafter cited.

f Comptes RenduH Htbdomadaires des Seance* de V Academic, des Sciences, pp. 706, 766,* 825, Paris, 1864 ; a short review in Nature, xi. 286-7, London, 11 February, 1875.

J "II fut le plus grand astronome de I'Angle- terre," M. Lalande in ' Astronomic,' Tome Premier, p. 180, section 533, Paris, 1792.

letters* written by Dr. Halley during his two voyages (1698-1700), which, if reproduced with other inedited material quite accessible, ought to meet with a reception worthy of the author and the subject. As a small con- tribution towards the accomplishment of the desideratum mentioned, the following list is submitted. It is for the most part supple- mental to the excellent bibliography of Dr. Halley given in ' Diet. Nat. Biog.,' xxiv.


A Chronological History of the Voyages and Discoveries in the South Sea, &c. f James Burney), iv. 384-7. London, 1816.

Philosophia Britannica (B. Martin), 3 vols. Lon- don, 1771.

Letters written by Eminent Persons, &c., i. 139- 140. London, 1813.

Aubrey's Brief Lives (Clark), i. 282-3. Oxford, 1898.

The Journal of Science, xvii. 91-100. London, 1880.

Allibone's Diet, of Authors (articles ' Newton," ' Halley ' ). Philadelph ia, 1897.

General Magazine of^Arts and Sciences (Benj. Martin), i. 4. London, January, 1755.

Good Words (Sir Robert S. Ball), xxxvi. 736. London, 1895.

Great Astronomers (Sir Robert S. Ball). London, 1895.

Imperial Diet, of Univ. Biog. (Sir David Brew- ster), ii. 788.

Charles Knight's Gallery of Portraits, with Memoirs, i. 161. London, 1833.

Bibliotheca Britannica (Robert Watt), i. col. 459. Edinburgh, 1824.

Bibliographic Generale de 1'Astronomie (J. C. Houzeau and A. Lancaster). Bruxelles, 1882.

Librorum in Bibliotheca Speculse Pulgovensis (Otto Struve). Petropoli, 1860. The Comets (J. Russell Hind). London, 1852. Essay on Terrestrial Magnetism (Sir John Her- schel), Quarterly Review, Ixvi. 276-7. London, 1840.

Ditto, reprinted in a Collection of Essays by Sir J. Herschel, 73-4. London, 1857.

Popular Lectures and Addresses (Sir William Thomson, Lord Kelvin). III. Navigational Affairs, 268-71. London, 1891.

Halley's Earliest Equal Variation Chart, repro- duced in facsimile, Text by L. A. Bauer, in ' Terres- trial Magnetism.' 1895.

Halley's Two Voyages, No. 12,086 in Bernard Quaritch's Catalogue. 1880.

Two Lectures on Comets (John Winthrop). Bos- ton, 1759.

An Essay on Comets (A. Oliver, Jun.). Boston, 1811.

Remarkable Comets ( W. T. Lynn). London, 1893. Astronomic Populaire (Camille Flammarion), 609. Paris, 1890.

Results of Astronomical Observations made during the Years 1834-8, by Sir John Herschel, at the Cape of Good Hope, &c., v. 393-406.

  • The original manuscripts are preserved in the

Admiralty archives, the Public Record Office, London, under title ' Captains' Letters, 1698-1700.' Mentioned in k Diet. Nat. Biog.,' xxiv.