Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/376

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x. NOV. s, 1002.

face the thing is like a watch, about an inch in diameter is inscribed ' Wealemefna.' Will some reader explain the word ? X.

" LICENCE TO DEPART." In the parish re- gister of Thrigby, Norfolk (1539-1805), on the fly-leaf, is the following : .

" Memorandum that John Cornish singleman, late servant to William Mosby of Thrigby in the Countie of Norfolk Tayler, is licenced to depart from his master and is at liberty to serve elsewhere according to the statute in y' case made and pro- vided. In Witnesse whereof we y e Constable and Churchwarden [we] of Thrigby aforesaid hereunto set our hands the 20 th day of October Anno Domini 1645. " ROB. BROWXK.

'THOMAS WRIGHT, Conitable.

"The Certificate above written was Registered y e day and yeere above written according to y* Statute in that case provided by me Rob. Browne Curate [?'c] of y e parish of Thrigby aforesaid."

I should be glad to know if these licences are common, and why they were issued. This was dated about four months after the battle of Naseby. Was the disturbed state of the country during the Civil War re- sponsible for the " statute " referred to ? Was it only a temporary measure : and if so, when was it repealed ? WM. NORMAN.


BISHOP HALL OF EXETER AND NORWICH. In Dr. Howard's Miscellanea Genealogica et Jleraldica, second series, vol. iii. p. 9, a facsimile of a patent of arms to this prelate is given. The original did not occur for sale among his books and MSS. recently sold by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson. Can any corre- spondent say in whose possession the original now is, or tell me where is the will of his father, John Hall, of Ashby de la Zouch ?

J. R. O.

OXFORD STREET. Can any of your readers tell me which is the top of Oxford Street Holborn or the Marble Arch ?


[What is the precise meaning of " top"? Has the Strand a top? Presumably the westernmost portion was later in the period of erection.]

SIR BALDWIN LEIGHTON, OF WATLES- BOROUGH, co. SALOP. The following extract from the parish registers of Bishop Wear- mouth, co. Durham, adds to all the pedigrees of the above family in print :

Baptisms A.r>. 1805. "Baldwin Leighton, born at Sunderland, May 14th, baptized May 31st, and christen'd July 12th, 1st son of Major - General Baldwin Leighton, native of the parish of St. Chads, Shrewsbury, and Louisa Margaretta Ann, hia wife, late. Stanley, dr. of Sir John Thomas Stanley, Bart., of Alderley Park, Cheshire."

Of the father I have the following notes.

Born 15 January, 1747, second son of Baldwin Leighton, gent., Alderman of Shrewsbury. Colonel of the 9th Garrison Battalion. Served in America during the War of Independence, where he was wounded. Brigadier-General in Portugal at the beginning of the Peninsular War. Governor of Jersey and afterwards of Carrickfergus. Married first, May, 1780, Anne, daughter of the Rev. William Pigott, rector of Edgmond, co. Salop, which lady d s.p. ; married secondly, 25 November, 1802, Louisa Margaretta Anne, sister of the first Baron Stanley of Alderley, co. Chester, by whom he had an only child as above, Sir Baldwin, who succeeded his kinsman Sir Robert Leighton as sixth baronet in 1819, died 13 November, 1828, his widow surviving till 8 January, 1842.

Could any one inform me if General Leighton was in command of the garrison at Sunderland at the time of his son's birth; if not, why was he resident in that town 1


East Boldon, co. Durham.

HATERIUS. Will you kindly tell me what is known regarding the Haterius quoted in Ben Jonson's ' Discovery,' ' De Shakespeare Nostrati'? H. S.

[Quintus Haterius was a Roman senator and rhetorician, 63 B.C. to 26 A. D., famous, or infamous, according to Tacitus, for his base and servile adulation. Jonson quotes the words of Augustus concerning him, "Haterius noster sufflaminandus est. For his life see Smith's 'Greek and Romar Biography," ..]

COMTE DE PARIS. Is there any evidence of this title having been assumed by a son of the King of France, or any royal prince in the Middle Ages? French historians state that the title was merged by Hugues Capet in that of King of France ; and it does not appear again till it was revived by Louis Philippe in favour of his grandson, the well- known Comte de Paris of our times. I have found the name Comes Pharisiensis in a MS, referring to the thirteenth century, and the question arises whether it was a title o> meant merely some count living at Paris.


ST. NICOLAS. It is well known that the ordinary distinctive "attribute " of St. Nicolas is the representation of three children in a tub. I have not found anything to account for this device, either in the ' Golden Legend ' or in Symeon Metaphrastes. Indeed, it has been supposed to have arisen out of a repre- sentation of three men imprisoned in a tower, whose release is said by the hagiographers to have been obtained by St. Nicolas. But there