Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/435

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9*s.x.Nov.29,i902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


in Bengal in June, 1756,' which has been compiled from such records as I have at my disposal. S. CHARLES HILL.

FITZALAN OF ARUNDEL. Can any one answer the following queries ?

1. Lady Margaret Fitzalan, daughter of Richard, tenth Earl of Arundel, married Sir Rowland Lenthall, and was by him mother or grandmother (which ?) of Sir Rowland Lenthall, whose daughter and heiress Elizabeth married Sir Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford.

2. Why is the barony of Burford not given in the extinct and historic peerages ?

3. Lady Elizabeth, another daughter of Richard, tenth Earl of Arundel, married for her third husband Sir Gerard Ufflete, whose daughter Katherine married Sir William Beauchamp, father of John, Baron Beau- champ, of Powyke. Was Katherine Ufflete the daughter of Lady Elizabeth or of some previous wife of Sir Gerard ? F.R.C S.

FENTON FAMILY. Can any of your corre- spondents furnish me with the names of descendants of John Fenton and Anthony Fenton, brothers of Sir Geoffrey Fenton, Knt, Chief Secretary of State for Ireland under Elizabeth and James I, 1580 to 1608? Geoffrey Fenton was of the Nottinghamshire family of Fenton-on-Trent. Had Sir William Fenton, Geoffrey's son, other male issue be- sides Maurice Fenton? The family settled in Ireland at Mitchelstown, Clontarf, Rath- meny, Dromore, and Wexford. I wish to know from which of the brothers of Sir Geoffrey Fenton the Irish (present) families prove descen-t. I believe there are four Fenton families who claim descent from Sir Geoffrey in Ireland. F. A. S.

SIR THOMAS BROWNE. -Where was Sir Thomas Browne ('Religio Medici') married to his wife Dorothy Mileham, and what is the exact date of the marriage ?


THE KING'S WEIGH HOUSE. What was the origin and what is the history of the King's Weigh House in Mayfair ? B. W.

PENDUGUM : CARLYNG. Skelton, in ' Speke Parrot,' has

For Parot is no churlish chowgh, nor no flekyd pye, Parrot is no pendugum, that men call a carlyng.

What is this bird ? The editor- of Skelton, following the authority of "the Rev. J. Mitford," hazards the suggestion that it is the penguin. For "carlyng" the 'IST.E.D. 1 gives no help. C. B. MOUNT.

/'THE FIFES OF JUNE." What are "the

  • ifes of June," and where is the original

reference to be found in literature ? B. W.

4 THE GOLDEN STAIRS.' Will some one ex- plain the meaning of Burne-Jones's picture I he Golden Stairs'? A friend has given me a large photograph, and I should like to understand it. I have asked several people, but find them as ignorant as myself.

E. W. P.

HUGH DIVE was admitted to Westminster School in October, 1785. I should be glad to obtain any information concerning him.

G. F. R. B.

LORD SALISBURY ON DECAYING NATIONS. I beg to- refer to students of ' N. & Q.' the following query from one of its occasional correspondents, addressed to myself by him at least twice in vain :

"22, Rue Servandoni, Paris (VI e ), 22 oct., 1902.

En tout cas Oxford est un centre intellectuel,

et vous pourrez peut-etre y resoudre june question que je vous avais, adresse'e autrefois en Irlande, et pour laquelle je suis toujours au memo point: A quelle date et en quelle circonstahce le Marquis de Salisbury a-t-il prononc6 ce discours (il y a six ou huit ou dix ans), o,u, parlant de la transformation du monde et des Etats, il a dit qu'aujourd'hui les forts deviennent plus forts et les faibles plus faibles ? Avec la date je trouvsrai aisement le discours dans les collections de journaux de nos bibliotheques. Bien a vous, H. GAIDOZ."

Will some one possessing " 1'art de verifier les dates " assist this learned French professor of Keltic, either directly or through the kind- ness of the Editor of ' N. & Q.'?


CABINET MINISTERS AND UNIVERSITY HONOURS. -^-(1) Which members of the pre- sent Ministry obtained first-class honours at Oxford or Cambridge ? If there are any irstr class men in Mr. Balfour's Cabinet, .n. what school or tripos did they get their irst classes? (2) Could any reader of 'N. &Q.' supply a list of Cabinet Ministers in all

he administrations since the accession of

^ueen Victoria from that of Lord Melbourne

o Lord Salisbury's last Ministry inclusive

who got first classes ? B.

ARTHUR HENRY HALLAM. In vol. i. of the Eton Miscellany (June -July, 1827) eight contributions in prose and verse are assigned

o the subject of 'In Memoriam.' Though

3ut schoolboy effusions, the germs lie within them of a precocious talent ; indeed, a poet of acknowledged fame and mature brain need not be over-ready to disclaim the authorship of 'The Bride of the Lake.' This literary octave wh,ets. the appetite for further