Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/497

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9's.x.DEc.2o,i902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


letters, where he describes the style of Pascal as "a robe of pure light." I thought it original, but I find an almost identical ex- pression in Longinus. Can the source of the expression be traced ? W. B.

ELIZABETHAN POEM : AUTHOR WANTED. Can any one inform me who was the writer of the Elizabethan poem describing the cele- bration of the feast of Corpus Christi in pre- Ileformation times, of which the following is the commencement ?

There doth ensue the solemne feast of Corpus Christi

Day, Who then can shewe their wicked use and fond and

foolish play ? The hallowed bread, with worship great, in silver

Pix they beare About the Church, or in the Citie, passing here and


Christes passion here derided is with sundrie maskes

and playes, Faire Ursley with hir maydens all doth passe amid

the wayes. .

M. B.

ARCHITECTURAL " FOLLIES." Can any of your readers give me information as to the above? There must be up and down the country various buildings to which the term "Folly " might be applied interesting either from some peculiarity in their construction or from their associations. "Cook's Folly," near Bristol, is the only one of the kind which occurs to me at present. G. P. G.


[Architectural " Follies " are numberless, as the late MACKENZIE E. C. WALCOTT stated at 5 th S. x. 186, where he instanced one from Roger of Wen- dover in 1228.]

WHIG TOKEN. In Lockhart's 'Commen- tarys' (' Lockhart Papers,' 4to, 1817, vol. i. p. 462) the following passage occurs :

" They [the Whigs] caused make severall thousand figures of a small fusie about two inches long in brass, and some few in silver and gold, which were to be dispersed among the chiefs and more zealous of the party as a signall in the day of tryall."

Are any of these tokens known to be in existence? What is meant by "figures of a small fusie " ? J. F. E,


JOHNSON AND MASTER. Can any one give me information concerning a Mrs. Johnson and her second husband, a Capt. Master, of the Chester man-of-war? They were married after 1738 and before 1753. Sng was related to the Byng family, and her daughter by her first marriage, Elizabeth Johnson, married in 1753 Doraenico Angelo (the fencing master). The Johnson family are supposed to have

been in the navy, and many of them are buried in the Isle of Sheppey. XAVIER.

ATLAS WANTED. What atlas or map shows Eacova, where (1475) Stephen the Great of Moldavia beat the Turks ; Bubovac, I' the mighty fortress" ('Cam. Mod. Hist.,' i. 73) ; and Corvitri in the patrimony of St. Peter (ib., p> 110)? X.

ELIZA COOK : EEFERENCE WANTED. One of Eliza Cook's poems viz., 'The Sacrilegious Gamesters' is founded on an incident related in a work entitled ' Sketches of a Seaport Town.' I shall be glad if any reader can tell me the author of the work, or where I can get it or see it, together with the name of the seaport town. B. CLARK.

COLERIDGE'S ' CHRISTABEL. (9 th S.x. 326, 388, 429.)'

I SEE by the tone of his remarks at the last reference that COL. PRIDEAUX is dis- posed to view my strictures on the Rollings bibliography of Coleridge in the light of a personal attack on himself. COL. PRIDEAUX refers to "the charge which he [i.e., MR. HUTCHINSON] has brought against myself," and actually writes as if I had feloniously flung an ampersand at his head : "the missile my poor little &c. !], though thrown with much goodwill, has missed its mark."

Now of COL. PRIDEAUX I know absolutely nothing, save that his name appears on the title-page of the Rollings bibliography as reviser, corrector, and enlarger of the late Mr. Shepherd's work, and that he is a copious writer on a wide diversity of topics Doth* in ' N. & Q.' and also, occasionally, in

he Athenceum. Why, then, suspect me of

personal motives when my sole concern was with the book, not with its editor? If by his reference to "those in his own line of busi- ness " COL. PRIDEAUX would imply that I am a rival bibliographer, he is ludicrously astray. [ am but a poor (I would fain hope) harmless student; and it was simply as a student, a reverential student, of the great poet and critic whose bibliography is now under dis- ussion that I wrote the strictures of which VOL. PRIDEAUX complains.

To come to particulars. COL. PRIDEAUX is vexed because when, in the course of my reply, I had occasion to refer to his collation of 'Christabel' I described the title-page as 1 given with verbal accuracy, but with certain jrrors of punctuation, &c." What is there