Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/530

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 31, 1903.

America v. United States, 266

An, use of the article, 191

Anagrams on ' N. & Q.,' 185, 252

Anderson (James), 1662-1728, his biography, 87,216

Anderson (J. L.) on ' ' corn-bote," 254

English families in Kurland and Livland, 237

Notter, 478

" Raising the wind," 253

'Robinson Crusoe,' 286

Saints in Lindsay's ' Monarchic,' 371 Anderson (P. J.) on Sir Archibald Alison, 117

Inverness ooat of arms, 410

Stamp collecting, 81, 239 Andrews (W. ) on Artium Magister, 270

Brewer (Dr.), his monument, 285

Bugle as a signal instrument, 128

Miller (Thomas), 508

Angler (The Amateur) on Izaak Walton, 477 Anglo-Saxon words for birds, 348, 451 Angus (G.) on author of book, 472

Bar sinister, 14

" Beatific Vision," 436

Bruce (Michael) and Robert Burns, 71

Cope, 374

Coronation dress of the bishops, 34

Epitaph, quaint, 246

Greek and Russian ecclesiastical vestments, 392

' Tower of London,' 305 Animals, cries of, in Latin lines, 86, 176 Animals, albino, as sacrifices, 91 Anne (Queen), lines on, 325, 431

Anonymous Works :

An Old Woman of the Sea, published in ' Corn- hill Magazine,' 167, 231, 834

Friendly Cautions and Advices, 508

Memoirs of the Chevalier Pierpoint, 209

The Ghost at the Funeral, 48 Anselin, Abbot of St. Edmund's, 1121, 328, 414 Anstey, Herts, reliquary found at, 227, 397 Apperson (G. L. ) on brainy, 486 Archer (T.), architect, d. 1743, his burial, 468 Architectural Follies, 489

Argyll (Marquess of), called Gillespie Grumach, 37 Armada chests, 48 Armigerous families, 509 Armour in Germany, 328, 433 Armstrong (T. P.) on " Babies in the eyes," 299

Catacombs of Lavra of Petchersk, 484

' Golden Stairs,' 491

Greek and Russian ecclesiastical vestments, 318

Humorous French poetry, 390

Parallel passages, 285

Salisbury (Lord) on decaying nations, 515 Arnold (Capt.), killed before Lucknow, 118 Arthur (King), his crown, 55

Artium Magister, his ' Apology for the Beard/ 270 Ashby Folville, bell inscriptions at, 303 Ashton (A.) on burials in Westminster Abbey, 206

Music in Westminster Cathedral, 208

Page (Dame Mary), 466

Asphyxia : asphyxiate, meaning of the word, 283 Astarte on black as a badge of mourning, 212

" Care, vale," 48

How not to make an index, 425

Astarte on pricket candlesticks, 377

Retarded germination of seeds, 287

Rockall, 69

Vanity Fair, 488 Astley (H. J. D.) on poets on adversity, 374

Robsart (Amy), 507 Attorney, epitaph on an, 37, 197 Auld (T.) on Fabulse in Fabulis, 85

Keats's ' La Belle Dame sans Merci,' 507

Novels, pseudo-scientific, 25

Austria and the Isle of Man : history of Berwick, 69 Authors' mistakes, 226 Autocrat, Russian equivalent for the word, 6, 55,


Autograph Cottage, Islington, and W. Upcott, 75 Axon (W. E. A.) on Harrison Ainsworth, 97

Eber (Jacobus), of Strassburg, 364

Goat, a travelled, 25

Hawtrey (Dr.), his ' Nugse,' 261, 498

Legend of the serpent's feet, 481

Phillips (Sir Richard), 407

Sortes Evangeliese : St. Eugenia, 183


B. on Cabinet ministers and university honours, 427

Epigram by Beaconsfield, 487

" Pec saetna " of Derbyshire, 8 B. (A. H.) on "Ploughing his lonely furrow," 11 B. (A. K.) on American knee-breeches, 169, 331 B. (C. C.) on Arthur's crown, 55

Bailey (Philip James), 291

Billy = tin can. 109

Charley in popular rimes, 68

" Different than," 275

Elliott ( Ebenezer), 445

Fetlocked, 29

Hebrew incantations, 78

Hopeful: sanguine, 10

Irish saying on Michaelmas Day, 434

" Keep your hair on," 279

Mallet or mullet, 93

' Merchant of Venice,' V. i., 224, 283

Meresteads or mesesteads, 53

Misquotations, 428

Mitre, the, 370

Napoleon's last years, 15

O and its pronunciation, 134

Orange blossom?, 94

Oxford Street, 436

Periwinkle, 236

Petar or petard, 312

Popple, 495

Pronunciation of ng, 494

" Quite a few," 318

Reapered, use of the word, 105

Reliable, use of the word, 25

Retarded germination of seeds, 358

" Returning thanks," 79

Sence or sense, 293

Shakespeare's Seventy-sixth Sonnet, 413

' Soul's Errand,' 191

Spice, 512

Tarriers, 493

" Whipping the cat," 298

Willughby's 'Ornithology,' 16