Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/534

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 31, 1903.

B r (R.) on O and its pronunciation, 135

Brabant (Duke of), father-in-law of Henry I., 68, 132

Bracknell, Shelley's house at, 229

Bradley (H.) on livings in the game of maw, 127

Brainy, earliest quotation for the word, 486

Bramble (J. K.) on " Upwards of," 138

Branstill or Bransil Castle, Herefordshire, 149, 191,


Brasses in Kirkleatham Church, 305 Bream's Buildings, lawyers in, in 1782-90, 407 Breslar (M. L. R. ) on author and avenger of evil, 35

Byron translations, 370

English literature in French homes, 425

Esquires, 148

Hebrew incantations, 29

Humorous French poetry, 512

Jews, and the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica, ' 146; and eternal punishment, 335

"To the nines," 387

Brewer (Dr. Cobham), his monument, 285, 475, 516 Brierley (H.) on Lightowler surname, 494 Briscoe (J. P.) on Philip James Bailey, 349 Bristow family, 229

Bristow (Nicholas and John), ancestry of, 288 British Academy, charter granted by the King, 161 Brittany, the war of, and ' Morte Arthure,' 161 Bronte = Bran well, 365 Brooch of Lorn, history of the, 268, 857 Brown family, 217

Brown (J.) on Lord's Prayer in verse, 190 Brown (W.) on " Kit-Cat " portraits, 316 Browne (Sir Thomas), quotation in his works, 8 ; his

marriage with Dorothy Mileham, 427 Browning and Ruskin, 328 Bruce (Michael), Robert Burns, and John Logan, 69,

130, 449

Brushfield (T. N.) on descendants of Elizabethan worthies, 310

' The Soul's Errand,' 191 Brutus on metrical psalter, 54 Bubovac, its locality, 489 Hucks and Good Fellows in 1778, 322 Buff week. See Baff week. Bugle as a signal instrument, 128 Bulloch (J. M.) on Crolly family, 209, 296

Duchess of Gordon in breeches, 290

Gordon t admiral in the Russian navy, 27

Gordon (Charles) of the Chesapeake, 127

Gordons of Rochester, 148

Bungay, place-name, its derivation, 185, 273, 350 Burials in Westminster Abbey, 206, 257, 451 Burnaby (R. B ) on Rockall, 157 Burne- Jones (Sir E.), meaning of ' The Golden Stairs,'

427, 491 Burns (Robert), Michael Bruce, and John Logan, 69,

130, 449

Burphain, earthworks at, 129, 214, 493 Burr (E. T.) on 'Life of a Lawyer,' 448 Burton-on-Trent, arms of the abbey, 468 Bury ( J. B.), curious slip in his ' History of Greece,'


Busillis, meaning and origin of the word, 384, 490 Buss (0.) on Buss queries, 386 Buss (R. W.), d. 1875, his engravings, 386, 493 Butler (J. D.) on early English quotations for cigar, 4

Butler (J. D.) on Frankliniana, 329

Shakespeare's vocabulary, 385 Butler (S.), his ' Erewhon,' 68 " ^7 gar," derivation of the term, 348 Byron (Admiral), his entry into the navy, 229 Byron (Lord), his bust by Bartolini, 47, 135 ; his

ancestry, 52, 97 ; translations of his poems, 268,

370 ; ode on his death, 305


C. on Spanish badge, 367

W ilcocks of Knossington, 56 C. (A. R.) onl.O.U., 228

Jews' Way : Jews' Gate : Jews' Lane, 137

Old songs, 111

Tallant (Miss Annie), 508 C. (C.) on humorous French poetry, 288 C. (E. F. D.) on Lady Nottingham, 11 C. (E. S.) on Barnwell Priory, Cambridge, 488 C. (G.) on baronets of Nova Scotia, 28 C. (G. E.) on Samuel Clarke, D.D., 491

Eighteenth-century indexes, 178

Whitmore (Lady), 318

C. (H.) on arms of Eton and Winchester Colleges, 29, 113, 437

Bond (Dr. John), 165

" Keep your hair on," 33

Morris (Capt. Thomas), 149

Willock (John), d. 1585, 267 C. (L.) on Lord Byron, 305

C. (T. W. ) on Lovel and De Hautville families, 9 C. (W. F.) on joke in ' Punch,' 386 C.-F. (T.) on Byron's grandfather, 97 C.I.V. nicknames, 502

Cabinet ministers and university honours, 427, 511 Calcutta, Black Hole of, the last survivor, 69 Campbell (G. W.) on Gilnew, Christian name, 289 Candace (Queen), origin and meaning of her name, 93 Candlesticks, pricket, 228, 376 Canterbury, freedom of the city, 188 Canterbury cross, 487

Cantership, obsolete variation of cantorship, 8 Capes (Rev. John Moore), his ' Reasons for returning

to the Church of England,' 1871, 347, 472 Carant or corant=a tumult or occasion of excitement,

328, 415

Cards, Christmas, their originator, 237 Cards, visiting, in Italy, 168 Carewe family and Castle Carewe, Pembroke, 92, 214,

314, 373, 453

Carey (T. W.) on Channel Island names, 185 Carlyle (T.), and Coleridge and Swinburne, 189, 296 ;

.allusions in ' Sartor Resartus,' 507 Carlyng, bird- name, 427 Carmarthen, Cavalier and Roundhead families, 168,

211 Carpenter (John), Town Clerk of London, 1417-38,


Carrodus family, 408

Carruthers (Robert), LL.D., his biography, 442 Carter (F. L.) on C.I.V. nicknames, 502 Carter (M.) on Le Brun, 347

Poyer family, 428

Carteret Street, Westminster, origin of the name, 346 Casanova, his memoirs, 247