Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/537

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 31, 1903.



Crooked Usage, Chelsea place-name, its origin. 147,

253, 417, 474

Cross, use of the Canterbury, 487 Cross- Crosslet on family crests, 109, 455 Crouch (C. H.) on General Desborough's house at Hackney, 227

Fryer (Dr. John), 327

Pepys and Sanderson families, 108

Sanderson (Bishop), his descendants, 152

Sanderson family of Cottenham, Cambs, 28 Crusade, English contingent in the last, 432 Cucking stool or ducking stool, 48, 157 Cull (J.) on Lettres de Cachet, 188 Cummings and Baxter of Perth and Glasgow, 28 Cureton (General), his monument, 227, 291, 398, 492 Curfew bell at Buckingham, 486 Curmudgeon, spelling of the word in 1641, 45 Curry (J. T.) on Abraham Cowley, 1

Linguistic curiosities, 397

Malt and hop substitutes, 174

Oxford at accession of George I., 471

Petar or petard, 241

" Thirty days hath September," 377 Curtin (J.) on " Behind each cloud 'the sun is always

shining," 455

Curwen (A. F.) on crossing knives and forks, 74 Curwen (J. S.) on Hallowe'en in Minnesota, 506

Stamp collecting and its literature forty years

ago, 432 Curwen (P.) on Holt family, 508

Philipson family, 468 Cuthman (A.) on heriot, 333 Cymro on Joneses of Beaumaris, Anglesey, 248


D for th in Middle English, 321 D. on Casanova, 247

Comte de Paris, 390

Thorns (Mr.), 23 D. (C. E.) on James Anderton, 1662-1728, 217

Heraldry before the Conquest, 110

Lamb and-flag, 288

Mallet or mullet, 194

Pepys and Sanderson family, 196

"Robert, D.G. Pristinensis Episcopus," 212 D. (G. T.) on place-names, 188 D. (J.) on projection on a saw, 133 Daggering, in connexion with marine insurance, 34 D'Allainval (L. J. C. S.), his ' L'Ernbarras des

Richesses,' 475

Dalton (H.) on additions to the ' N.E.D.,' 283 Dalton (John), Westminster scholar, 1786, 467 Dance, etymology of the word, 166 Dandridge (John), Westminster scholar, 1779, 448 Dandy-cart, use and meaning of the word, 129, 252 Daniotto, engraver, floruit 1784, his biography, 188 Danteiana, 101

Darlington (0. H.) on " wild- cat " company, .93 Darsy (Earl), last bearer of the title, 209, 297 Davies (D. ) on Herefordshire manor-houses, 353

Pre-Celtic Britain, 298 Davies (G. S.) on German armour, 328 Davis (M. D.) on ancient confectionery, 149

" In fine," 270

Jessica, 246

Davis (M. D.) on "Le Furmager," 129

Wine a rare article, 209 Davy (A. J.) on beer : bur, 457

Endorsement : dorso-ventrality, 93 Heriot, 433 Mallet or mullet, 194 May cats, 9 Pound's Day, 5 Race of the Gybbins, 213 Dawes (C. R.) on' Cromwell's daughters, 393 De Barre family and Worksop Priory, 223 De Hautville and Lovel families, 9, 53 De la Pole or Pole family, 355 De Laci family, temp. Henry I. and Stephen, 21, 173,


De St. on monument to General Cureton, 227 De Trafford estates, 408

De Vere family, 485 ,

Dead Sea level, calculations of the, 31 Defoe (Daniel), his descendants, 32, 137 ; the last of

the Selkirk family, 286 Delaval = Carey, 228, 338 Demesne, ancient, or Cornwall fee, 443 Dendy (Sergeant Edward), sergeant-at-arms to the

Commonwealth, 1^8

Derby (Ferdinando, fifth Earl of), 106 * Derbyshire, the " Pec ssetna "of, 8 Derret family, 448

Desborough (General), his house at Hackney, 227 Desborough portraits and relics, 133 Devon, pre-Conquest Earls of, 410 Devoniensis on descendants of Elizabethan worthies,


Scott's ' Woodstock,' 65 Dey (E. M.) on ' Macbeth,' 224 Dibdin (Charles), bibliography, 122, 243 Dibdin (E. R.) on bibliography of Charles Dibdin, 122,


Harry Dick hat : Adelaide waistcoat, 155 Dickens (Charles), inaccurate allusions to, 5 ; and Tibullus, thought coincidence, 86 ; American edition of his works, 96 ; and Sweeny Todd, 303 ; ' Pickwick,' errors in Biographical Edition, 325 ; and Overs and Dr. Elliotson, 405 Dictionary of Greek mythology, 48, 176, 291 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' errors in, 506 Different than, use of the words, 128, 192, 275, 391 Dighton family, their engravings, 288, 369 ' Dirty Old Man,' poem on the tavern, 73 Dive (Hugh), Westminster scholar, 1785, 427 Divet. meaning and derivation of the word, 327, 395 Divorce, Mr. Justice Maule on, 365 Dixon (R.) on arms of continental cities, 59 Bar sinister, 14

Baxter and Cummings of Perth and Glasgow, 28 Baxter (W.), of Australia, 38, 116 Blithe (Capt. Richard), 281 Brown family, 217 Coronation sermons, 276 Defoe (Daniel), his last descendant, 32 Duchy of Berwick, 153, 250, 353 Lightowler surname, 326 Long Gallery at Holyrood, 366 Malibran (Madame), 36 Morley (Elizabeth, Lady), 75