Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/548

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 31, 1903.

N. (T. 8.) on Latin legend, 347

Nadin (R.) on arms of abbey of Burton-on-Trent, 468

De Traffbrd estates, 408 Nana Sahib and tbe Indian Mutiny, 170 Napier (G. G.) on Roubiliac's bust of Pope, 408 Napoleon I. Bee Bonaparte. Nash (A.) on Crooked Usage, Chelsea, 417 Nash (John), architect of Regent Street, portraits of,


Nashe (Thomas), 1567-1601, 447 National Anthem, words and music, 422, 492 Neander, Elzevir edition, 367 "Nebular hypothesis," as applied to phase of politics,

326 Neilson (G.) on baulked coronation of Arthur in

' Morte Arthur,' 381, 402 " Corn-bote" in Barbour's ' Bruce,' 61 ' Morte Arthure, ' 161

Nelson (Lord), supposed letter written by, 425 Neptune and crossing the Line, 409 Nevill (R.) on De la Pole or Pole family, 355 Evolution of a nose, 315 Honorificabilitudinitas, 374 Ludgersall, 336 ' New Jersey Archives,' 268 Newark Abbey, Surrey, 212 Newman (Cardinal), Latin rendering of " Lead,

kindly Light," 425 Ng, pronunciation of, 266, 393, 494 Nicknames, popular, for colonies, 16 ; of the City

Imperial Volunteers, 502 Nominal burden, a, 108 Nonesopretties in draper's advertisement, circa 1700,

87, 234

Norman (P.) on Charles Fox's biography, 108 Norman (W.) on Knights of the Garter, 190 " Licence to depart," 368 Weight or token, 169

Norris (W. G.) on ceiling inscription in Shropshire, loO

Chorley's poems, 169 North Midland on references wanted, 494 ' North- West Foxe, or Fox from the North- West

Passage,' 1635, 68 Norton family, 508

Nose, the evolution of a, 34, 236, 315, 391, 417 1 Notes and Queries,' anagrams on, 185, 252; for sale,

220 ; list of early contributors, 252 ; Scottish con

tributors to the First Series, 364 Notter surname, 309, 478

Nottingham (Lady), her many children, 11, 97, 336 Nova Scotia, list of baronets of, 28, 77, 152 Novel, the pseudo-scientific, 25 Novelists, accuracy of, 189 Novels, French historical, 428 Nuttall (J. R.) on Le Brun, 417 National flag, 94


O and its pronunciation, 48, 134

O. (A. O.) on " Arising out of," 107

O. (D.) on the as part of title, 13

O. (H.).on Thomas Phaer of Cilgerran, 36

O. (J. R.) on Bishop Hall of Exeter and Norwich, 368

Oakham Castle and its horseshoes, 357


Bailey (Philip James), 242

Chambers (George), 520

Howard (Joseph Jackson), 20

Johnson (Lionel), 320

Phillips (Joseph), 200

Timmins (Samuel), 420 Ockham and Dyngham Priories, 309, 474 )ddyngesles (Sir John de), circa 1342, 387 Df Alley, street name, its origin, 45 Oglander family, 447 Oliver (A.) on 'The Dirty Old Man,' 73 Dpeagha, zoological term, 325 3ptic or optical glass, 284 Opticians, signs of, 503 Or San Michele, church in Florence, etymology of the

name, 441 Oraculous, use of the word, 304

Orange blossoms at weddings, origin of the fashion, 6, 94 Order of Merit, its creation, 341 Order of the Thistle, its motto, 95 Orleans, monument to the Maid of, 306 Ormsby (W. E.) on Shakespeare's Seventy-sixth

Sonnet, 125

Osborne (Thomas), circa 1790, his ancestors, 508 Overs, Dickens, and Dr. Elliotson, 405 Owen (D.) on St. Katherine's Hospital, Regent's Park, 491

Ycleping the church, 54 Oxford at the accession of George I., 225, 313, 471 Oxford Street, top of, 368, 435

Oxoniensis (Comestor) on Duke of Wellington's Spanish Prayer Book, 106 ; " Fert, Fert, Fert," 412

Linney, 228

Notes on Skeat's 'Concise Dictionary," 1901, 83, 221, 461

Yeoman, 204, 474

P. (C. H. Sp.) on Barons Perceval, 305

Ludgersall, place-name, 209 P. (E. W.) on ' The Golden Stairs,' 427 P. (F. E.) on female suicides, &c., before A.D. 70,

466 P. (F. J.) on America v. United States, 266

" Taste of the potato," 270 P. (M.) on ' The Vicar and Moses,' 169 P. (R. B.) on Belle Alliance as a Christian name, 325

Chocolate, 154

Cleopatra's Needle, 304

Flint-glass trade. 116

Iron Duke and the Duke of Wellington, 172

Nonesopretties : spinnel, 234

' The Pageant,' 249, 470 P. (W. H. W.) on < Les Psaumes de Beze,' 409

Powell (Harriett), her portrait, 145 P. (W. R.) on Danes in Pembroke, 132 Page (J- T.) on "After wearisome toil," 149

Ainsworth (H.), his novels, 56

' Aylwin,' 471

" Babies in the eyes," 196

Bibliography of the bicycle, 156

Boon for bookworms, 17

Cleopatra's Needle, 358

Coronation canopy, 189