Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 10.djvu/556

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 31, 1903.

Thiselton (A. E.) on 'Antony and Cleopatra,' IV. xv. 1214, 224

Thomas (N. W.) on Shetland song, 148

Thompson (F. D.) on Wellington pamphlet, 49

Thorns (W. J.), error in allusion to, 23

Thomson (J.) and Allan Ramsay, 245

Thornton (R. H.) on Adams's Jaffa colony, 326

Austria and the Isle of Man : history of Ber wick,


Charles I.'s journey to Scotland, 246 Chess playing, a legend, 212 Church of England in 1840, 104 Cimex lectularius, 195 Cries of animals, 86

Epigram on the ' Saturday Review,' 486 Great frost of 1683-4, 112 Serjeants-at-Law under James I., 26

Thorp (J. T.) on Goethe, 227

Thorpe (W. G.) on Armada cheats, 48

Thrale (Mrs.), her house at Streatham Park, 57

Three Towns, the, use of the term with reference to Portsmouth, &c., 189

Tib's Eve, origin of the term, 33, 98

Tibullus and Charles Dickens, thought coincidence, 86

Tillard (G. H.) on teens, 329

Tin tokens, their use and meaning, 209

Title, " The " as part of, 13, 338, 415

Title of book wanted, 167, 231, 334

Titles of books, analogous, 350

Tobacco, old book on, 367

Todd (Sweeny) and Charles Dickens, 303

Tomato, earliest use of the word in a European language, 227

Tomlinson (W. W.) on dandy-cart, 129

Took's Court, Chancery Lane, notes on, 6

Top of a street, 368, 435

Torphichen on " Often have I seen," 390

Torton in Sussex, its locality, 189, 212

Trance, use and meaning of the term, 326, 412

Transcendant, spelling of the word, 428

Trentham and Gower families, 59

Tressher, use and meaning of the word in 1560, 47, 218

Trinity, Holy : Christ Church : St. Saviour's, inter- change of title, 341

Trinity Monday, use of the term, 51, 152

Troce, error for croce, 505

Tumuli, rats' bones found in, 322

Turner (T.) on Sir Thomas Higgins, 247

Turnures, species of ancient confectionery, 149

Tylney on Melisande, 467

Typulator, use of the word in 1558-9, 428, 516


Udal (J. S.) on arms of married women, 194

Charles II. in West Dorset, 141, 475

Groat : bits, 454

Met : points of the compass, 5

Royal standard, 32

Strawberry leaves, 51 Uniform, Windsor, 36 University, oldest, in the world, 245, 416 University honours and Cabinet ministers, 427, 511 Upavon Priory and St. Wandregesil's rents, 488

Upcott (W.), 1790-1845, autograph collector, his

cottage, 75

Urban on Edward Moore : James Moore, 226 Urllad on Branstill Castle, 231

Esquires, 314

Herefordshire manor-houses, 228

' N. & Q.' anagram, 185

Oldest wooden church and university, 245 Utilitarian, earliest use of the word, 152, 255, 431

V. (F.) on Mistress Rachel Howe, 8

Spearing (Capt.), d. 1783, 67 V. (H.) on Castle Carewe, Pembroke, 215

Danes in Pembroke, 132 Y. (Q.) on arms of married women, 473

Chi-Rho monogram, 116

Daggering : doggering, 34

Grass widow, 374

Grissard, 352

" Hop the twig," 16

Introduction of the hop, 304

Meresteads or mesesteads, 10

Shakespeare v. Bacon, 137

Shakespeare's Seventy -sixth Sonnet, 412

Typulator, 516

Yeoman, 354

V. V.H.I. L.I.C.I. on curmudgeon, 45 Valtyre on passage in Kingsley, 467 Van de Pump family, 226 Vane (G. H. F.) on busillis, 490

Metcalfe or Midcalf (Nicholas), 466

Petty (\V.), S.T.B., 508 Vanity Fair, earliest uae of the term, 488 Venn (J.) on " G. E.," portrait painter, 386 Vestment", ecclesiastical, Greek and Russian, 28, 318,

392, 451

Victoria (Queen), her coronation, 208 Villon, pronunciation of the name, 303, 432, 514 Vincent family of Long Ditton, Surrey, 227 Vis-de-Lew family of Berkshire, 466 Visiting cards in Italy, description of, 168


W. (A. J.) on white headed boy, 229 W. (B.) on " the fifes of June," 427

King's Weigh House, 427 W. (E.) on Iron Duke and the Duke of Wellington,


W. (F. C.) on saints in Lindsay's ' Monarchic,' 249 W. (G.) on O and its pronunciation, 48 W. (G. C.) on Nell Gwyn, 386 W. (G. H.) on Nicholas and John Bristow, 288

Danes in Pembroke, 89 W. (J. B.) on sworn clerks in Chancery, 34

Vestments, ecclesiastical, 28 W. (O.) on exemption from poor tax, 467 W. (R.) on ' The Pageant,' 355 W. (T.) on Baker family, 413 Wade-Evans (A. W.) on Stafford family, 49 Wadham family, 248, 435 Wainewright (J. B.) on Philip Jaines Bailey, 349

Eighteenth-century indexes, 109

French poem, 347

Greek and Russian ecclesiastical vestments, 451