Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/215

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9 s. xn. SEPT. 12, 1903.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


be ascertained, though it is known that if he was not Domenico he must have been one of Domenico's brothers. The sentence stands thus : " Duodecim proles Dom. Angelo in- venietur in pag. 349-350." What does proles mean in this connexion, and what is the meaning of Dom. ? CHARLES SWYNNERTON. Society of Antiquaries, W.

ROYAL ARTILLERY. The date and place of death of the following officers of the Royal Regiment of Artillery are wanted, in order to assist in the completion of regimental records. The date following each name is that of re- tirement :

Caddy, Capt. John Herbert. 28 May, 1844.

Tapp, Lieut. John Edward. 12 June, 1834.

Caffin, Capt. William George Chart. Died in 1885.

Stace, Col. Henry Coope. Died after 1873.

Wynter, Capt. Robert. 1 May, 1843. In Army List, 1865.

Smith, Capt. Charles Webber. 5 May, 1845.

Kettle well, Lieut. Samuel Hammond. 26 September, 1837.

Faddy, Col. Peter Pickmore. 2 October, 1872.

Hewgill, Lieut. Percy William. 6 Decem- ber, 1842.

Wade, Lieut. Walter John Plunkett. 14 April, 1841.

Bathurst, Capt. Benjamin. 11 June, 1861.

Jones, Lieut. Robert Parker. 16 November, 1841.

Ward, Lieut.-Col. Francis Beckford. 3 May, 1864.

Cooper, Lieut. Henry Litellus Gilbert. 4 February, 1845.

Wilson, Lieut. Charles. 16 July, 1841.

Thorndike, Capt. Charles Faunce. 16 Novem- ber, 1848.

Willis, Lieut. Browne. 2 May, 1844.

Cookson, Lieut. William. 27 April, 1842. J. H. LESLIE, Major R.A. (retired).

Hady House, Chesterfield.

EDEN FAMILY. An American correspon- dent, who is writing a biographical sketch of Charles Eden, an Englishman, who was Governor of North Carolina from 1713 to 1722, has written to ask for any information which I can give or obtain concerning the family and ancestry of the latter. He was born about 1673. I* have had the registers of baptisms searched at Bishop Auckland, at St. Helen's, Auckland, at Merrington, and at Billingham, at one or other of which churches he would probably have been christened if he belonged to the Durham family of Eden ; but his name appears in none of them. He had a sister named Anne,

who married first Robert Pugh, and then Roderick Lloyd. Can any of your readers supply information concerning him ?


MR. BLAND, THE EDINBURGH ACTOR. In 'Old and New Edinburgh/ vol. i. p. 343, mention is made of a Mr. Bland, who had a lease of the Theatre Royal in Edinburgh in the latter part of the eighteenth century. Urgently wanted, Mr. Bland's Christian name; and is it true, as stated, that he was Mrs. Jordan's uncle, and had fought at Fontenoy and Cliftonmoor, and was of good family 1 ? Also, who was his wife 1 Was her Christian name Jane? 'D.N.B.' has been consulted. CHARLES SWNNERTON.

[His name was John. He became joint lessee of the Edinburgh Theatre with West Digges in 1772-3, and retired in 1778. He fought at Dettingen, and was made prisoner at Fontenoy, and took part under General Honeywood in repressing the Jacobite rebellion of 1745. Mrs. Jordan was his niece. See Dibdin's 'Annals of the Edinburgh Stage,' pp. 139, 170, 173-5. The name of his wife we know not.]


Can you tell me who wrote the following? "We only live when we are happy, we would give you supreme moments."


Preston Candover, Basingstoke.

KIMPTON FAMILY. In the 'Herts Visita- tion of 1619' there is mention of a Francis Kimpton (born about 1611), son of Robert Kimpton, of Steeple Morden, co. Cambs., and Hitcham, co. Suffolk. Are there any known descendants of him (or of his brothers) ? Is there anything known of the family con- nexions of Francis Kimpton, of Welwyn, co. Herts, who died 1700 ? T. W. S.

ST. PETER'S, CHESTER. In Domesday Book this church is referred to as "templum S. Petri." 1. Is there any other church in the Domesday Book to which this term is applied ? 2. What reason is there for using " templum " in place of the more usual term "ecclesia " ? The church was given by Robert of Rodelent in 1081 to the Abbey of St. Ebrulf. Is there any means by which I can learn whether any appointment was made by the abbey ? Gastrell, in his ' Notitia,' says :

" This church was given by Simon, son of Osborne, to the monastery of S. Werburgh, time not set down. Commended to the monastery by Alex. Rector on condition that he receive from them three marks. Abbey of S. Ebrulf quitted their claim to the church of S. Peter's to the monastery of S. Werburgh, which was confirmed by Hugh, Earl of Chester."

Can I now verify these statements, and the order in which the events took place?