Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/48

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. xn. JULY n, im

It is amusing to see Flatman, happily named, treated as a poet. For this Mr. Gosse is perhaps responsible. There are several illustrated Gram- nionts : some heraldic books and M$5s : a Kelm- scott Chaucer; a 1762 'Contes' of La Fontaine; some scarce works of law ; Blomefield's ' .Norfolk ; Mr. Wheatley's edition of Pepys ; Pyne's ' Royal Residences,' 22/. 10*. The Retrospective Review has fallen sadly out of demand, but deserves to lift up gain its head. Rousseau's 'Emile,' 1771, large paper; Shaw's ' Dresses of the Middle Ages,' 1843; Shelley's 'Prometheus Unbound,' first edition, and some interesting works on sporting, Scotland, &c., are also to be found.

Mr. Ireland, of Torquay, catalogues some scarce engraved portraits by Bartolozzi and others, and chromos of the Arundel Society. A Bacon's 'Advancement of Learning,' 1633, has, somewhat superfluously, a mention of Shakespeare between brackets. The two men are not yet accepted as identical. Priced at 6V. 6V is Barclay's ' Apology for the Quakers,' the first English edition. Readers seeking to complete ' N. & Q.' may be referred to ' articles 399-402. ' Scotland Delineated,' with views by Turner, Stanfield, Creswick, &c., seems cheap at 7/. 10x. Under India, Scotland, and other headings are works of interest.

Another catalogue of Messrs. Rim ell deals with illustrated books on the fine arts, and overflows with attractions. To do justice to it we must examine most of the classes. We extract a few only for mention : the works on architecture of J. and R. Adam; the ' Dictionnaire Raisonnc' of Viollet-le-Duc ; Meyrick's 'Ancient Armour ' ; Brit- ton's 'Cathedral Antiquities' and other works; illustrated catalogues of the Burlington Fine-Arts Club ; a complete set of Royal Academy catalogues ; Tempest's 'Cryes of the City of London'; Martinet's ' Galerie Militaire,' and countless books of costume ; Pergolesi's ' Designs of Vases,' &c. ; Duplessis- Bertaux's 'Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution'; Chippendale's 'Gentleman and Cabinet Maker's Directory,' 1754-62 ; Gray's ' Poems,' inlaid and extra- illustrated ; a set of Lacroix's works on the Middle Ages ; Japanese picture books ; many costly works on miniatures ; views of French castles and mansions ; Knight's ' Gallery of Por- traits ' ; Young's ' Turkish Portraits ' ; Hodgkin's 'Rariora'; Ackermann's ' Microcosm of London'; Ruskin's 'Modern Painters' and 'Stones of Venice ' ; Boydell's ' Shakespeare ' ; Strange's ' Col- lection of Historical Prints '; Rogers's 'Italy' and other works illustrated by Turner, and a series of Whistler etchings.

The catalogue of Mr. Richard Cameron, of Edin- burgh, is principally noteworthy for Scottish anti- quarian and genealogical works : Douglas's ' Peerage and Baronage'; Stodart's 'Scottish Arms'; Mac- Gibbon's ' Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland 1 ; Gordon's 'Genealogical Account of the Earldom of Sutherland ' ; ' The Somers Tracts ' ; Drummond's 'Ancient Scottish Arms'; 'National MSS. of Scotland, 1867-71 ' ; and Kay's ' Portraits of Edinburgh Characters.' Under Burns, Scott, and similar Scottish headings are many works of interest.

Mr. Thin, also of Edinburgh, catalogues a large collection of books on Scottish history and poetry, Shakespeariana, philology, and other comprehensive headings. A cheap copy of 'The Encyclopedic Dictionary ' also appears.

In the latest of Messrs. Sotheran's monthly cata- logues we find a good library set (119 volumes) of 'The Annual Register'; a priced catalogue of the Perkins sale; 'The Restoration Dramatists, large paper on vellum, one of four copies, priced 60 guineas ; Napoleon's great work on ( Egypt,

Temple de Gnide,' 1772, large paper, with double set of illustrations, bound by Lortic, priced 951. a copy of the quarto issue, also in a binding by Lortic, was sold for 7,900 francs in the Mortier sale (this information is from Cohen's ' Guide de 1' Amateur ') ; Montaigne, by Florio, 1632, priced 6^. 15s. ; Motley's 'Works,' extra -illustrated, 28/. lO.v. ; Hodgson's 'Northumberland,' large paper; 45 vols. of the Ibis ; the Palaeographical Society Publications ; Pater's 'Works'; Smith's 'Rabelais'; Ranke's ' Historical Works,' and Drake's ' Eboracum.'

Mr. James Colemari, of Tottenham, has an inter- esting catalogue of manuscripts of early court rolls, deeds, and charters. It also contains a good many pedigrees.

Mr. Charles Higham's Midsummer catalogue in- cludes a selection from the library of the late Dean of Canterbury. Among the items is a copy of Dr. Pusey's ' What is of Faith as to Everlasting Punish- ment ? ' This contains a three-page autograph letter of Pusey's, thanking Dean Farrar for his courtesy and kindness expressed in a letter to the Guardian, and also dealing with the question of " Eternal Hope." The catalogue contains a number of works on missions, foreign and colonial, also a consider- able quantity of Roman Catholic literature.

Mr. William Bryce, of Edinburgh, has a special catalogue of books in theology and religion, philo- sophy and classics.

THE first four volumes of the Clarendon Press edition of ' The Letters of Horace Walpole,' edited by Mrs. Paget Toynbee, will be ready in November. There will be sixteen volumes in all. Mrs. Toynbee has obtained the use of over 400 letters not included in the latest edition of the collected letters. Many of these have never before been printed. Passages suppressed are restored. The notes, except those written by Horace Walpole himself, have been compiled anew by Mrs. Toynbee, who has also prepared an analytical index. The work will be illustrated by photogravure portraits of Walpole and his circle and by facsimiles.


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