Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/535

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Notes and Queries, Jan 30, 1904.



C. (H. C. E.) on prior to=before, 154 C. (M. H. ) on nightrail and notableness, 7 C. (T. W.) on De Glatigny : De Cary, 169

Fitz-Otho (Walter), 369

Cabal, earliest use of the word for private intrigue, 46 Cabinet in a Constitutional sense, 7, 3] 71 Caddy (Capt. John Herbert), Royal Artillery, date of

his death, 207 Caffin (Capt. William George Chart), Royal Artillery,

date of his death, 207 Caimacam or kaimakam=a lieutenant or deputy, 27,

70, 155

Calamity Jane, died 1903, her biography, 167 Calderon's 'Painter of his own Dishonour,' Fitz-

Gerald's version of, 9, 97, 134 Calenig, Welsh custom, 322 Camerlengo, silver hammer of the, 105 Camoens, reference to the mother of Ninus 128 Campbell (P. M.) on Gillygate at York, 173 Campbell (Mrs. Patrick), styled "Cceli Regina," 477 Candishe, Mallorie, and Sir Henry Wotton, 367, 476 Candlemas gills, origin of the custom, 430 Cannon, leathern, the invention of, 18 Cantaloup, meaning and derivation of the word, 368 Cap, square, worn by Augustinian canons, 28, 111, 231

Cape Colony, last survivor of the 1820 settlers in, 226

Capsicum in Spain, 449

Card, Christmas, the first, 347, 391

Cardigan (Lord), his duel with Capt. H. Tuckett, 429, 495

Cardinals, grades and titles of, 19, 174, 235, 278, 334, 497; English, 105, 192, 435 ; aud crimson robes, 486

Carew surname, 287

Carey (Sir George), Knight Marshal of the House- hold, 448

Carlell or Carlisle (Lodowick), his biography, 149

Carlyle (T.), and the Talmud, 425; on Madame de Pompadour, 447

Carnegie (A.), his Free Libraries, 48

Carolina, South, General Nicholson Governor of, 1719, 201, 296

Caroline (Queen), her trial in the House of Lords, 349, 397

Carols and lullabies, children's, 348, 395, 511

Carroll. See Dodgson ( C. Z.).

Carson family, 19, 110, 331, 377

Carson (Robert), of Vauxhall Place, surgeon, 377

Cary family and name, 169, 287

Cary 11 pedigree, 286

Castle Care we, Pembroke, its original name, 194

Castle Society of Musick, 486

Catechism, definition of the word, 384

Cater, use and meaning of the word, 188, 313

Catherinot, his leaflet publications, 144

Cats, black, and the Mahrattas, 69, 115

Cavatina, origin of the word, 227, 276

Cavendish or Candishe, Mallorie, and Sir Henry Wotton, 367, 476

Caxton (William), his ' Book of Divers Ghostly Mat- ters,' 184, 303, 373

Cellini's hammer, 269

Celsus (Cornelius), his biography, 347

Celtic titles, 367

Censers, hanging, 447

Century, the beginning of a new, 125

Cervantes, ' Don Quixote' in English literature, 147

Chad well family, 172

'Chambers's Encyclopaedia,' error in, 125

Champion, story of the King's, 135, 254

Chancery, records of London Inns of, 13

Chancery, clerks in, 154, 277, 335, 375

Chantilly, Charles Potter's porcelain manufactory at,

Chantry on bridge at Wakefield, 43, 111, 217

Chaperon, applied to a male, 245, 370, 431

Characters, eighteenth-century, 348

Charles I. and the Episcopate, 73

Charles II., statue of, removed from Soho Square, 336 391, 514 ; prophecy circa, 469

Charles Edward (Prince), his ride through Maccles- field, 169, 314

Charrie-re (Madame de), her ' Le Noble,' 485

Chasuble at Warrington Church, 507

Cheapside, shops in, in 1650, 128, 295

Chepstow Castle and Sir Nicholas Kemeys, 235

Cheshire and Lancashire wills, 485

Chess, bishop in the game of, 269

Chester, Abbey of St. Ebrulf at, 207, 457

Chesterfield (Lord), his epigram on Richard Nash, 15, 116, 135, 272, 335, 392, 493

Chevron on Hapsburgs as Emperors of Germany 256

Childbirth folk-lore, 288, 413, 455, 496

Child-murder by Jews, fables as to, 446, 497

Children, and siege of German town, 148, 197, 336 ; their carols and lullabies, 348, 395, 511

China, heraldic, 505

Chinese ghosts, 305

Chi-Rho monogram, 452

Chiswick Churchyard, tomb of John Towneley in, 327

Chitty (W.) on Tidcombe : Long : Jennings : Howard : Tyler, 486

Cholmondeley (Mrs. Robert), her portrait, 309

Christ (Jesus), represented as an infant at the breast, 29, 115, 291, 435, 495 ; alleged letter from Theodorus, 405 ; fish a symbol of, 406

Christian name, Arthur as Scottish, 429

Christian names as evidence of race, 48

Christians, Free Catholic, 106, 235

Christmas bibliography, 502

Christmas, ecclesiastical state at, 502

Christmas card, the first, 847, 391

Christmastide folk-lore, 505

Christ-tide, use of the word, 502

Christy (M.) on Hawker's 'Instructions to Young Sportsmen,' 89, 131

Chronogram published on the death of Leo XIII., 124

Church, will read publicly in, 348, 450 ; ycleping or clipping the, 371, 475

Church ales. See Candlemas gills.

Church desecration, 13, 228, 278

Church tower, columbarium in, 48, 113

Churches, Commonwealth arms in, 194, 396 ; fire- places in, 308, 354, 454, 492 ; their names in Eng- lish and Latin, 507

Churchman on vergers, 149

Churchwardens' accounts, 269, 394, 510

Cicero's letters, expression used in, 245

Cistercian visitations, 247, 497

Clare Market, house in, its history, 16, 71

Clarence (L. B.) on " Commissioners for exacted fees,' 169

Clarendon (Lord) and Mr. Secretary Morice, 182