Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/547

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1904.



M. (S. I.) on tale by Archibald Forbes, 88 Maas (Dr. M.) on Neapolitan marvels : Virgilius, 470 Macaroni as a popular form of food in Italy, 348, 436 Macaroni fiddle : macaroni tools, meaning of the

term, 289, 352

Macaulay and Dickens, 189, 497 Macclesfield papers, 356 McB. (M. G.) on Col. Roger McElligott, 328 McElligott (Col. Roger), Governor of Cork for

James II., 328

Macfarren (George), his ' Oberon,' 74 Macfie (R. A. S.) on Bland, Edinburgh actor, 277 MacGillean (A.) on Alexander Maclean, 8 MacGovern (J. B.) on Gladstone anecdote, 170

Ineen Dubh, 75

Latin riddle of Leo XIII., 337

Maltese language and history, 292 , "My name may have buoyancy," 389

Zola's ' Rome,' 68, 135

Mackenzie (V. St. C.) on Shakespeariana, 323 Mackworth's Inn, later Barnard's Inn, its history, 18 Maclean ( Alexander) = Margaret Dubois, 8 MacMichael (J. H.) on the Albany, 157

Anatomie Vivante, 157

Apple-blossoms, 133

Asses' milk, 511

Birch-sap wine, 50, 296

Byfield House, Barnes, 193

Children's carols and lullabies, 511

Clare Market, 16

"Crying down credit," 138

Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol, 519

Flats, 134

Flaying alive, 489

Folk-lore of childbirth, 413

Glass manufacture, 515

Grubb, 371

Harris (John), publisher, 214

Hatbands, 314

Hobgoblin's claws, 333

"Hook it, "156

Infant Saviour, 292

Ingeminate, 135

Lincolnshire sayings, 514

London monumental inscriptions, 514

Lushington, 76

Mayor's correct title and precedence, 211

Mottoes, 98

Orange blossoms as emblems of purity, 5, 316

Owl-light, 511

Owls, 114

Potatoes, whisky, and leprosy, 77

Primrose superstition, 33

Raleigh, its pronunciation, 497

St. Dials, 113

St. Mary Axe, 170, 351

Shops in Cheap*ide, 1650, 295

Solent, 394

Square cap, 231

Surizian, 116

"Tabby all over," 31 2

Upright burial, 35

Waik : wene : maike, 110

Welter, 74 McPike (E. F.) on John Wilkes Booth, 25, 396

Halley (Dr. Edmond), 125, 185, 266, 464

McPike (E. F.) on Abraham Lincoln, 226, 427

Peter the Great in England, 127

Pike family, 468

Roscommon and Pope, 313

Simcoe (Lieut.-Col. J. G.), 46 M'Raghnall or MacRannal family, 329, 454 Macray (W. D.) on John Angier, 197

River not flowing on the Sabbath, 53

Upcott (William), 452

Wykes pedigree, 56 Madge (H.) on Gibbon's 'Roman Empire' and

Memoirs, 129 Magdeburg law, 249 Mahomet. See Mohammed. Mahrattas and black cats, 69, 115 Maike, meaning of the word as used by Hogg, 110 Maine, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Lord Palatine of, 21,

41, 154, 251

Maiden (A. R.) on Donhead St. Mary, 356 Malebisse (Richard), his attack on Jews of York, 225 Malet (H.) on nightcaps, 176

Pass, 334

Upright burial, 137

Mallet used by Sir Christopher Wren, 191 Mallorie, Candishe, and Sir Henry Wotton, 367, 476 Malt, coffee made of, 68, 191, 272 Maltese language and history, 292 Manchester, Cobden's letter to inhabitants of, 469 Mangosteen markings, 330, 417 Manning (Cardinal), his ecclesiastical rank, 278 Manning (Marie), murderess, 148 Manor Court Roll, Brighton, 48, 92 Manslaughter=stealing breeches, 447 Manuscript journal of a London citizen, 1816, 203,

242, 316, 354

Maori lucky stone, pounamu, 384 Marat (J. P.), his residence in London, 7, 109, 175, 235, 293, 451 ; his hereditary faith, 88, 236, 357 ; his residence in York, 506 Marchant (F. P.) on children's festival, 148

Geryon, 166

Prague and Bohemia, 382

Servian dynasties, 86

Spanish folk-lore, 484

Tongue- pricks, 235

Tongue-twisters, 233

Translation, 15

Wattman, 147

Zauber-Kessel in Essex, 275 Margate, description of the Grotto at, 14, 75, 192 Markham's (Capt. F.) ' Recollections of a Town Boy

at Westminster, 1849-55,' 265 Marlborough (Dowager Duchess of), her account of

herself, c. 1710, 308, 356 Marquess, his correct designation, 326 Marriage, instructions concerning banns of, 107, 215,

375; in a sheet, 146, 214, 314 Marriage customs in Wales, 482 Marriage Houses, 428, 509 Marriages, morganatic, 486 Married women, arms of, 390 Marshall family, 186

Marshall ( David) =Isobel Boyd, 1769, 186 Marshall (G.) on bell inscription, 68

Brighton Manor Court Roll, 92

Columbarium in church tower, 48