Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/554

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1904.

Rhyme and rime, 491

Rhys (A.) on owl, 315

Kichard II. forsaken by his greyhound, 468, 508

Bichardson (S.), his ' Pamela,' 141, 330

Richardson (W. C.) on nitchies, 227

Richelieu (Cardinal), his ecclesiastical rank, 19, 174,


Riddle, Latin, of Leo XIII., 337 Riddle of the Sphinx, 25 Riding the black ram, 483

Rime, historical, 33 ; spelling of the word, 491 ; Derby- shire, 503

Riming epitaph in Cornwall, 51, 92, 172, 216 Riming tables, hexameter and pentameter, 367 Ritter (0.) on "Gentle shepherd, tell me where," 377 River not flowing on the Sabbath, 19, 52, 175 Rivett-Carnac (J. H.) on folk-lore of childbirth, 455

National flag, 372, 454

Numerals, 387 Robbins (A. F.) on cabal, 46

English cardinals, 105

Morice (Mr. Secretary) and Lord Clarendon, 182

Mug, 231, 518

' Notes and Queries,' 276, 454

" Peace at any price," 495

Peace, Retrenchment, and Reform, 333

Peonage, 105

Seats reserved in House of Commons, 376

Tea as a meal, 351

Whitebait dinner, 337 Roberts (W.) on Robert Dickson, 257

Marat in London, 235

Pepper (Capt.), 448

Potter (Charles), 325

Ruts (Nicholas), 228

Wesley's portrait by Romney, 37

Whaley family, 198

Robertson (T. W.), production of his plays, 365, 476 Robespierre (Maximilien), canonization of, 370 Robin a Bobbin, old Derbyshire rime, 503 Robinson (J.) on Alpine Club, 406 Rochester Row, Old, Westminster, change of name, 66 Rodex : "out of rodex," meaning of the phrase, 5 Rodgers (J.) on William Blythe's descendants, 29 Rolfe (F. W.) on cushions on the altar, 398, 498 Roman pits, 28, 131

Romford, Essex, Shakespeares at, 1637-87, 205, 314 Romney (G.), his portrait of John Wesley, 37 Roper (Margaret), ne'e More, her marriage, 446 Rosas (Don Manuel), dictator of Argentine republic,

his biography, 167 Roscommon (Earl of), misquotation of his couplet,

126, 215, 313 Rosemary Lane, manufactory of spurious antiquities

in, 268

Rous or Rowse family, 487 Rousseau (Jean Jacques), his grandfather, 466 Rout, use of the word. 291 Route, army, pronunciation of the word, 434 Rowe (J. H.) on Bethluisnion, 405

Milksop, 425 ' Rule, Britannia,' use of comma in the phrase, 365,

436, 493

Ruahton (F. R.) on birch-sap wine, 50 Rushton (W. L.) on Shakespeare's books, 7, 463 Ruskin (John) and James McNeill Whistler, 85

Russell (F. A.) on farthings, 292

Reade (Charles), 312 Russell (Lord John) and the Alabama, 49 Russell (M.) on limericks or learicks, 8 Ruts (Nicholas), c. 1631, his biography, 228 Rye (W.) on letters of Dorothy Osborne, 230 S. on Sweyn, its pronunciation, 329 S. (A.) on factors of progress, 506

Fall of Saguntum, 1727, 368

Journal of a London citizen, 203, 242, 354

Swallows predicting a storm, 206 S. (Ad) on Sir Walter Raleigh, 349 S. (F. C.) on Eneas Silvius, 68 S. (H. K. St. J.) on fictitious Latin plurals, 518 S. (H. S.) on " C'est que 1'enfant," 350

Johnson's 'Lives of the Poets,' 68, 129 S. (J. P.) on automatic sculptor, 408 S. (L. P.) on Sir Henry Wotton, 367 S. (M. E.) on cession of Welsh counties to England,

106 S. (N. S.) on " Do you ken John Peel ? " 426

George IV.'s gold dinner service at Windsor, 466 S. (S. F.) on crowns in tower or spire of church, 485 S. (S. P. E.) on Holborn Casino, 195

Shops in Cheapside, 1650, 295 S. (T. W.) on Kimpton family, 207 S. (W.) on "Crying down credit," 213

Dakmaker, 26

First railway in Scotland, 186

Fortescue's ' British Army,' 325

Lock-step, 427

Low and lum, 465

Overslaugh, 157

Rakehell, 146

Whirligig as instrument of punishment, 484 S. (W. F. P.) on Shakespeare's religion, 29 Sabbath, river not flowing on the, 19, 52, 175 Saccawinkee, etymology of the word, 205 Sadleir (Sir Thomas), his mansion at Standon, Herts,


Saguntum, its fall, 1727, 368 St. Ampull, imaginary saint, 369 St. Andrews and Balcarres, 346 St. Anne's Church, Blackfriars, 517 St. Bartholomew, the Pope on massacre of, 57, 232 St. Bees College, collecting box at, 408, 493 St. Budeaux, Gorges family monument at, 154 St. Chrysostom and the designation Bible, 148 St. Dials, disused church at Llantarnam, Monmouth- shire, 49, 113, 514

St. Ebrulf Abbey and St. Peter's, Chester, 207, 457 St. Enoch, imaginary saint, 127, 369 St. Fort, imaginary saint, 127 St. Germain, adventurer and charlatan, 367 St. Kitts, pioneer settlers in, 1623, 229, 455 St. Legers (A.) on Marat, 175, 293 St. Margaret Pattens, derivation of the name, 170 St. Margaret's, Westminster, and the United States,

1, 63, 123, 164, 289, 390

St. Mary Axe, derivation of name, 170, 253, 351, 507 St. Mary Coney Hope, 170 St. Michael le Querne, derivation of the name, 170,

253, 351, 507

St. Olave's, Hart Street, Pepys monument in, 18 St. Patrick's, Soho, Latin entry in register, 206 St. Peter's, Cornhill, extract from marriage register, 8