Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/129

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in. FEB.



/ . H. and I about, as if they had purchased us, to p low in a fair. They cost me, some years ago, twice t vp thousand pounds, by opposing me, and now are ( oing all they can to make me pay four for be- f lending me ; and these people have given Adminis- t -ation such an idea of their own omnipotence that ] should never have been forgiven, if I had not A ielded to this importunity. I am assured that it ^ -ill succeed, and that both Sir A. and myself shall I e returned, but my credulity does not extend to that point. It is very probable, indeed, that by this effort |I may retain my own seat, which I did not care for." 'Historical M8S. Commission, 3?ifteenth Report, 5 Appendix, part vi. p. 442.

In point of fact, neither Selwyn nor " Sir A. H." was elected though no record of the poll is to be found either in Smith's ' Parlia- ments of England ' or the Gloucester list given in *N. & Q.,' 8 th S. iii. 64 and, despite his finding a seat for the pocket borough of Ludgershall, his affected carelessness as to whether he was rechosen for Gloucester was shown to be hollow when he wrote to the same correspondent at the opening of Parlia- ment in the following January :

"It is now a doubt if Barrow [one of the suc- cessful candidates, and previously for twenty-six years his colleague in the representation of (Glou- cester] is dead, which the whole town believed when I was last out ; not one syllable of it in any letter which I have had from Gloucester. I shall be very glad never more to hear his name or any other relative to that infernal place while I live. It has been truly a citta dolente to me." Ibid., p. 448. In this connexion one might hope for an attempt to trace the history of "True Blue" as a party colour in English politics. It has usually been associated with the Tories, but it would seem originally to have been Whig, for Swift, in a ballad of Queen Anne's times, wrote, in attacking Lord Wharton :

That viceroy is best,

That would take off the test, And made a sham speech to attempt it ;

But being true blue,

When he found 'twould not do, Swore, damn him, if ever he meant it. But its later use was coupled with the Tory party, just as buff and blue with the Whigs, and that was why Walter Scott, in his 'Health to Lord Melville,' in 1806, could sing :

Come, boys, never fear,

Drink the Blue grenadier- Here 's to old Harry, and long may he live !

And it is to be recalled that Disraeli in his early political satire ' Popanilla ' referred to England as "Vraibleusia."




ONE of the latest of many gifts made to me by an old and dear friend is a copy of ' The

Admirable Virtues, and Wonderful Effects of the ...... Tincture of Coral,' by Theophilus

Garencieres, 12mo., London, 1676. Concern- ing the author the ' Diet. Nat. Biog.' may be consulted. On the fly-leaves of this copy are written, in a seventeenth-century hand", the following memoranda, without any note of name, date, or place :


1. 1 st Sunday in Lent.

2. Easter-day.

3. Whitsunday.

4. 1 st Sund. after Act Sunday.

5. 1 st Sund? after Michaelmas.

6. y e Sund. after All S' 9 or Saints day.

7. Christmas-day.

, Commemorations.

January 3 d . Will. Smith Founder.

1 st Sund. after Epiphany. Humphrey Ogle.

Jan. 26 th . Eliz. Morley.

Feb. 6 th . Mathew Smith.

Feb. 13. Alex. Nowell.

Feb. 17. Sarah, Dutch 88 of Somerset.

Feb. 19. Tho. Church.

April 19 th . Joh. L ri Mordant.

May y e 4 th . Ed. Darby.

June 6 th . Joh. Port.

June 26. Sam. Radcliffe, Joh. Cart wright Ursula Cartwright.

Sept. 5 th . Joyce Frankland.

1 st Sunday after Michaelmas. S r Rich. Sutton Founder.

Oct. 30 th . Joh. Cox.

Novemb. 5 th . Will. Porter, Rob. Jones.

Novemb. 30 th . Rich. Harpur.

Decemb. 21 Bt . Tho. Yates.


Note y l if same p r son ought to preach both y* sermons.

The Chaplains courses throughout y* year.

At p r sent as follows.

M r Hyde reads from y e I 8t of January till May y e [l] Bt for himself.

M r Hyde reads for M r Beconsel from May y e I 8t till y e l Bt of Septemb.

M 1 Smith reads from y e first of September till y e I 8t of January.


Note y* all Masters when a year regent do collate if they have a name in y e book.

Masters Disputations.

All Masters dispute on Saturdays when two years standing if they keep their name in y e book.

Note y* The Principal allways reads Prayers on Easter-day, Whitsunday, & Christmas-day.

The V: Principal all y e holy day mornings in y e year.

Note y* Wednsday in ~EmbQT-iveU [sic] is allways Fast. Night,

Morning Prayer.

All Michaelmas term ring at six in y e morning. All Lent at six in y e morn. Easter & Act at five in y e morn. Evening Prayer.

At S* Giles's Feast we go to prayers at five till term comes in. Then at half hour past five till Ashwednsday from Ashwednsday at five till wedns.