Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/149

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s. in. FEB. 25, m] NOTES AND QUERIES.


4. But they [the gods] smile, they find a music

centred in a doleful song teaming up, a lamentation and an ancient tale of

wrong, Ake a tale of little meaning tho' the words are

strong. Tennyson, ' The Lotos- Eaters.'

Dans I'Olympe, ou le cri du monde arrive chant, Ou 1'etourdissement conseille Tincl^mence, On rit.

Victor Hugo, ' La Le'gende des Siecles,' ' Le Titan,' iii.

5. Thy ditties will she freely praise,

And pay thy pains with courtly phrase ; In a rough path will oft command- Accept at least thy friendly hand ; I His she avoids, or, urged and prayed, Unwilling takes his proffered aid, While conscious passion plainly speaks In downcast look and blushing cheeks. Scott, ' Rokeby,' canto ii. stanza xxx. The girl

Seemed kinder unto Philip than to him ; But she loved Enoch.

Tennyson, 'Enoch Arden.'

Compare also Fadette and the "bessons," Landry and Sylvinet :

" Elle etait sans gene avec lui [Sylvinet], et quel- qu'un qui ne s'y connaitrait pas aurait juge" que c'etait celui des bessons qu'elle preferait." George Sand, ' La Petite Fadette,' chap. xi.

6. " De temps en temps une note triste passe et roule dans le ciel comme un ronflement de conque marine. C'est le butor qui plonge au fond de 1'eau son bee immense d'oiseau-pecheur et souffle." Alphonse Daudet, 'Lettres de mon Moulin,' 'En Camargue.'

Does not this remind us of Scott's beauti- ful lines in ' The Lady of the Lake,' canto i. stanza xxxi. (Ellen's Song) 1

Yet the lark's shrill fife may come At the daybreak from the fallow, And the bittern sound his drum, Booming from the sedgy shallow.

JONATHAN BOUCHIER. Ropley, Alresford, Hants.

INSCRIPTIONS IN THE MILITARY CEMETERY OF EVE LEARY, BRITISH GUIANA. During the first half of the present century British Guiana was garrisoned by British troops. Detachments were stationed at Georgetown, New Amsterdam, Fort Wellington, and Aber- deen in Essequibo. After the abolition of slavery in 1838 all the detachments were Avithdrawn, except the one at Eve Leary barracks in Georgetown. The mortality amongst these troops, crowded together in insanitary quarters, was very great, until a peculiarly fatal outbreak of yellow fever in 1856 compelled the War Office to withdraw all white troops from the colony, which was afterwards garrisoned by West Indian regiments.

There are several soldiers' burial-grounds

dotted about the colony, but neglect and climatic influences have almost obliterated all mementoes of the dead. The old military cemetery at Eve Leary had long been abandoned and its site almost forgotten, until it was discovered by Mr. Kirke, Sheriff of Demerara, who represented its shameful condition to Lord Gormanston, Governor of the colony, himself an old soldier, who at once ordered it to be enclosed with a decent paling, and placed it in charge of the Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens, who levelled the ground and planted it with ornamental trees and shrubs.

Most of the graves are undistinguished by any tablet or headstone. These, being mostly made of wood, have long ago succumbed to the damp tropical heat and the attacks of ants, or have been carried away for firewood.

The following inscriptions are the decipher- able ones left, and as they will soon disappear it is as well that they should be enshrined in

  • N. &Q.'

The officers had a separate burial-place, which has been kept in better order.

L* Colonel


XIX Regiment

Died 5 th Nov r 1827

Aged 46 years

Sacred To the Memory



Serg* 49 th Regiment

Who departed this life

On the 9 th of April 1859

Aged 32 years

Requies Cat + in pace

Who is sincerely regretted by the

Non-Comd. Officers and Pts

of the Reg*


Sacred to the Memory of


Late of the XIX Reg*

Who departed this life

On the 10 th of Augst 1846

Aged 27 years This board was erected by his

Affectionate Comrades as a token of respect to his memory.



To the Memory of


Who departed this life on

the 17 th of July 1844

Aged 40 Years

She was lamented by all that Knew her, she was charitable And a mother to the motherless,