Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/209

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Pp. 52-3. Eich. Topcliife. See Hearne's ' Langtoft,' 1810, ii. 639.

P. 56 a. For " Mapleton " read Mappleton.

Pp. 57-9. Toplady. See Benson's ' Fletcher,' 1825, p. 161 ; Sidney's 'Rowland Hill,' 1834, pp. 90, 105, 130, 438 ; ' Life of Lady Hunting- don,' 1840, ii. 278; Berridge's 'Works,' 1864, p. 378 ; Kyle's ' Christian Leaders,' 1869, pp. 358-84; Rogers's 'Memorials of the West,' 1888 ; ' N. & Q.,' 5 th S. vi. 488. His 'Psalms and Hymns' were reprinted down to 1821, and his 'Works' to 1857. Thomas Olivers issued a 'Letter to Toplady on his Letter to Wesley,' pp. 60, 1771. A memorial has recently been placed in Broadhembury Church. On ' Rock of Ages ' see Sir W. H. Wills's letter in the Times, May, 1898.

P. 59. W. Topley was an examiner in science in the University of Durham. One of his papers was on the 'Physical Geography of East Yorkshire,' 1866.

P. 62 a. For " Warlaby " read Worlaby.

P. 63. J. Torre. See Da vies, ' York Press.'

P. 90. Bp. John Towers was a friend of Nicholas Farrer, Wordsworth, 'Eccl. Biog.,' v. 161, 228.

P. 93. Towerson's ' Explication of the Cate- chism,' 2 vols. folio, 1676.

P. 103 b. For " baptism is " read baptisms


P. 104 b, 1. 41, after " was afterwards " read until his resignation in 1894.

P. 118 b, "kiss hands." The Dictionary seems to have adopted this abbreviation, possibly through some confusion with " shake hands." But it is incorrect and without pre- cedent. The right and old phrase is " to kiss the king's hand," as may be seen, e.g., in Hearne's 'Collectanea,' Oxf. Hist. Soc., iv. 313 (1714) ; ' Correspondence of Gray and Mason,' 1853, pp. 418-9 (1768); Hist. MSS. Comin., Fourteenth Rep. App. viii. 190 (1777).

Pp. 109-16. Charles Townshend was a patron of Wm. Broome ; see his ' Poems.'

Pp. 117-20. Charles Townshend. Akenside addressed two Odes to him ; see 'Gray' by Mason, 1827, pp. 215, 345.

Pp. 128 a, 131 a, 270 a. For " Rennet " read Kennett.

P. 130. Sir Roger Townshend's restoration of impropriations, Spelman, ' Tithes,' 1647.

P. 142. Robert Tracy was one of the judges who gave an opinion on Sacheverell's trial ; see the printed Report.

P. 146. Tradescant's collection is mentioned in Oldham's k Poems,' ed. Bell, 1854, p. 125 ; J. H. Parker's 'Lecture on Ashmol. Mus.,' 1870; 'Book of Days,' ii. 686-7; Savage's ' Memorabilia,' 1820 ; ' Transproser Rehears'd,' 1673, p, 123.

P. 154. Sir N. Trarit. See more in Roberta's ' H. More,' iv. 63.

P. 155 a. For " Abetot " read Abitot.

Pp. 155-8. Joseph Trapp. Pope, on his translations, in Curll's 'Miscellanea,' i. 50; Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, describes his poetry as "too flat" ('Poet Laureat,' 1719). Some of Trapp's single sermons were Anniversary of Her Majesty's Inauguration, 8 March, 1705/6, 4to., Oxford ; Assize at Oxford, 4 March, 1707/8 ; Assize at Kingston- on-Thames, 14 July, 1713 ; Church Building atShipburn, Kent, 1723 ; Royal Sin, Adultery rebuked in a great King ; there was an edition of his ' Unsettled Notions,' 1730. His sermon against Hoadly provoked, inter alia,, 'Re- flections by a Lawyer,' ' A Scourge for Trapp,' " Reality without Existence, by a Gentleman of Oxford that understands Trapp"; Sir James Baker, 'Admonition to the famous Mr. Trapp,' all in 1717. To his 'Righteous Over- much,' 1739 (fifth ed. 1758), W. Law replied, 1740; there also appeared 'Dr. Trapp tried and cast, and allowed to the 10th of May next to recant.'

P. 164. Travis and Person. See Mathias, 'P. of L.,' p. 98; E. H. Barker's 'Literary Anecdotes,' 1852, vol. ii.

P. 166. Sir G. Treby. Vol. iv. of J. Scott's ' Christian Life' was dedicated to him, 1696 ; one collection of letters on the Popish Plot, edited by Treby, was entitled ' Intrigues of the French King,' folio, 1689.

P. 181. Jonathan Trelawny. His visitation of Exeter College, 'Life of Stillingfleet,' 1710, p. 107 ; Atterbury, Bingham, and W. Lowth dedicated books to him ; Granger, ' Biog. Hist. Engl.,' iv.

P. 182 a, 1. 27. "Consecrated" is an error; he was a bishop already.

P. 191 a, 1. 9. For "French " read Trench.

P. 199. John Trenchard. James Hammond, the poet, is said to have helped Trenchard, especially in his work on ' Standing Armies,' 'Life,' prefixed to 'Poems.'

P. 210. Sir W. C. Trevelyan. See Calver- ley's ' Diary,' in Surtees Soc. Pub., vol. 77.

P. 210 b. For " Loft " read Lofft (xxxiv.).

P. 223. Sir John Trevor. See Hone's ' Year- Book.' 618.

Pp. 225 b, 277 b. For "Bishop Stortford" read Bishop 's Stortford.

P. 226 a. For "Bishop's Auckland" read Bishop Auckland.

P. 226 a. Bp. Richard Trevor. See Wrang- ham's 'Zouch,' ii. 198n.

Pp. 228-9. Tho. Trevor was one of thos consulted on Sacheverell's trial ; he was probably a pupil at Ch. Ch. of Edward Wells, see the ded. of a map in his ' Dionysius.'