Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/287

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9 th S. Ill

.APRIL is,





I OTES : The French Revolutionary Calendar, 281 Shak speariana, 282 " Kaisar-i-Hind " Cromwellites and Wil liamites in Ireland, 283 A Remarkable Epitaph Th( Duke of York Christmas Day on Sunday The John sonian Religious Sect, 284 Portrait of Tom Paine" Hil me up! "Political Gout Patrick Copland, 285 Ancient Bee-lore General Murray in the ' D.N.B.' " Coter- minous," 286.

QUERIES :" Peace, Retrenchment, and Reform" Eliza- beth Christine Alexander" Geary " Lines by Dickens Book-plate " The Old Frenchman" Hebrews ix. 27 English Rimes to Foreign Words Colour of Bulls in Coats of Arms, 287 Wilson Aylsbury Roberts, 1781 Archery Butts Author of Verses Boniface the Bavarian Sir Josceline Blount Dramatic Directory Printing in Ire- land Domenico Theotocopuli The Chesapeake, 288 4 Directions for Health 'Firman or Firmin Family, 28

REPLIES :-" Been to." 289-' Gentleman's Magazine,' 291 Strong's Bluff " Bailey " " Are we better ? "Trinity Windows, 293 Quotations "Rodfall" Cure by the Hand of a Corpse' Shakspeare and the Faust Legend ' The Provinces, 294 Early English Poem" Turthel Cow" A Child's Caul Rounds or Rungs, 295 Dean of Canter- bury Charade Agam Colours Paul Jones Slavonic Names, 296 Sporting Ghosts Stalls in Theatres Missing Picture" Gancanagn "The Study of Dante in America, 297" Demon's Aversion "Bedell Family, 298.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Dictionary of National Biography,' Vol. LVIII Payne's 'History of the New World called America 'Lee's 'Shakespeare's Handwriting' Pearson's ' A Study in Philology ' Sexby's ' Municipal Parks, Gardens, and Open Spaces of London ' ' The English Catalogue of Books for 1898.'

Notices to Correspondents.


(See ante, pp. 208,253.)

I HAVE a copy of a tiny Parisian almanac (4 in. by 2 in.), in a blue-and-white striped paper wrapper, containing sixty-two leaves I and two folding tables ; the two end-papers (are also printed on. A coloured print has Deen inserted, representing Liberty, a woman lolding a sword and placing a wreath on ,he head of Equality, a woman holding a riangle, and a spear on the top of which is he red cap. On the title-page is the neat lontemporary autograph of one Anne Part- ngton. The title is "Le Petit Desire des EYancais; etrennes de la liberte, pour Fan jextille, iii e de la Republique " (Cap of "iberty). It is for the year 1794-5.

This little volume is occupied with an ilphabetical account of the ninety depart- nents, the twelve Government "Commis- ions " which took the place of the Executive Council, with the names of the chief officials, >ostal arrangements, tables of taxes and of xchange of money. In the list of " Change- aens des noms des communes " it is to be oticed that all the saints disappear, one f them becoming "Brutus le Magnanime";

the queen becomes Equality, the king "la machine," and Louis, Liberty. There is a prayer to the Supreme Being, on the im- mortality of the soul, asking Him to listen to twenty millions of men who have passed their lives in slavery, and concluding with the " holy maxim " that He will not suffer man to repent of having been virtuous.

The year began on 22 September, and con- sisted of three hundred and sixty days, but there were six complementary days, 17-22 September, the sixth being reckoned, I sup- pose, once only in every four years. These six days were "Fetes sans culottides," viz., Virtue, Genius, Work, Opinion, Reward, Re- volution.

The calendar shows twelve months of thirty days each. The "Jours des Decades" are "primdi, duodi, tridi, quartidi, quintidi, sextidi, septidi, octidi, nonidi, Decadi." To these thirty-six tenth-days were assigned thirty-six " Fetes Decadaires," decreed by the National Convention on the eighteenth Prairial, in honour of

The Supreme Being and


The Human Race The French People Benefactors of Humanity Martyrs for Liberty Liberty and Equality The Republic Liberty of the World Love of Country Hatred of Tyrants and

Traitors Truth Justice Modesty

"lory and Immortality Friendship Frugality ourage

Good Faith





Conjugal Fidelity

Paternal Love

Maternal Tenderness

Filial Piety




Old Age




Our Ancestors

Our Posterity


There is a list of public conveyances run- ning at fixed times to various places ; these " voitures " are distinguished as berline, cabriolet, carrosse, chariot, coche, diligence,

ourgon, gondole, guimbard, and guinguette ;
here is a separate list of " coches d'eau " at
he "port de la Tournelle." In these lists
he old days of the week are retained.

On p. 45 we have " Comite de Salut Public. Son titre seul designe 1'importance de ses p onctions." The " Commissaires " were :

Barrere, rue Honore, No. 320.

Couthon, meme rue, No. 366.

Saint-Just, rue Gaillon, maison des Etats-Unis.

Jean-Bon, meme rue, No. 7.

Prieur (de la Marne), rue Helvetius, No. 11.

Robert-Lindet, rue Honore", No. 339.

Robespierre, meme rue, No. 366.

Carnot, rue Florentin, No. 2.

Prieur (de la Cote-d'Or), rue Caumartin, No. 5.