Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/471

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9*s. in. JUNE IT,



>. 308 ; Carter, p. 32 ; Cave Browne ; Archceo ogia, 1883, vol. xlvii. 355-60.

257. Round the south doorway of th< Gorman church of Barfreston, Kent.

258. Round the leaden Norman font in 3rookland Church, Kent. In Archaeological

. Tournal, vol. vi. p. 159 ; Archceologia Cantiana ol. iv. p. 87.

259. Pisces and Capricornus remain of a zodiac round the outside of the great west

doorway of the Norman priory at Dunstable. Bedfordshire. Dugdale, ' England and Wales, vol. ii. p. 677 ; Britton, 1807, vol. i.

260. In an English calendar of the tenth century. In B.M. MS. Julius A. vi. Archceo- logia, 1873, vol. xliv.

261. In an English MS, calendar of the twelfth century. In the cathedral library, Durham. Archceologia, vol. xliv.

262. Three signs on encaustic tiles "of the thirteenth century were found at Chertsey. In Shaw, 'Tile Pavements,' 1858.

263. On bosses of slight wood groining, east walk of the cloister of Lincoln Cathedral, of the end of the thirteenth century.

264. Engraved in an almanac of 1386.

265. Three encaustic tiles, bearing Capri- cornus, Cancer, Aries, were found in the nave of Melton Mowbray Church, Leices- tershire. Fourteenth century. Coloured drawings of them are in Archceologia, 1873, vol. xliv. pi. iv. p 168.

266. Cancer in the westwindowof St. Mary's, Shrewsbury. In Archceologia, vol. xliv. pi. v. Fifteenth century.

267. In tapestry, in the small hall, Hampton 'Court Palace. ? Sixteenth century.

268. In the ' Salisbury Primer,' by Weever, 1532. Carter, 'Ancient Architecture,' 1780.

269. Engraved in Regnault, 'Horse Sarum,' 1539.

270. Surrounding an ancient engraved portrait of Queen Elizabeth. In the Hope collection, Oxford.

271. Carved in stone round the Prior's cloister doorway, Ely Cathedral. Builder, 18 October, 1890, p. 310.

272. Carved on twelve stone bosses on the vaulted roof of a passage between two courts in Merton College, Oxford. Alden, 'Guide to Oxford,' 1890, p. 58.

273. On twelve encaustic tiles on the east wall of the chancel of Upton Helions Church, Devonshire.

274. Sagittarius appears on a capital of the great west doorway of Malrnesbury Abbey. Britton, ' Beauties of England,' p. 612.

275. Taurus, Pisces, Leo, Sagittarius, round

the north doorway of Brinsop Church, Here- fordshire. Archceologia, vol. xlix. p. 149.

276. Very rudely cut in circular stones in the floor of Trinity Chapel, where Becket was slain, Canterbury Cathedral. Archceologia, vol. x. p. 151.

277. Pisces and Sagittarius are on an early tomb in Conisborough Church, Yorkshire.

278. Round the doorway of Kenil worth Church, Warwickshire. Archceologia, vol. xliv.

279. On the capitals of twelve pillars in the choir of Carlisle Cathedral. ' Dictionary of Architecture.'

280. Capricornus in Norman work is found at Alne, near York. Archceologia, vol. xliv.

281. Carved on a column in Kirk Michael Churchyard in the Isle of Man. Gentleman's Magazine in Archceologia.

282. Encaustic tiles bearing a single sign have been found Aries at Charnwood Forest Priory Holy Trinity Church, Hull ; Wirk- worth ; Bakewell ; Duffield ; Morley ; Darley Abbey ; Kegworth ; Burton Abbey ; Thur- garton ; and other places. Archceologia, vol. xliv.

283. In the B.M. is a tile with Aries on it. Another zodiacal tile is in the Yorkshire Philosophical Society Museum (Archceologia, vol. xliv.). There is a Norman zodiacal tile in SS. Peter and Paul's, Harrington (Fowler, ' Mosaic Pavements,' i.). One bearing Aries was found in Ulverscroft Priory (Archceo- logical Journal, 1846, vol. ii. p. 89). It is of the fourteenth century.

284. Some of the figures carved on the stone capitals of the columns in the (?) Saxon crypt under St. Peter's, Oxford, appear to be zodiacal signs.

285. When repairs were, in 1835, made at Westminster Hall, some of the original Norman capitals were found. Some of the figures on these might perhaps be signs of the zodiac : Leo, Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio 'salamander), Aquila (pelican), Aquarius man holding jar or stone), Cancer (? frog), Lupus, Gemini (two - bodied animal). Cf. STos. 274, 279, 284. Engraved in Archceologia, 1836, vol. xx vi. pis. xlviii. xlix. p. 420.

It may be noticed as singular that, out of icarly three hundred ancient zodiacs found n many countries, not one example is from Scotland, Ireland, or Wales.

In No. 162 (9 th S. ii. 304), for " 1852, xxxiv. 6," read 1849, xxxiii, A. B. G.

FIVE WELSH WORTHIES. THE Daily Neivs of 29 May contained a full ind interesting account of a memorial un- veiled on the previous Tuesday at Llansannan