Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/509

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.



B. (C. C.) on Shakspeare's imitations of his own characters, 213

Shakspeariana, 65, 282, 422

Stook, its meaning, 357, 474

Swallow, its song, 94

Sween or swean, 69

Tennyson (Lord), his 'Spiteful Letter,' 317; 'Amphion,' 484

' Tom Tit Tot,' 146 B. (E.) on Trinity windows, 28, 187 B. (E. G.) on Pease egger, 334 B. (F.) on blue cassocks, 368

Dedications, double, 348 B. (G. F. R.) on Addison's 'Rosamond,' 192

Andre" ( David), 127

Arnold (Benedict), 153

Coronations on St. George's Day, 391

Crowley (Sir Ambrose), 155

Floyd (Michael), 127

King (John), D.D., 135

Richard II., inscription on his tomb, 391

St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, 275

Withycombe Church, 137

Younger (Mrs.), 153 B. (G. P.) on Trotter, clockmaker, 128 B. (H. T.) on blackcaps, 428

Cosby and Jeffreys families, 308

Hoby (Sir Philip), 328

Motto, " Vestigia nulla retrorsum," 218

Prior's parentage, 449 B. ( J. P.) on Baxter family, 329 B. (R.) on decade, in calendar, 253

Johnson (Dr.) and tea-drinking, 272

Slough, place-name, 198 B. (W.) on fringle, its meaning, 248

Younie surname, 68 B. (W. C.) on the real ^neas, 414

Bells tolled for payment of church rents, 31


Caul, child's, 77

Centenarian at Eversden, 186

Charles I., 25

Christmas and Cromwell, 174

Churches, Sister, 115

Coronations on St. George's Day, 307

Corpus Christi Day, 407

Cromwell (Oliver) and music, 491

' Dictionary of National Biography,' 202


Earthquake in 1750, 410

Easter bibliography, 244

Endowing purse, 476

French Republican calendar, 281

Ghetto, Roman, 90

Gotham, wine men of, 496

Hebrews ix. 27, 474

Hoy, 491

" Kings !" at games, 115

Ladle, silver, 137

London Electrical Dispensary, 495

Month, rime to, 191

Moore (Miss Frances), 125

Nonjurors, 475

Nouns of singularity, 405

Odour, hereditary, 416

Oxenbridge (John), 15

B. (W. C ) on Oxford, customs of Brasenose College, 123 ; expulsions from, 393

Peas, pease, and peasen, 95

" Pip in the webe," 115

Rodfall, its meaning, 294

Sainthill (S.) and his Basque studies, 254

Sibyls in Scotland, 194

Soot, its pronunciation, 395

"Tour, aerial," 316

University Colleges of residence, 452

Vestments, Bishop Hooper's, 456

Village, deserted, 490

Wentworth House, milestones directing to, 494

Wrangham's 'Plutarch,' 492

Xmas = Christmas, 138

B. (W. E.) on " Per pro," its proper use, 468 Bacon (Roger) and the telescope, 163 Bacon-Shakspeare controversy and Sir Henry Wotton,

181 Baddeley (St. C.) on basilicas, 449

Boniface the Bavarian, 396

Comet, Papal bull against, 334

Ghetto, Roman, 312

Pompey's Pillar, 410

Seaman, John, LL.D., 428

Silchester, church (?) at, 11, 275, 374

Walpole (Horace) and his editors, 354 Bagatelle, its etymology, 345 Bailey, its meaning, 269, 293, 433 Baker (T. H.) on Thomas Shakspeare, 108 Baldock (G. Y.) on Gate, tavern sign, 216 Ball (F. E.) on Barry O'Meara, 373 Ball game, old Italian, 213 Bai'clay (Alexander), his nationality, 305 Barclay (John), his ' Argenis,' 354 Baronetcy offered by George III., 387 Barracks, earliest use of the word, 3 Barricades first used, 3 Barry peerage, 274 Barton, two colonels named, 127 Basilicas, Christian, 276, 322, 449, 493 Basque churchyard, English epitaph in, 385 Batavia and ' Historia Batavica,' 205 Battle of Dorking again, 305 Baxter family, 329 Bayley (A. R.) on Arlington, its derivation, 357

'Aylwin,' 174

Boccaccio and English poets, 369

Coronations on St. George's Day, 390

Cromwell (Oliver) and music, 417

Munro (Sir Thomas), 30

Oxford and Cambridge colleges, their founders, 121, 183

Oxford portraits, 192

Parallel, historical, 104

Richard II., inscription on his tomb, 391 Bayne (T. ) on " Cambuscan bold," 157

Gow, its meaning, 455

Gray (Thomas), his ' Elegy,' 375

Green, verb, its meaning, 470

"Heels o'er gowdie," 453

"Interlunar cave," 57

'Lucy's Flitting,' 317

Palgrave (F. T.) as Professor of Poefcry, 446

Rat-rime, its meaning, 394

Ringes, its meaning, 449