Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/513

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.



C. (VV.) on Rev. Alexander Stevenson, 8 C. (W. O.) on Ogilvie : Grant, 88 C. (VV. S.) on " pillar " dollar, 34

" Vestigia nulla retro rsuin," 71 Caen Wood, Highj^te, 473 Calcot (John), Wes'minster scholar, 107 Calder (A.) on Dunbar family, 6

Gladstone (W. E.), his Welsh ancestry, 14 Lauder family, 347 Uchiltree family, 369

Calendar, decade in French Republican, 208, 253, 281 Callings of various persons, 115 Cambridge University, founders of the colleges, 121,


Cambridge verses and parodies, 108, 272 Cambridge verses, ' In Cap and Gown,' 209 Camelian ring, 75, 193, 276 Campbell (Thomas), his Wallace,' 168, 392 Candy (F. J.) on Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey, 96 Canney (M. A.) on Dr. Young's letters, 128 Canning (Elizabeth), allusion to, 384 ; her " shaving"

hat, 447

Canterbury (Dean of) and tract of Latin verses, 296 Cape Town in 1844, 96, 196

Cardew (F. G.) on Lieut. C. T. M. McDowell, 129 Cards represented on church tower, 90, 214, 273 Carey (T. W.) on Butler : Le Bouteillier, 228 Carkeet family of Cornwall, 55, 116 Carlow, old Irish and English spellings, 228 Carlyle (E. I.) on John Watkins, 149 Carnwath (second Earl of), his marriage, 271, 331 Carol, Berkshire, 307, 394 Caron House, South Lambeth, its history, 193 Carroll (Lewis), letter on non-appearance of actors,

68 ; parody of 'Alice in Wonderland,' 427 Cassocks, red, 188, 332 ; blue, 368, 475 Casti and Rose, 486 Cataloguing, notes on, 102

Caul, child's, 26, 77, 175, 295 ; its names, 408, 491 Caved in, origin of the phrase, 385 Caxon^wig, 214

Cecil family and name, 34, 154, 213 Cecil, its pronunciation, 34, 154 Cedar trees first grown in England, 36 Ceiling or cieling, 53, 194

Celer et Audax on All Souls' Day ditty, 126, 316 Bee-lore, ancient, 286 Bees and rose-leaves, 433 Christmas Day on Sunday, 284 Crosby Place, 431 James II. at Rochester, 384 Wishing wells, visiting the, 443 Celtic words in use in Anglo-Saxon parts, 193, 258,


Centenarian at Eversden, 1600, 186 Century, twentieth, 225

Cervantes, ' Iconography of Don Quixote/ 50 Cetinje, origin of the name, 167 Cetywayo, its spelling and pronunciation, 406 ( 'hairs, Windsor, 349, 456 Chal, Romany word, 108, 373, 475 Chancery, Six Clerks in, 135

' Chant of Acbiiles,' its publication, 188, 272, 371 Charade, " My first is followed by a bird," 187, 237,

296, 331, 473 Charing Cross, derivation of the name, 405

Charles I., George worn by, 16, 73 ; notes on anni versary of his execution, 25, 411 ; his decollation, 124, 316, 394 ; genuine relics, 130, 314 ; memorial rings, 174, 418; his death attributed to Jesuits, 25, 411, 478

Charles II., miniature portrait with skull, 427 " Charme," its meaning, 94 Chatham (Earl of), engraving of monument, 468 Chaucer (" Daniel "), source of the blunder, 304 Chaucer (Geoffrey) and Horace,^224 Chaussey, Channel islet group, 56 Chesapeake, its timbers in Hampshire, 288, 378 Cheyne or Cheney family, 382 Chifney bit, its meaning, 387 Child-bed pew = churching pew, 212 Chinese medicine, 408 Chinese novel, 23 Chinese punishments, 352 Choirs, modern instrumental, 178 " Christ with blue eyes," bust named, 27 Christian names : Cecil, 34, 154, 213 ; brothers bearing- same, 34, 438 ; Lavinia, 148, 273 ; Aylwin, 174, 256 ; Acts of the Apostles, 225, 312, 416 ; pro- nunciation of Avice, 248 ; Agnes a fateful name, 249, 377 ; Yeed or Yeedith, 369, 456 ; What, 416 ; Desemea, 448 Christmas, spelt Xmas, 27, 138 ; and Oliver Cromwell,

104, 174, 235, 495

Christmas carol, fifteenth century, 107 ! Christmas Day on Sunday, 284 Chronogram, 1532, 46 Chronology, monkish, 73, 234 ! "Church, "gender of, 448 Church rents, bells tolled for their payment, 31 Church tower, cards represented on, 90, 214, 273

Church tradition, 33, 94, 171

| Churches, Sister, 48, 115, 173

Churches, Trinity windows in, 28, 187, 293 ; archi- tectural irregularities, 33, 94, 171 ; mysterious marks in, 207 ; basilican, 322 ; doubly dedicated, 348; Allhallows the Great, London, its carvings, 388, 455 ; cresset-stones in, 408 ; double-naved, 429, 496

Churchill (W. S.) on Counts of Holland, 31 Churching pew. See Child bed pew. Cieling or ceiling, 53, 194 Cipher, its solution, 128 Ciphers, Skelton's, 386, 498 Cirage, its meaning, 216

Civil List, grants and pensions from. 367, 434 Clanmolinespick, Irish clan, 169, 454 Clare Street, London, in 1640, 69, 175, 377 Clark (R.) on Allhallows the Great, Upper Thames

Street, 388

Cocked Hat Club, 326 Crosby Place, Bishopsgate, 367 Davis (F.), his ' ^Chester,' 177 London exhibitions, 155 Nonjurors, 178 Rodfall, its meaning, 214

Clarke (C.) on Johnson's house at Frognal, 334, 415 License or licence, 248 " Writer of sorts," 167 Clayton (E. G.) on ceiling or cieling, 194 Register, entry in, 214 Withycombe Church struck by lightning 1 , 342