Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/515

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Notes and Queries, July 29,



Crito on Dublin death-rate, 468 Cromwell family of Henbury, 367, 494 Cromwell (Oliver), and Christmas, 104, 174, 235 495 ; his followers in Ireland, 283 ; and the organ 305 ; and music, 341, 417, 491 ; articles on tercen tenary, 366

Cromwell (Richard), loyal addresses to, 367 Cronbane halfpenny, 327, 456 Crooke (W.) on Indian nobleman, 6 Crosby Place, Bishopsgate Street, its architecture

367, 431 Crouch (C. H.) on Furly of Colchester, 438

Goodale House, Yorks, 456

Gordon of Lesmoir, 491

Poole (Benjamin), 490

Sanderson family, 368

Crowley (Sir Ambrose), his pedigree, 90, 155 Cruso (F. M. 0.) on Dean of Canterbury, 296 Cryptography, articles on, 152 Cucumber, Fairy, 368 Culleton (L.) on device and motto, 236 Cumberland (Richard), his death and funeral, 4 ' Cupid's Garden,' author of the poem, 267 Curran (Sarah), her letters, 349, 472 Curry ( J. T.) on John Bull of French origin, 242

"Ploughing the sands," 2

" Strenua nos exercet inertia," 310

Wotton (Sir Henry) and the Bacon- Shakspeare

controversy, 181 Curzon family genealogy, 152 " Gutted owen," register entry, 90, 214

D. on Bailey, its meaning, 293

Lamb and banner device, 417

" Peace, retrenchment, and reform," 287

Verlaine (Paul), 267

"Writer of sorts," 197 D. (A. C. G.) on Gordon of Lesmoir, 408 D. (F. M.) on Cambridge verses, 108 D. (H. H.) on money lent by measure, 476 D. (J.) on Mackenzie, its pronunciation, 356 D. (M.) on Cambridge verses, 209 D. (Q. E.) on menu with quotations, 266 Dagger, Bridport, 365 Dale (Dr. Samuel), his ancestry, 228 Dallas family, 69, 173 Dallas (J.) on Cogan peerage, 358

Day family, 208

Innes = de Insula, 188

Kendall (W.), his Poems,' 246

Polwheile (Theophilus), 268 Dalton (C.), B)lack Rod, 1747, 127, 316 Dalton (C. A. on Merlin's Mechanical Museum, 169 Dante, discovery of alleged portrait by Giotto, 41, 297 ; his wife, 226 ; study of his writings in America, 41, 297 Danteiana, 424, 461

Darlington (O. H.) on < Three Sergeants,' 374 Dartford, " Royal Bull Hotel " at, 326 D'Aulnoy (Comtesse) and the microphone, 264, 397 Davey (H.) on Cromwell and music, 341 David (W. H.) on Prime Minister, 273 Davies (Rev. William), M.A., his biography, 167 Davis (F.) on 'Romano-British City of Silchester,'

354 Davis (L. E.) on engraving of Paris and Helen, 467

Day family of Worfield, co. Salop, 208

De Brotoune (L.) on Elizabeth Christine Alexander,


De Creon family, arms of, 447 De Feritate, name and family, 47, 192, 277 De Moro (Duke) on Berlin birth register, 407

' Moro,' an opera, 407 Dead fold, its meaning, 68, 153, 455 Death-rate in Dublin, 468 Debosco (C.) on seal impressions, 412 Decade, and French Republican calendar, 208, 253, 281 Decoctor = bankrupt, 245 Dedications, double, 348 Dee (Dr. John) and Edward Kelly, 73 Deedes (C.) on bell-ringing, 466 Blotting paper, 336 Hoskins (Serjeant), verses by, 428 Sloughj place-name, 316 Deland (M.) on Gaunt family, 327 Demon's aversion = vervain, 298, 375 Derbyshire Pack Rag Feast, 85 " Desemea," its etymology, 448 Deva on " T'esquinte pas," 69 Device and motto, 48, 235 Devil as a black dog, 374

Devonshire, lending money by measure in, 32, 191, 33 Dewhurst (Robert), Westminster scholar, 149 Dey (E. M.) on Drydeniana, 165

Shakspeariana, 63, 223, 271, 363, 364, 423 Dibble, its meaning, 407 Dibdin (E. R.) on Garrick's Jubilee,' 239 Dice-throwing by maidservants, 164 Dickens (Charles), and G. W. M. Reynolds, 141 ; ia Welsh, 225 ; and the " Red Lion," Parliament Street, 262; lines by, 287, 315; his "Anthony Humm," 443

'Dictionary of National Biography,' notes and correc- tions, 202, 286 Dilettanti Society, print of meeting, 368, 414 Dilke (Lady) on Strong's Bluff, 293 Dilke (Sir C. W.) on Fisher = Lane, 334 Dillon (Baron John), 1731-1805, 443 Dillon (Baron John Talbot), 1734-1806, 443 Directory, dramatic, 288 Djachwi, its meaning, 348 Dobbs (E. W.) on poem on horse-chestnut, 31 Dodgson (C. L.). See Carroll, Lewis. Dogs, old proverb concerning, 145 Dollar on triple marriages, 217 Dollar, " pillar," 34 Domesday " mansio," 135 Dossetor on Parliament cakes, 212 Dottle on error in 'Guy Mannering,' 493 Douglas (R, B.) on Marshal Massdna, 396 Douglas (W.) on Simon Slingsby, 135

Young (Charles and Mrs.), 156 Dovecotes, early, 113 Downs (H.) on Dyson : Colet, 496 Downs (South), peat on the, 447 Downton (Nicholas), his biography, 305 Drake (Henry) on black images of the Madonna, 452 Drake (H. H.) on Letters of Junius, 250

Drawn and quartered," 384 driving custom, 188 Drogheda, epitaph at, 346, 457 Drury (C.) on Charles I. relics, 315