Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/517

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and Queries, July 29, 1899.



Fleetwood cabinet, its history and whereabouts, 347

Fleet wood family, 448

Fletcher (Andrew) of Saltoun, bibliography, 261

Florio (John), his ' Montaigne,' 406

Flowerie, its meanings, 50

Floyd (Michael), Westminster scholar, 127

Flucing, its etymology, 88

Flurch of strawberries, 88

Fold, dead, its meaning, 68, 153, 455

Folk-lore :

Bees, 286, 418

" Brig o' dread," 487

Caul, child's, 26, 77, 175, 295, 408, 491

Colours, 37, 94

Corpse's hand, cure by, 68, 172, 294

Devil as a black dog, 394

Drowned bodies recovered, 255

Funny-bone superstition, 469

Humpbacks touched for luck, 486

Rolling-pins as charms, 245, 337, 392, 438

Russian, 243, 385

Welsh corpse custom, 208, 333

Wishing wells, 443 Ford (C. L.) on "Are we better ? !T 293

Campbell (Thomas), his ' Wallace,' 393

D'Aulnoy (Comtesse) and the microphone, 397

Earthquake in 1750, 331

English rimes to foreign words, 437

Gray (Thomas), bis ' Elegy,' 375

Hebrews ix. 27, 415

Information and General Knowledge Office, 433

" Judseus Apella," 495

Lytton (Lord) and Ibn Ezra, 352

Montaigne, Florio's translation, 7 ; his verdict on himself, 174

Nonjurors, 418

Scott (Sir Walter), Greek epigram, 434

Subjunctive, imperfect, 136

Tennyson (Lord), his ' Ancient Sage,' 376

"Tour, aerial," 316

" What do they call you ?" 244

Wordsworth (W.), jind Scott, 114 ; line in

'Michael,' 151

Foreign arms in England, 308, 361, 372 'Foreign Courts and Foreign Home?,' notes on, 247,


Foreign words, English rimes to, 287, 436 Forshaw (C. F.) on Bedell family, 474

Gow, its meaning, 456


" Illustration," 476

Foster (F. W.) on names ending in -ington, 208 Foster (W.) on Agam colours, 68, 296 BessofHardwick, 307 Evelyn (J.), his ' Diary,' 34 Foundet = nothing, 96

Fowke (F. R.) on Ardra : Two-mile Bridge, 337 Chinese punishments, 352

Consumption, 476

Directory, dramatic, 288

Funny-bone superstition, 4(>9

Gancanagh, 297

Heraldic query, 372

Heraldry, scorpions in, 436 Medicine, Chinese, 408

Fowke (F.R.) on Peacocks' feathers and May Day, 484 Fox (R.) on Carkeet family, 116

Furly family, 78

Wollaston family arms, 78

Fox-Davies (A. C.) on foreign arms in England, 361 Foy boat and Inn, 385, 457 Francesca on Sarah Curran and Robert Emmet, 349

Nicholas, Friar, of Lynn, 489 Francis (J. C.) on ' Blackwood's Magazine,' 81

'Gentleman's Magazine,' 230, 291 Franciscan arms, 28, 172 Fraser (Dr. James), of Aberdeen and Chelsea, and

Sir E. Impey, 301, 497 Freaks of nature in London, 243 French Glastonbury thorn, 5 French proverb, 173, 317

French Republican calendar, 1794-5, 208, 253, 281 French song, 93

French West Indian families, 427 Fretish, its etymology, 165, 232 Fringle, its meaning, 248 Frisbie surname, 309, 391 Frognal, Johnson's house at, 228, 334, 415 Frost (F. C.) on ' Dulce Domum,' 371

-Ington, termination, 314 Fulham family, Irish and English, 308 Funeral, green ribbons used at, 486 Funny-bone superstition, 469 Furly birs = knave of trumps, 107 Furly family of Essex, 27, 78, 438 Fyfe (Alex.), author of ' The Royal Martyr,' 205 Fynmore (R. J.) on Thomas Brooke, 425

G. (A. B.) on ancient zodiacs, 24, 402, 463

G. (F.) on Goldsmith's ' Earth and Animated Nature,'


G. (H. F.) on Dr. Andrew Gifford, 408 G. ( J. A.) on legends about Tephi, 56 G. (M. N.) on John Bull, 378

Jones (Paul), 34

G. (T.) on letter of King James VI., 447 G. (W. J.) on early Italian, 231 Gadget, its etymology and meaning, 488 Gaidoz (H.) on ' Wise Men of Gotham/ 417 Galingall, plant-name, 187, 257 Gallock-hand:=left hand, its etymology, 267 Gambaleery, its meaning, 187, 237, 395 Games with buttons, 184 Gaming, books on, 35

Gancanagh, its meaning and derivation, 187, 297 Gantelet d'Or on baronetcy offered by George III., 387 Garascar (Lady), her chapel, 227 Garbett (E. L.) on Alaric and chiefs of the Urua, 177

Basilicas, 451

Church tradition, 33, 171

Davis (F.), his ' Silchester,' 177

Room-panelling, English, 351 Garbett (H. L. A.) on Lady Maynard, 69 Gardiner (S. R.) on Liddell and Scott, 493 Garrick (David), his ' Jubilee,' 86, 329 Gate, The, tavern sign, 216, 315, 398 Gaunt family, in England and America, 327 Geary, its meaning, 287 Geese = saddle-girth, 307, 370

' Gentleman's Magazine,' its first and subsequent numbers and contributors, 144, 230, 291