Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 3.djvu/529

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1899.



Radcliffe (J.) on St. Glair family, 314

St. Cross Priory, Isle of Wight, 317 Scrimanski, in 'Hudibras,' 358 Seal impressions, 333 Vernon (Sir Thomas), 397 Vilett (John), 171 Williams (Roger), 237 Wollaston family arms, 20 Uaine (Charlotte Rosa), her will, 242 Kamus family, 348, 458 Randal (Lord), ballad addressed to, 204 Randall (J.) on Pompey's Pillar, 410 Randan, its derivation, 114 Randolph (J. A.) on Goodhall, Ycrks, 227 St. Cross Priory, Isle of Wight, 207 Velton Abbey, 168 Raphael (8.), his lost works, 134 Rat-rime, its meaning, 328, 394 Ratcliffe (T.) on child's caul, 175

Cow-rake, its meaning, 205, 316 Fey, its meaning, 394 "Hill me up!" 285,496 Hoo and she, 418 Jug, puzzle, 252 Money lent by measure, 32 Pens, nibs, and nebs, 365

  • ' Puts nowt up to mean nowt," 485

Rolling-pins as charms, 337, 438 Snacks, its meaning?, 346 Stitherum, Midland provincialism, 6 . Taw, its derivation, 97 " Three Pound Twelve," 249 " Toad in a mud wall without money," 348 Rebiere (A.) on Madame Jeannette Power, 387 Red Cross Society, its founder, 225 " Red Lion" Inn, Parliament Street, 262 Register entry, " Cutted owen," 90, 214 Registers, inaccuracies in marriage, 32 ; lost, 111

old, how to read them, 447, 497 Registrar, parish, of long standing, 167 Reid (A. G.) on silver ladle, 137 Parallel passages, 47 " Sair saunt for the Crune," 33 Renwick (J. C.) on Soot, its pronunciation, 15 Reprint, lines omitted in, 5 Research, historical, notes on, 302 Reynolds (G. W. M.) and Mr. Pickwick as teetotaler


Reynolds (Sir Joshua), portrait of Col. Tarleton, 488 Ribaudred, in Shakspeare, 362, 422 Richard II., inscription on his tomb, 309, 391 Rickword (G.) on crafts and trades in fourteent

century, 18

Rienzi on university colleges of residence, 337 Righton (E. S.) on Latin ambiguities, 272 Rile, its meanings, 66 Ring, " caraelian," 75, 193, 276 Ringes, its meaning, 449 Rings, portrait, 36

Rivett-Carnac (J. H.) en Miss Sibley, 48 Robbins (A. F.) on "Catching the Speaker's eye


"Hear, hear! "133 Morice (Humphry), his will, 241 Prime Minister, 15, 109 Selwyn (George), 245

lobbins (A. F.) on Sniper, its meaning, 138

Theatres, stalls in, 297

Trous c r.s. the word, 126

"True Blue Club," 122

" Unspeakable Turk," 235 oberts (W.) on Abbot and Bentham families, 387

Charles I. relics, 130

Civil List, 434

Freaks of nature in London, 243

Knights, list of, 493

London exhibitions, 83

Murillo (B. S.), his ' La Vieja,' 58

Oxford colleges, portraits at, 67

Paine (Tom), his portrait, 285

Ramus family, 348

Rutabaga, its etymology, 315

Sarcienne (Madame), 368

Tyrone (Earl of), 171

Verdion (Theodora de), 442

West Indian families, 93

Yates (Mrs.), actress, 134 loberts (Wilson Aylsbury), bis descendants, 288, 331 lobinson (J.) on Tom Brown and Dr. Fell, 193 loche peerage, 274 Rochester, James IL at, 384, 471 Rodfall, its meaning, 89, 214, 294 Rogers (John), Westminster scholar, 368 Rolling-pins as charms, 245, 337, 392, 438 Jolls, Durham account, words in, 221 Roman numerals, 90, 214, 423 Romany chal, 108, 373 Romany ghili, 366, 438 Rome, Ghetto in, 90, 154, 312 Koom-panelling, English, 265, 351 Rose (W. S.) and Casti, 486 Ross (T.) on Sibyls in Scotland, 101 Rossi (Cardinal) and Raphael, 134 Rostand (M.) and Shakspeare, 483 Rounds or rungs of a ladder, 75, 116, 158, 231, 295 Rowing, Assyrian, 325 Rowsell (T. N.) on Pope Street, Eltham, 28 Roxburghe Club and ' Revels,' 45 Royal Navy or Naval Club, its history, 36, 115, 173 Rubens (Sir P. P.), his ' Descent from the Cross ' 89


Rummer, its etymology, 36, 77, 137, 237 Rungs or rounds of a ladder, 75, 116, 158, 231, 295 Rush (J. A.) on Rodfall, its meaning, 294 Rushen (P. C.) on Isaac Johnson, 109 Russell (F. A.) on ' Dulce Domum,' 371 Russian folk-lore, 243, 385 Rutabaga, its etymology, 186, 315 Rutton (W. L.) on Cheney or Cheyne family, 382

Mutterd, its locality, 207, 413 Rye (W.) on Mergate Hall, 52

Rye (W. B.), jun., on missing poems by G. R. "Weckherlin, 189

S. on book-plate, 287

S. (C.) on early English poem, 228

Provinces, 161, 294

Surnames in -son, 237 S. (E. M.) on Browning Society's publications, 427

'Journal of Countess Krasinska,' 409 S. (G. L.) on ' Dulce Domum,' 208 S. (H.) on David Andre, 215