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NOTES and QUEKIES: % UMittOT ni IwUxcommmitttion FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. " when found, make a, note of."—Captain Cuttle, No. 89. [»»«] Saturday, September 9, 1899. ,*£Z??%Z£,. CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD. With 8 Plates, 8vo. clotb, 7i. M. net. A CATALOGUE of the CYPRUS MUSEUM. With a Chronicle of Excavations undertaken since the British Occupation and Introductory Notes on Cypriote Archaeology. By JOHN L. MYRES, M.A. F.S.A. F.E.G.S.. and MAX OHNEFAL8CH-RICHTBR, Ph D. SECOND EDITION, BEVISED. Crown 8vo. cloth, is. ed. INTRODUCTION to GREEK SCULPTURE. By L. E. Upcott, M.A. Pp. 96, royal 8vo. paper covers, with 61 Illustrations and Map, 4s. ed. The NATURAL HISTORY of the MUSICAL BOW: a Chapter in the Developmental History of Stringed Instruments of Music, Primitive Types. By HBNRY BALFOUR, M A., Curator of the Pitt-Rivera Museum, University of Oxford.

  • «* Of great int?rost to anthropologists and musical scientists.

NOTES AND QUERIES.—"Very interesting is the description of the various resources to heighten the sound, which In the original shape must have been very slight, and we wait with some eagerness for the second part of the monograph, which will deal with the higher instruments developed from primitive types." TO BB PUBLISHED ON MONDAY. Crown 8vo. price us. GREAT BRITAIN and HANOVER: Some Aspects of the Personal Union. Being the Ford Lectures delivered In the University of Oxford, Hilary Term, 1889. By A. W. WARD, I.itt.D. SECOND EDITION, ENLARGED. Crown 8vo. cloth, 105. ed. The CONSTITUTIONAL DOCUMENTS of the PURITAN REVOLUTION, 1625-1660. By S. R. GARDINER, D.O.L. Pp. xvl—386, 8vo. cloth, 10j. id. net. STUDIES in DANTE. Second Series. Miscellaneous Essays. By Edward MOORE, D.D. First Series. SCRIPIURE and CLASSICAL AUTHORS. 10s. 6rf. net. SCOTSMAN.—" As important a contribution to the Dante literature as has been made anywhere in recent years." THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY. A NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY ON HISTORICAL PRINCIPLES. Edited by Dr. J. A. H. MURRAY. REISSUE IN MONTHLY NUMBERS AT 3s. 6d. EACH. No. III. Vol I. now ready. AQE-AMATE. Containing 88 Pages in Coloured Wrapper, 'is. 6d. FULL CLARENDON PRESS CATALOGUES POST FREE ON APPLICATION. HENRY FROWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner.