Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/179

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NOTES and QUERIES: % Ute&imn at Intmommmiation FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. ' Whtn found, make a note of."—Captaik CDTTLB. No. QO r Ninth"1 «*«*• Lsebies.J Saturday, September 30, 1899. f PRICK FOUHPEKOE. ( Registered at a Newspaper. FOR SALE, a COPY of RABELAIS, Translated and Annotated by W. F. Smith. Prlyately Published, 2 vols, thick royal 8vo bncltram. London, 1893 (as new).—Apply JOHN WILLCOCK, Lerwick, Shetland. N.H. ULLETON'S HERALDIC OFFICE, 25, CRANBOUKN 8TKEBT, LONDON, W.C. c GBNBALOGICAL RESEARCHES. Heraldry : English and Foreign. Genealogical Charts Engrossed Sketches and Paintings of Arms and Uresis Engraving Department: Book-plates, Heals, Dies, Liver? Buttons, Crested Stationery, Visiting Cards, Ac. SPECIMENS FREE. The BRITISH and AMERICAN HERALDIC OFFICE (Chambers) Professionally undertakes all RECORD RE- SEARCHES (British, Colonial, and Foreign), including those GEN EALOGIOaL and HERA LD1C. PEDIGREES traced and proved (or Family History and in support of claims to Title, Estate, Armorial Bearings. &c.; Heraldic Paintings and Designs; Illuminated Addresses ; Sheriffs' Banners ; Book- plates, &c. Circular Pamphlet pOBt free. Write : 22, South Molton Street, London, W. BOOKS.—ALL OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS sup- plied, no matter on what Subject. Acknowledged the world over as the must expert Bookflnders extant. Please state wants.—BAKER'S Great Bookshop, 14-16, John Bright Street, Birmingham. T»HB AUTHOR'S HAIRLESS PAPER - PAD. I (The LEADENHALL PRESS. Ltd., Publishers and Printers, 50, Leadenhall Street. London, E.C> Contains hairless paper, over which the pen slips with perfe<t freedom Sixpence each. 5*. per dozen, ruled or plan. New Pocket Sixe, 3*. per dozen, ruled or plain. Authors should note that The Leadenhall Press, Ltd., cannot be responsible for the loss of USB by ore or otherwise. Duplicate copies should be retained. STICKPHAST PASTE is HEAPS better than Gum for sticking in Scraps, Joining Papers. &c. 6d. and Is. with strong, useful Brush (not a Toy). Send two stamps to cover postage for a sample Bottle, including Brush. Factory. Sugar Loaf Court, Leadenhall Street, E.G. Of all Stationers. Stickphast Paste sticks. ALLEN'S SOLID LEATHER PORTMAN- TEAUS and FITTED SUIT CASES. ALLEN'S DRESSING BAOS, in CRO0O- DILB and MOROCCO LEATHER, from Fire Guineas upwards. ALLEN'S PORTABLE OAMP and BAR- BACK FURNITURE for Officers joining. Established 1799. By Appointment to H.R.II. the Prince of Wales. f. W. ALLEN, 87, Btrand, London. JUST PUBLISHED. Illustrated with Plates, Engravings, and 2 Maps, royal Svo. buckram, price 30s. net. HAWKSHEAD: The Northernmost Parish of Lancashire. ITS HISTOBT, ARCHEOLOGY, INDUSTBIBS, FOLK-LOBB, DIALECT, fto. By H. SWAINSON COWPER, F.S.A., Editor of ' The Oldest Register Book of Hawkshead.' London: BEMROSE ft SONS, Limited, 23, Old Bailey; and Derby. Second Edition, price 44. RIEF LESSONS in ASTRONOMY. By W. T. LYNN. B.A F.Il.A.S. " ConTeys a great deal of Information without being in any way dry or technical "— Kentitfl Mercury O. STONEMAN, 39. Warwick Lane, EC. B W. BENNETT'S POEMS. The GOLDEN LIBRAH Y — Square 16mO. cloth, 2*. CONTRIBUTIONS to a BALLAD HISTORY of ENGLAND. AtKenmum.—" These ballade are spirited and stirring ; such are ' The Fill of Harald Hardrada, Old Benbow.' ' Harston Moor,' and < Corporal John,' the soldier's name for the famous Duke of Marlborough, which U a specially good ballad. ' Queen Eleanor's Vengeance' Is a vividly told story. Coming to more modern time*. 'The Deeds of Wellington,' ' Inkerman,' and ' Balaklava ' are excellently well said and sung. As a booh of ballads. Interesting to all who hare British blood In their reins. Dr. Bennett's contribution will be welcome. Dr. Bennett's Ballads will leave a strong Impression on the memory of those who read them." The GOLDEN LIBRARY.—Square lOmo. cloth, It. SONGS for SAILORS. Crown 8to. cloth, 5s. PROMETHEUS the FIRE-GIVER, an Attempted Restoration of the Loat First Part of the Trilogy of JEschylus. CHATTO & INDUS. 110 and 111, St. Martin's Lane. W.C. WM. & GEO. LAW. COFFEE—8 OGAR—TEA. 104, NEW OXFORD STREET, W.C.