Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/188

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268 NOTES AND QUERIES. [9"-s. iv. SEPT. 30, m his Jehoshaphat wishes to see him." A note explains "Jehoshaphat" as equivalent to diocesan. Is there any precedent for this, or is it an invention of Mr. Blackinore's I The author gets much fun out of his Jehoshaphats. In chap. liii. another bishop is described as riding in a coach-and-six " with his crozier, and mitre, and lawn sleeves, and all the rest of it." This, too, in the Georgian era ! RICHARD H. THORNTON. Portland, Oregon. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. — Can any reader oblige me with the names of some of the best books (either in English or German) for the study of Russian ? CHARLES J. PEARCE. 1, Prince Albert Villas, Harrow. ARMS OF GERRISH, co. WILTS AND SOMERSET. —Will some correspondent favour me with a reference where these may be found 1 W. B. GERISH. Hoddesdon, Herts. 'THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERDESS.'— In text and index of his 'Poet's Walk,' published by Messrs. Macmillan in the " Golden Treasury Series," Mr. Mowbray Morris attributes extracts from ' The Faithful Shepherdess' to George Fletcher. Is this correct 1 THOMAS BAYNE. [' The Faithful Shepherdess' is, of course, by John Fletcher.] CROUCH FAMILY OF BIGGLESWADE, co. BEDS.—I should be obliged for any informa- tion your readers may have regarding this family. There are numerous headstones in the churchyard, copies of which I have. When visiting the church, I noted that the oldest monumental inscription I could find was to one George Crouch, son of William and Elizabeth Crouch, who died 20 Dec., 1801. William ob. 1841, cet. 67, and Elizabeth 1852, cet. 76. CHAS. H. CROUCH. Nightingale Lane, Wanstead. WELSH NONJURING BISHOP. — Was there ever a Nonjuring Bishop of Wales named Shoritt Porteous ? If so, at what date; where born, where died and buried ; whom did he marry 1 If any children, account of them ; also some account of his ancestors required. H. T. KIRK. P.O. Box 336, Haddonfield, New Jersey, U.S. MILES FAMILY.—What is known of Sir Jonathan Miles, called Sheriff of London in 1806 ? I do not find his name in the' D.N.B.' He is referred to in connexion with Hoxton Asylum. A. H. " BOLD INFIDELITY, TURN PALE AND DIE !" —This line, the first of a much-used epitaph, is "fearfully and wonderfully made." I should be glad to hear of its earliest use on a gravestone, and to know, if possible, the author. THOS. RATCLIFFE. Worksop. " UGLY MUG."—In a note to George Daniel's ' Merrie England,' chap, xxvii., it is stated that '• the mugs out of which the violent, politicians of Charles the Second's time drank their beer were fashioned into the resemblance of Shaftesbury's face. Hence the common phrase * Ugly mug.'" Where is there any contemporary authority for this ? Are any such mugs in existence ? N. M. A A. RUTHERFORD.—Can any genealogist inform me whether John Rutherford, who in 1731 married Jean, daughter of Sir J. Swintpn. had any children besides John, who died in infancy, and Anne, who became the mother of Sir Walter Scott? I ask this because, although I can find no trace of any in Rogeras work on the family of Sir Walter Scott or in the ' History of Rutherford of that Ilk,' or other genealogical books, never- theless my great-grandmother always main- tained that her mother was a Miss Rutherford, aunt to Sir Walter Scott and daughter or John Rutherford by his first wife. A very fine miniature exists of Miss Rutherford, wife of Robert Scott, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, which bears a decided resemblance to the picture of Sir Walter Scott's mother. J. S. D. EDWARD EDWARDS was the author of ' Me- moirs of Libraries' and first librarian of the Manchester Free Library. I am very anxious to find if there is any portrait in existence of Edward Edwards, whom I may describe as the father of free libraries. If any of the readers of ' N. & O.' know of a painting or drawing I should be very glad to incur the cost of having it photographed. J. Y. W. MACAUSTER. 20, Hanover Square, W. LIVRY.—To whom was the abbey of Livry (the favourite retreat of Madame de SeVigne) dedicated? H. T. B. TERMS USED AT CARDS.—What is the exact meaning of the expressions " to pfcsa eldest" and " to take in," and in what game are they used ? H. T. B. THOMAS HOUGHTON was the author of a book entitled 'Rara Avis in Tarns; or, the Compleat Miner, ic.,' published London, 1681, I -in. i. This little volume chiefly refers to the