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NOTES AND QUERIES. P* s. iv. sew. 30, m A SELECTION FROM SMITH, ELDER_lJ]O^SJJ[BMfiY BOOKS. THE NEW BIOGRAPHICAL EDITION OF W. M. THACKERAY'S WORKS. Ia 13 vols. Urge crown Svo. cloth, gilt top, 6s. each. This New and Revised Edition comprises additional material and hitherto unpublished Letters, Sketches, and Drawings, derived from tlie Author's original MSS. and Note- Books; and each Volume includes a Memoir in the form of an Introduction by Mrs. Richmond Ritchie. V THE THIRTEEN VOLUMES ABB ALSO SUPPLIED IN SET CLOTH BINDING, GILT TOP, 31. 18t. %* A Prospectus of the Edition, with Specimen Pages, will be sent post free on application. OTHER EDITIONS OF W. M. THACKERAY'S WORKS. The STANDARD EDITION. 26 vols, large 8vo. 10*. 6d. each. This Edition contains some of Mr. Thackeray's writings which had not. been previously collected, with many additional Illustrations. It has been printed from new type on fine paper, and, with the exception of the Edition de Luxe, it is the largest and handsomest edition that has been published. The LIBRARY EDITION. 24 vols, large crown 8vo. handsomely bound in oloth, 91.; or half-russia, marbled edges, 132. 13*. With Illustrations by the Author, Richard Doyle, and Frederick Walker. %* The Volumes are sold separately, In cloth, 7*. (W. each. The POPULAR EDITION. 13 vols, crown 8vo, with Frontispiece to each Volume, scarlet cloth, gilt top, 32. 5s.; or half-morocco, gilt, bl. 10s.

      • The Volumes are sold separately, in green cloth, 6s. each.

CHEAPER ILLUSTRATED EDITION. 26 vols, crown 8vo. bound in cloth, 41. Us.; or handsomely bound in half-morocco, 8(. 6s. Containing nearly all the small Woodcut Illustrations of the former Editions and many new Illustrations by eminent Artists.

  • .* The Volumes are sold separately, in cloth, 3«. tW. each.

The POCKET EDITION. 27 vols, bound in cloth, with gilt top, 1». 6d. each; or Is. in paper cover.

  • «* The Volumes are also supplied as follows :—

The NOVELS. 13 vols, in gold-lettered I The MISCELLANIES. 14 vols, in cloth case, 21s. I gold-lettered cloth case, 2U. ROBERT BROWNING'S COMPLETE WORKS. Cheaper Edition. Edited and Annotated by AUGUSTINB BIRBBLL, Q.C. H.P., and FKBDERIC G. KENXON. 2 vols. Urge crown 8vo. bound In cloth, gilt top, with a Portrait-Frontispiece to each Volume, 7s. tid. per vol.

  • .» Also the UNIFORM EDITION of ROBERT BROWNING'S WORKS, in 17 vols, crown Svo.

bound in Sets, il. 5s.; or the Volumes bound separately, 5s. each. ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING'S POETICAL WORKS. Cheaper Bditlon. 1 vol. with Portrait and Facsimile of the MS. of' A Sonnet from the Portuguese,' large crown Svo. bound in cloth, gilt top. 7s. «d.

  • „' Also the UNIFORM EDITION, in 6 vols, small crown 8vo. 5s. each. This Edition contains 5 Portrait* of

Mrs. Browning at different periods or life, and a few Illustrations. MISS THACKERAY'S WORKS. Uniform Edition. Each Volume illustrated by a Vignette Title-Page. 10 vols, large crown 8vo. 6s. each. LIFE and WORKS of CHARLOTTE, EMILY, and ANNE BRONTE. Library Edition. 7 vols, each containing 5 Illustrations. Large crown Svo. 5s. each. V Also the POPULAR EDITION, in 7 vols, small post 8vo. limp cloth, or oloth boards, gilt top, 2s. 6d. each. And the POCKET EDITION, in 7 vols, small fcap. Hvo. each with a Frontispiece, bound in cloth, with gilt top. Is. 64. per Volume; or the Set, in gold-lettered cloth case, 12s. On', MRS. GASKBLL'S WORKS. Uniform Edition. 7 vols, each containing 4 Illustrations, 3s. 6d. each, bound in cloth. %* Also the POPULAR EDITION, in 7 vols, small post Hvo. limp oloth, or cloth boards, gilt top, 2s. &.. each. And the POCKET EDITION, in 8 vols, small fcap. Svo. bound in cloth, with gilt top, Is. &.. per Volume ; or the Set, in gold- lettered cloth case, 14s. London : SMITH, ELDER fc CO. 15, Waterloo Place, S.W. Printed by JOHN EDWARD FRANCIS, Athensrum Press, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane. E.C. -. and Published bj JOHN O. FRANCIS at Bream's Buildinjr», Chancery Lane, E.U.—Saturday, SepUmUr 30,1890.