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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9'" b.iv.oct. 28,-99. SMITH, ELDER & CO/S^ NEW BOOKS. IMPORTANT NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF 'DEEDS THAT WON THE EMPIRE.' In 4 vols, crown 8vo. with Portraits, Facsimiles, and Plans, 6>. each. HOW ENGLAND SAVED EUROPE: The Story of the Great Wax (1793-1815). By W. H. FITCHETT, LL..D., Author of ' Deeds that Woo the Empire,' ' Fights for the Flag,' &c. Vol. I, FROM THE LOW COUNTRIES TO EGYPT, Will be published on NOVEMBER 1, and the remaining Volumes at intervals. The AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a REVOLUTIONIST. By Prince Kropotkin. With an Introduction by Herr BRANDBS. 2 vols, with 2 Portraits of the Author, large crown 8vo. 21s. NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF ' POT-POURRI FROM A SURREY GARDEN." SECOND IMPRESSION, large crown 8vo. 7s. 6rf. MORE POT-POURRI from a SURREY GARDEN. By Mrs. C. W. Earle, Author of ' PotPourri from a Surrey Garden.' NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF ' THE CRUISE OF THE " CACHALOT."' With 8 Full-Page Illustrations specially drawn by ARTHUR TWIDLB, large post 8vo. 8t. Bd. The LOG of a SEA-WAIF : being Recollections of the First Four Years of my Sea Life. By FRANK T. BULLBN, F.R.G.S., Author of' The Cruise of the " Cachalot," Idylls of the Sea,' Ac. SIR ALGERNON WEST'S REMINISCENCES. SHORTLY, In 2 vols., with Portraits and Sketches, including Portraits of Sir Algernon West and of the Hon. Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton, by the Marchioness of Granby. Demy 8vo. 21s. RECOLLECTIONS, 1832 to 1886. By the Right Hon. Sir Algernon West, KCII, for many years Private Secretary to the Right Hon. W. B. Gladstone, and subsequently Chairman to the Inland Revenue Board. LIBRARY EDITION OF SIDNEY LEE'S ' LIFE OF SHAKESPEARE.' SHORTLY, In 1 vol. medium 8vo. profusely illustrated with Photogravures, Original Sketches, Ice., 16s. The LIFE of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. By Sidney Lee, Editor of ' The Dictionary of National Biography.' THE "HAWORTH" EDITION OF THE LIFE AND WORKS OP THE SISTERS BRONTE. In 7 vols, large crown 8vo. cloth, gilt top, 6s. With Portraits and Illustrations, including Views of Places described in the Works, reproduced from Photographs taken specially for the Edition by Mr. VV. R. Bland, of Derby, in conjunction with Mr. C. Barrow Keeks. Introductions to the Works are supplied by Mrs. HUMPHRY- WARD, and an Introduction and Notes to Mrs. GaskeU's ' Life of Charlotte Bronte' by Mr. CLEMENT E. SHORTER, the eminent Bronte Authority. Vol. I., JANE EYRE, by Charlotte Bronte, is ready, And the remaining Volumes will be issued at Monthly Intervals. •„• This Edition will be similar in format to the recently completed Biographical Edition of W. U. Thackeray's Workt, ON NOVEMBER 1, REVISED, ENLARGED, AND CHEAPER EDITION, with Frontispiece, large crown 8vo. 7s. 64. COLLECTIONS and RECOLLECTIONS. By " One who has Kept a Diary." ON NOVEMBER 1, small post 8vo. 6s. The POETICAL WORKS of ROBERT BRIDGES. Vol. H. Contents .—Shorter Poems—New Poems—Notes. London: SMITH, ELDER k CO. 15, Waterloo Place, S.W. Printed t>; JOHN KDW AKD FRANCIS, Athenaeum Press. Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.; and Published by JOHN 0. FRANCIS «t Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.—SnMntuy, October 38,1898.