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NOTES AND QUERIES. p* s. iv. Nov. 18,-99. SMITH, ELDER^CO^S_NBW BOOKS. IMPORTANT NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OP 'DEEDS THAT WON THE EMPIRE.' In 4 vols, crown 8vo. with Portraits, Facsimiles, and Plans, 6*. each. HOW ENGLAND SAVED EUROPE: the Story of the Great War (1793-1815). By W. H. FITCHETT, LL.D., Author of ■ Deeds that Won the Empire, Fights for the Flag,' Ao. Vol. I. FROM THE LOW COUNTRIES TO EGYPT, is ready. Vol. II. THE STRUGGLE FOR THE SEA, will be published on December 15. And the remaining Volumes will be issued at Intervals. JUST PUBLISHED, WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HEBR BRANDES. In 2 vols, with 2 Portraits of the Author, large crown 8vo. 21i. The AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a REVOLUTIONIST. By Prince Kropotkin. A work of unusual interest. Hardly any man of this generation has had a more varied and adventurous life than Prince Kropotkin, the famous Russian revolutionist. Apart from the fascination of the story, the book is of great value for its views of European social and political conditions. SIR ALGERNON WEST'S REMINISCENCES. On NOVEMBER 22, in 2 vols, with Portraits and Sketches, including Portraits of Sir Algernon West and of the Hon. Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton, by the Marchioness of Granby. Demy 8vo. 21s. RECOLLECTIONS, 1832 to 1886. By the Right Hon. Sir Algernon West, K.G.B., for many years Private Secretary to the Bight Hon. W. B. Gladstone, and subsequently Chairman of the Inland Bevenue Board. LIBRABY EDITION OF SIDNEY LBB'S ' LIFE OF SHAKESPEARE.' On DECEMBER 8, In 1 vol. medium Svo. profusely illustrated with Photogravures. Original Sketches, &c, 1*5*. The LIFE of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. By Sidney Lee, Editor of ' The Dictionary of National Biography/ The POETICAL WORKS of ROBERT BRIDGES. Vol. II. Contents : - Shorter Poems—New Poems—Notes. Small poBt 8vo. 6*. The LIFE of MADAME DE LONGUEVILLE (Anne Genevieve de Bourbon). By Mrs. ALFRED COCK. With a Portrait. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. [On November ts. The BACKWATER of LIFE; or, Essays of a Literary Veteran. By the late JAMES PAYN. With a Portrait, and a Memoir by LESLIE STEPHEN. Crown 8vo. Of. [On November 18. UNWRITTEN LAWS and IDEALS. Edited by Miss Pitcairn. Large crown 8vo. Is. Qd, [/« November. COLLECTIONS and RECOLLECTIONS. By " One who has Kept a Diary." Revised, Enlarged, and Cheaper Edition, with Frontispiece, large crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. NEW VOLUME OF THE " HAWORTH " EDITION OF THE LIFE AND WORKS OF THE SISTERS BRONTE. NOW READY, with Illustrations, large crown 8vo. cloth, gilt top, 6>. SHIRLEY. By Charlotte Bronte. With a Preface by Mrs. Humphry Ward. The remaining Volumes will be issued at Monthly intervals. HEALTH ABROAD: a Medical Handbook for Travellers. Edited by Edmund HOBHOUSE, M.A. M.D. (Oxon.), M.R.C.P., Assistant Physician to the Sussex County Hospital. Crown Svo. 6s, [On November tk. With Special Chapters on EGYPT and NORTH AFRICA, by Dr. Leigh Cakhey ; CENTRAL AFRICA, by Dr. Harford Battkrsby ; CONTINENTAL TRAVEL, by Dr. Stuart Tidey and the Editor; SOUTH AFRICA, by Dr. B. J. Gutllemard ; SOUTH AMERICA, by Dr. G. H. Pennel ; INDIA, by Dr. W. J. Simpson : and AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, and NORTH AMERICA, by the Editor. SOUTHERN ARABIA. By the late Theodore Bent and Mrs. Theodore BENT. With 24 Full-Page Illustrations and 5 Maps. Demy 8vo. 18s. [Shortly. The LIFE of CHARLES STURT, sometime Captain 39th Foot, and Australian Explorer. By Mrs. NAPIER GEORGE STURT. With Portraits and Maps. Demy Svo. 16s. [On November 9k. THE STORY OF THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY. SHORTLY, in 2 vols, large crown Svo. with numerous Illustrations and 16 Maps, 18s. The GREAT COMPANY, 1667-1871: being a History of the Honourable Company of Merchant Adventurers trading into Hudson's Bay. Compiled now for the first time from the Company's Archives; from the Journals of its Factors and Traders ; from French and English Diplomatic Documents and State Papers; and from many Accounts and Memoirs. By BECKLES WILSON. With an Introduction by LORD STRATHCONA and MOUNT BOYAL. London : SMITH, ELDER fc CO. 15, Waterloo Place, S.W. Printed by JOHN EDWARD FRANCIS, Athenian. Press, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.; and Published by JOHN U. FRANCIS at Breams Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.-Saturday, November 18,1808.